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Bible stories-mostly OT

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I know there has to be about a million resources out there for this, but I'm having a hard time finding decent ones. I was raised Jewish (but no longer speak to that side of the family-long story) and we had some good books when I was younger with Old Testament stories, but I haven't been able to find them after years of searching. We have raised our kids secular and UU but they have had almost no exposure to the OT or NT stories. I've decided to introduce them to the kids for cultural heritage, if nothing else.


Are there any good resources out there that aren't preachy for a certain religion? Ones that don't sidetrack into political issues? I would like to keep it to mainly OT stories with some NT. I also am looking for ones that are well written. I'm thinking also an upper elementary age focus. We found one great resource, in concept, but it was so poorly written that I donated it to Salvation Army.


I am just completely lost here.

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