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Wet book...help!

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I accidentally left a library book (expensive) out in the rain today. It was a brand new book so there is no denying it is my fault! What is the best way to minimize damage? Usually, I would put a paper towel between each page, but there are 300 pages in this book. Just the outside of the pages are wet and mostly just the ones in the first 40 pages.

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Put a piece of copy paper in each page and put something heavy (like 10 encyclopedias)on it. This will stop the page from wrinkling. Oh and change the paper every few hours.



I'd be prepared to pay for it anyway. We checked out a book and evidently my son had spilled a little water on it. I didn't notice any damage when I returned it. They told me I had to pay for it b/c it was too damaged. I picked it up and it didn't seem damaged at all. I mean I could see where there had been a small spill that had dried, but it didn't seem like a big deal to me. Turns out our library is very concerned about water damage - mold or something. I live in a humid climate so maybe that's why they are picky. Anyway, not trying to bring you down, just want to prepare you for the worst.

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