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Anyone have a Roomba?

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I do and never use it. The first few times was a novelty. We all liked to sit on the couch and watch "Cindy" (short for "Cinderella" hehe) vacuum.


It did a decent job, but not as good a job as I would do myself. What would happen would be that it would go over and over and over and over the same spot about fifty million times while I was thinking "You DID that spot already! Go somewhere else!" and eventually it would return to its charger to charge because its battery had run too low- but there would be spots it never did get to- although it DID get most of them.


We tried setting it up right before we went to bed so that it could do its thing over night, but every morning it would be on the charger and I'd see spots it missed.


Eventually it got left to gather dust, I found it quick and efficient to just vacuum a room myself.

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Yes. I love that thing! The only caveat is that I have had more than one and they have been somewhat high maintenance. I have had to make significant parts replacements on about 18-month intervals. But I do run the heck out of it.


My favorite thing about it is that it goes under beds and couches, so it reduces allergy-causing dust.

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We have two kids and no pets. I love my Roomba! It works great on every floor/carpet in the house except the living room/dining room carpeting, which is very thick and which I prefer to hand vacuum for efficiency (and...ok...because I don't like the little rubber tire circles it leaves all over that carpet :blush:).


But if I had all hard floors? That thing would get a workout and a half! I have heard that you should go ahead and invest in the extended warranty for it, because if you use it a lot, the battery tends to die fairly quickly (like, within a year--IME, this is true), and the extended warranty should cover the battery replacement. This advice is anecdotal, but something to consider if you're buying a new one. I think Costco had the best deal the last time I was shopping for one.



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I don't have one, but someone my husband works with had one. Could be a blessing and a curse.


Their dog had a poop accident underneath the dining room table. Roomba thought it would help and try to clean it up. Didn't go so well.






I want one that vacuums and mops. I'll be watching this thread.:lurk5:

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We have Roomba with 2 dogs and 4 long haired ladies in this house. Roomba and hair don't work real well together, but we still use it because the vacuum doesn't work very well in this house either LOL. I agree that it's not PERFECT, but it does great as a nightly vacuuming in our main living area, then we still vacuum once a week or so. Plus, it really is fun to watch LOL.

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I have wood floors and a shedding dog. I LOVE my Roomba. Hard. :D


I had one. Loved it! But it died after a year.


I'm thinking it was the kids, or cat, who wore it out trying for rides. I'd come down stairs and find a dolly or three having a ride on it. The cat tried it out once in my sight too.


I truly was nice. I wish it wasn't dead.

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Love love love mine. I have had several through the years and don't think they are the most sturdy appliance. It is great to have the floors stay so much cleaner with little effort.


E-bay has reasonable batteries that last as long as the ones that roomba sells.


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I have had a Roomba for years. Love it. I use it on carpet but prefer to sweep the tile since it is noisy on tile. I bought our first one through Best Buy with a three year maitenance warranty. They replaced it twice, (brand new unit) over the three years. That one finally died and the warranty ran out. Target was having a blow out deal on Roombas, $200. My new one lasted two months and now I am getting a weird error message so I have to call customer service and probably mail it back to them. Ugh! In the end it is worth it because we have a large Texas size house with lots of carpet to vacuum.



I also had a Scooba, (mop) for years. Loved it but it died 6 months ago. I replaced it with a Sharp steam mop and I really miss by Scooba. I am saving up for a new one right now. Worth every penny to me.


My favorite part of owning a Roomba and Scooba and being able to run them right before company comes over. I tend to stress out when company comes and get preoccupied with food prep and directing my children in straightening the house. I love not worrying about vacuuming or mopping with trying to get the house ready for friends.

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We have a Roomba for pets. Our dog was a lab mix and shed enough of her undercoat to make a chihuahua every day. The Roomba handled the hair with no problem. I usually set it before I leave to run errands because it drives me crazy to watch.


Oh, and they do tend to be high maintenance, as pp have mentioned. We spent a bit extra to buy ours through Hammacher Schlemmer as they have a lifetime warranty. So if anything goes wrong (other than the battery, which we replace about once a year) we just send it back for a new one.

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We have one. It runs at 8am each morning and gets up all the dust and dog hair. It does a nice job on a day-to-day basis, though we still do a heavy-duty vacumn on the carpeted areas every other week.


Pre-Roomba, we had so much dust in the house (we live on a dirt road) that I was DAILY wiping off the computer and TV screens. Now, with Roomba on the job, there is far less dust in the house. DD10 cleans it out every morning after breakfast, so it has held up pretty well.

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I love my Roomba!

I have allergy problems, and the dust in my bedroom got to me. We have a huge bed, and I could never move it to vacuum underneath. Now, I just set the Roomba to vacuum, and it goes all the way under the bed where I can't reach. It's true that it seems to miss a spot here and there, but if you're running it routinely, it will hit those spots the next time, so I don't worry about it.


I had read that they weren't super-reliable, so I bought mine at Costco, then added a SquareTrade warranty. So far though, the only problem has come when I've allowed Roomba to stray into the bathroom. Long hair seems to mess up my Roomba, though it has no problem at all with huge globs of dog fur.


If it broke tomorrow, I'd want a new one within a couple of days. :001_smile:

I want a Scooba too...Christmas is coming. ;)

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I got one of the early Roombas as a gift.


It was a really neat idea, but the execution was poor. We have a golden retriever and it just couldn't deal with her fur. It couldn't even complete one room without filling up the little reservoir.


It didn't hold charge well either.


Hopefully it has improved, because I wasn't impressed at all with the early model.

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