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Veritas Literature Guides


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Has anyone used these? We've mostly been using a CM - read and summarize - approach, but I like to throw some other things into the mix from time to time. I was thinking of using one or two of these with my 5th and 3rd graders. Do you know how long one would take to complete and how extensive they are? The samples appeal to me, but I'd like to have an idea how to plan them into our school year/day.



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Has anyone used these? We've mostly been using a CM - read and summarize - approach, but I like to throw some other things into the mix from time to time. I was thinking of using one or two of these with my 5th and 3rd graders. Do you know how long one would take to complete and how extensive they are? The samples appeal to me, but I'd like to have an idea how to plan them into our school year/day.





My 4th grader is using them this year. I bought three of their guides. I scheduled them so that she reads 2 chapters a week. There are a lot of questions and I break them up. So each chapter actually gets read twice.


We could do a faster pace, but I like the way it's going. 3 books getting studied in depth is good enough for me at this stage. She already reads a ton by her own choice anyways.



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