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Number recognition

Susan in TN

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My "just turned" 5yo cannot recognize her numbers. For the past 4 weeks we've been working in Earlybird Math on counting and number writing. She can count and write the numbers just fine, but she simply can't remember what the numbers look like. If I ask her to point out a particular number on the number line, she has to count up the line to find it. If I show her a random number, she can sometimes name it, but usually not.


Is this just a developmental thing? Are there ways I can help her learn better?

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In a Peggy Kaye book (either Games for Math or Games for Learning) she talked about making a number necklace. You cut out the number from cardstock or construction paper and let her decorate it with glitter or plastic jewels or whatever you might have and let her wear it. Maybe she could learn her numbers from something like that.

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