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8th grade grammar...please read

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I haven't been on this board in awhile. It is very overwhelming for me. But I would appreciate advice. My dd will be in 8th grade this year and I don't see too many R&S users at this level. Is it overkill? She did FLL 1-4 then R&S for 5-7, on level. Is there a better alternative? At this level it is over my head at times, even w/ the teacher's book. I saw a Easy Grammar book for 6th grade and loved it. Any thoughts? TIA.

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If your dc has gone through R&S 7 I think Easy Grammar might be too easy. Up to this point has your dc gone through the R&S books fairly independently or have you been actually teaching the lessons? R&S is written to the child so there is no reason why she couldn't continue on with it independently. My dd12 and dd13 use it almost completely independently and are doing fine with understanding and retention. If she does need help or has a question that you can't answer for her then you could always pose the question here or google it. The last several books of R&S deal more with advanced grammar and composition which is important in upper middle and highschool. If I were you I would persevere. Only 3 more books and she will have excellent grammar\composition understanding.

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If your dc has gone through R&S 7 I think Easy Grammar might be too easy. Up to this point has your dc gone through the R&S books fairly independently or have you been actually teaching the lessons? R&S is written to the child so there is no reason why she couldn't continue on with it independently. My dd12 and dd13 use it almost completely independently and are doing fine with understanding and retention. If she does need help or has a question that you can't answer for her then you could always pose the question here or google it. The last several books of R&S deal more with advanced grammar and composition which is important in upper middle and highschool. If I were you I would persevere. Only 3 more books and she will have excellent grammar\composition understanding.


:iagree:I had dd work through Easy Grammar Plus in 8th. It was perfect for her because she had come from ps a year before and had very little grammar knowledge. I can't imagine it being a good choice for your dd.


FWIW, Dd used the Easy Grammar Ultimate Series this past year and says she learned absolutely nothing new and considered it a waste of time, so I wouldn't recommend that for your dd either in case you're thinking about it.

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Thanks for the responses. I didn't mean to communicate I would use the Easy Grammar for her at that level...maybe for little brother instead of R&S. I just liked how easy it looked and it made me wonder if all that is taught in R&S is necessary. Thanks so much.

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My dd is going to be in 7th grade...not 8th. So she has done FLL1-4 and R&S 5-6. So sorry...


Well, regardless, my advice would still stand to stick with the R&S. I've used EG in the past and was not AT ALL impressed with it. In fact I had similar results to NJKelli. I put both of my older dc in at grade level when I pulled them out of ps and they actually ended the year remembering less than they knew when they came out of ps.


R&S is going to provide your dc with a far more comprehensive education than EG will. I don't even consider them in the same league. EG is set up in a way that makes it too easy to find the pattern of how to answer on each page and your dc will simply be able to go down through all of the sentences circling or underlining the obvious choices.


Are you just at a point that you feel your dd has done enough grammar or are there other reasons you are looking for something else? If you share with us the specific reasons you are thinking of switching maybe we can help you figure out a way to continue on with R&S or give you other recommendations for a better fitting program.

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You've done better than me, LOL. I chucked the seventh grade book last year and switched to Easy Grammar Plus. I'm doing it over the course of two years (so finishing this year, in eighth), and I also added in their new Ultimate book for eighth grade as extra practice for this year.... I'm using a diagramming workbook I picked up locally, too, so that part of it doesn't get left out (as EG doesn't do diagramming)....

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I haven't been on this board in awhile. It is very overwhelming for me. But I would appreciate advice. My dd will be in 8th grade this year and I don't see too many R&S users at this level. Is it overkill? She did FLL 1-4 then R&S for 5-7, on level. Is there a better alternative? At this level it is over my head at times, even w/ the teacher's book. I saw a Easy Grammar book for 6th grade and loved it. Any thoughts? TIA.


If your dd likes it and it's working, I would stick with it even if it's over your head at times. You could always ask the grammar gurus here for help when you need it. But--guess what?--I won't be one the the people who respond to those posts.:D


If you and your dd are really needing a change, you could take a look at Shurley 7. OhElizabeth has great things to say about it.

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I've graduated two, and they both did R&S through the 10th grade book. My 3rd is going to work through the 8th grade book this year (8th grade), then complete the series. I have plans to have my younger children to finish the series as well. I think they are wonderful books, and my dc have gotten a lot out of them, even though they are over my head at times (although I am getting better, slowly).


FWIW, at this level:

- We do not do the creative writing-type exercises, although they do read those sections.

- They do every fourth exercise, going back and doing more if they don't understand.

- They self-check their work in 9th and 10th grade, but I still check the tests.


I just wanted to let you know that there are folks out there who use the last three books of R&S Grammar.



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