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Reading assessment--help!!


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How should I go about figuring out or assessing where a child is at with reading? I am planning to use the OPGTR and ETC with her. I am going to be homeschooling another families child along with my own this year for first grade. She is coming out of ps K. Should I start at the beginning and just go quickly through the lessons? Any advice would be appreciated:)

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Here are some tests:




If she got some sight words in K, she will most likely need some nonsense words. The MWIA level I test will compare the speed at which sight (Holistic) and phonetic words are read, if there is more than a 10% slowdown, you will need to add in some nonsense words to your OPG and ETC work. Also, if there is more than a 10% slowdown, I would just use OPG for a while from the white board, that is less prone to exacerbating guessing habits.


My phonics concentration game makes nonsense words, and is a fun way to reinforce phonics even if the MWIA test comes out well, you will just need more if it shows a problem.


I would also just work through front the beginning of OPG either way, but just spell and read a few words early on to make sure that everything has been covered--reading is such a foundational skill, it's worth taking the time to go back and make sure. When you hit areas that do not seem to be well learned, you can do the entire section.

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