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What would we LOSE if we switched from Rightstart to Math Mammoth?


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We did Rightstart Level A last year and I had planned on doing B with DD this year. However, I got the book out and did a few lessons recently. It made me remember how much I don't enjoy teaching with that program. Don't get me wrong, I can see it's an excellent program, but I really didn't like the script approach and I never really had a good feeling that my child had mastered the material. I know she DID, because she knows a lot about math and seems to be good at it, but I have some sort of hang up about wanting to "see" the work is done.


We have Math Mammoth and used 1A last year to supplement. DD and I were just flipping through the completed workbook and thinking "wow, we did all that last year." It gave me AND my DD a sense of accomplishment and a visual reminder of the work we had done.


I am so tempted to just switch to Math Mammoth to avoid the dread of the script and the intensity of Rightstart. What would my DD stand to lose, educationally speaking, if I did that? I know so many say Rightstart is such a great program and they can see it works for their child. I can see it works for mine too. I feel kind of guilty that I am considering ditching it just because I don't enjoy teaching it, and I wonder if I would be doing a disservice to her in doing so...


If you're still reading this and feeling helpful, can you either give me a "Rightstart, do it for your child" kind of peptalk or tell me we're not going to lose any vital math skills by switching to Math Mammoth?

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We use RS for the actual teaching and MM for supplement.


Every student doesn't necessarily do well with every program - my 7yo, for instance, does NOT like MM very much and enjoys RS much more. He learns very well from RS (and I enjoy teaching with it!) - but I use the MM because I don't feel RS has enough review and practice work. I've looked through the teaching of MM some (we finished 1a&b recently and are about to start 2a) - I don't think we would do very well trying to learn from that. He has the info available to help while doing problems though.

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I love teaching from Right Start and my kids love learning from it.


If either of the above weren't true, I'd look into MM or Singapore. They seem like great programs with similar philosophies. I would probably choose to play math games, though, instead of assigning worksheets.



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I wouldn't continue a program that I hated teaching, and I would strongly consider one that gave both me and my child a sense of accomplishment. This is one of those times when you have to disregard those other voices that tell you xyz program is "the best." There are so many curricula out there because there are all different kinds of teachers and learners. What's best for one might not be best for another. You have to evaluate based on how it's working for your family, and don't worry if someone else says the curriculum grass is greener somewhere else :).

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I wouldn't continue a program that I hated teaching, and I would strongly consider one that gave both me and my child a sense of accomplishment. This is one of those times when you have to disregard those other voices that tell you xyz program is "the best." There are so many curricula out there because there are all different kinds of teachers and learners. What's best for one might not be best for another. You have to evaluate based on how it's working for your family, and don't worry if someone else says the curriculum grass is greener somewhere else :).


I really needed to hear that! Thanks guys for all the replies and suggestions. I think we'll try Math Mammoth for a week with Rightstart Friday, as someone had suggested, and we'll see how that goes... My husband also offered to teach Grace math after work so if he really means it my problem will be solved, LOL.

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