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What is the best high school level CS curriculum?

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computer science is a broad term, but i'm looking for the same thing for my 15 yr. old. he's interested in computer game development/design. we think he needs to learn basic programming first, along with that we're going to have him build his own computer from scratch this year. i don't have experience with any of these products, they are just links to what i've found so far. i'm interested to hear about anyone's experience!





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I'm not comparing this to the other options because I've not checked into them...


For a beginner, you can go a long way for free with computer science. Last year in co-op I taught Python programming to a bunch of young teens (the older ones were taking chemistry at the same hour so I caught the teens too young for that).


Don't let the free price tag turn you off because it's not low-quality. I don't have links right here, but it's easy to find.


1) Download the book "Snake Wrangling for Kids." (SWFK)


2) Download the version of Python (a computer language) that SWFK recommends.


The book is arranged in chapters and talks you through everything, explaining things well as they are introduced. Your teen will learn how to program in Python from the very first chapter. It's a self-teaching guide; you can be making homemade bread in the kitchen.


The book is meaty but when you are done with it, check the library for more Python books to dive in deeper. There is also (I found as I was nearly done teaching the class) a book on Python programming written by a homeschooling dad. Being cheap, I didn't buy it then. If I teach the class again, I'll pick that up for some fresh ideas.


Working through the course, the teen will learn about variables, constants, strings, comparisons, object-oriented programming, graphics, function calls, function parameters, if/then statements, printing to the screen ("Hello World").


It's a good (and free) introduction to computer science.

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We didn't use a curriculum, either. We self-designed using the programs available at Microsoft Dreamspark, and then a couple of books on Java that included exercises (Sam's Teach Yourself Java and Head First Java). Dreamspark was available through Homeschool Buyers Co-op and was a really rich resource for what we wanted to do, which in her case was an introduction to html, and the tutorials related to Visual Studio. They have many many other options there as well.


But dd is a very disciplined and self-directed individual and I wouldn't be able to throw this at all of my children. It would depend on the individual.

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Bassoonaroo --


Thanks so much for the information on Python. My dd is anxious to give that a try.


I went and looked up the Hello World book and wanted to let you know that the reviews say that it was written for python 2.5 and doesn't work with python 3 (which apparently is what is being used currently). Not a programmer myself, so I am totally clueless about all of this.

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My son is just finishing the high school version of visual basic from computer science for kids and has done well. I had it reviewed by my computer guy husband and several friends who are programmers and they liked it.


I liked the manageable tasks, the easy to understand instructions and the fact that the follow up class ia a fun way to review what he has already learned.

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Bassoonaroo --


Thanks so much for the information on Python. My dd is anxious to give that a try.


I went and looked up the Hello World book and wanted to let you know that the reviews say that it was written for python 2.5 and doesn't work with python 3 (which apparently is what is being used currently). Not a programmer myself, so I am totally clueless about all of this.


Just to clarify - though there is a new version of python available - the version used in the book - 2.5 is still the one that installs from the books website - so the book is still usable.


My ninth grader is starting this book this week and we're installing as we speak so I hope it works out.

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My son is just finishing the high school version of visual basic from computer science for kids and has done well. I had it reviewed by my computer guy husband and several friends who are programmers and they liked it.


I liked the manageable tasks, the easy to understand instructions and the fact that the follow up class ia a fun way to review what he has already learned.


Did your son complete the beginner Small Basic course first? I am curious where one should actually start. My ds has zero knowledge on programming, and neither do any of us in the family. Zero. The website says to begin with Small Basic, yet the website also says Visual Basic for high school is a beginner program too. :confused:


I'm confused by the different programs available...it's like they are talking in another language. :001_huh::lol:

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My very computer minded/lover is enjoying TeenCoder so far. I think he mentioned the other day that it was getting challenging - so that is good. It is pretty cheap on HS Buyers Co-op. There is a programming one and a game one. He loves it!


Did your ds have a prior course in computer programming before beginning TeenCoder?

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Did your son complete the beginner Small Basic course first? I am curious where one should actually start. My ds has zero knowledge on programming, and neither do any of us in the family. Zero. The website says to begin with Small Basic, yet the website also says Visual Basic for high school is a beginner program too. :confused:


I'm confused by the different programs available...it's like they are talking in another language. :001_huh::lol:


My son started with Visual Basic because he was already familiar with Small Basic. I looked at the AofPs class but my ds already knew most of what was in the beginner class and the programmers I know said not to bother with python.

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Yes, the programmers (one is a Director of Engineering at a large Electronic firm and knows his stuff) I know said python was on it's way out. They liked the progression of visual basic, c#, and then java. Once I knew that progression, I started looking for courses that fit that.

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Could you tell me why you've been told not to bother with Python? Is it a language that's on it's way out?

If so, what are the computer languages that students should use to prepare for the future?

Yes, the programmers (one is a Director of Engineering at a large Electronic firm and knows his stuff) I know said python was on it's way out. They liked the progression of visual basic, c#, and then java. Once I knew that progression, I started looking for courses that fit that.

I think different programmers will have different opinions on this. My DH is a software developer and we know lots of programmers; I was told not to bother with Visual Basic and to start with Alice or Python! The new AoPS programming courses, just introduced this year, teach Python, so they must think it's current enough.


The main point of introductory programming classes is to learn the basic principles of programming; the specific language a student starts with is not that critical. Alice is even used in intro college classes. Once the student understands the basic principles, he can move on to Java, C#, C++, or any other language.



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I think different programmers will have different opinions on this. My DH is a software developer and we know lots of programmers; I was told not to bother with Visual Basic and to start with Alice or Python! The new AoPS programming courses, just introduced this year, teach Python, so they must think it's current enough.


The main point of introductory programming classes is to learn the basic principles of programming; the specific language a student starts with is not that critical. Alice is even used in intro college classes. Once the student understands the basic principles, he can move on to Java, C#, C++, or any other language.




Last month, my daughter attended a computer/robotics camp put on by the CS department at the state U and this is eactly what they do. They use Alice for the middle school camp (the one she took) and Python for the high school programming camp.

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It sounds like either way you go, is fine, as long as the progression ends with c# and java.


Would you mind explaining the difference between c# and c++? My math/science geek took AoPS python and fell in love with programming. He has started a java course and we had planned on his next one to be c++.


I know absolutely nothing about computers, so I would appreciate any insight. Is one better for different fields?

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It is my understanding that c# is the newest language of c. I am not a computer person, the only way I know any of this is due to researching what the best path was for my very techie son. If someone has a better explanation, then please share. I am way out of my depth.

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I think different programmers will have different opinions on this. My DH is a software developer and we know lots of programmers; I was told not to bother with Visual Basic and to start with Alice or Python!




My dh (software developer for 3 years and now back to his first love of researcher in chemistry fields and system admin) had the same path... he is pitching a fit that I'd consider visual basic at all. :lol:


yep.. they are all different.



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