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A negative is a negative, right? - Female Content

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I don't keep track very well, but I know I had a period that started on June 4th (we were out of town at a softball tournament, so I know for sure). I also know that I did not have my period on the 4th of July, and that it was gone (as in at least 2-3 days in the past) by July 14th. Based on the average length I'm thinking it was probably around the 6th. Pre baby #2 I was on a strict 28 day schedule without fail. After baby #2 it was VERY sporadic. After baby #3 I've been averaging about 30 days - give or take a day, maybe two.


Dearest Aunt Flo has yet to show this month. I've been extra tired, felt "full" in the lower abdomen, had headaches (but I get them from being tired too), and have been dreaming (I don't EVER remember my dreams) and not sleeping well (could be factoring into the tiredness and headaches). I've also woken up once in the night with a stomach ache, but who knows what could have caused that.


We are not in ANY position to be adding a baby to the family, so to put my mind at ease I took a test this morning. It was negative. Being that I'm likely around 5 days late, a negative is probably really a negative, right?


Please say it is!


**DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a troll. My life really is this fragile, LOL! **

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I had a couple of negative tests before I finally got a positive one. I don't know why the tests were negative, they were all the same kind of test. My pregnancy dated back to before the first test.


Anyway, it can happen... but it also could be stress or maybe your dates are just off by a day or two.

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I had a couple of negative tests before I finally got a positive one. I don't know why the tests were negative, they were all the same kind of test. My pregnancy dated back to before the first test.


As badly as I WANT one more baby, I'm REALLY hoping this is not the case.

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Add me to the list of false negatives.


With DS (6yo) we were trying and knew my ovulation date, so when I was late, I tested and it was (-), two days later I could have sworn it was a faint-faint (+), but the next day it was (-), the next was (-)....finally after a week, I'd had it and went in for a blood test - my beta's were high and I was pregnant.

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I didn't get a + with one of my pregnancies until days after I was late. I kept taking tests because I knew exactly when my period was due and it was late (and getting later). I finally broke down and called the doctor to get a blood test done. I got a + on a HPT the morning of the appointment. I went on to lose the baby, but I don't know that the late + had anything to do with it.


So I don't always believe a - is a -. I hope for your sake and situation since it sounds like you're not wanting another one right now, it really is a -.

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The only time I got a negative, when I was actually pregnant, was the one time the pregnancy was not viable. I didn't got a positive until about 17 days after I was "late".


I know everyone is different, and I've also read stories of women who never got a positive, but had the baby at the end to prove it was wrong.

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There are few true false positives (test strip could be defective), but many false negatives. I know this because I kept getting negatives with DS8, even at the drs with urine tests, but eventually got a positive at about 6 weeks along. With DS6 I was pg with twins and didn't get a positive until 9 weeks. I asked my midwife and she said that it is not uncommon but that all positives are positive but that many never develop into actual pregnancies because the tests are so sensitive now that they can pick up very early pregnancies. It just depends on how much hcg you produce in early pg. Apparently I do not produce alot, hence the false negatives. If you produce a lot, you will get an early positive but may lose the pregnancy without even being aware of the loss until you then get a negative.

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I tested false negative on each pregnancy. To the point where I knew before the darned test. BUT, I know that's not what you need.


As I've gotten older (after each child), they've become more spaced out. Now I'm on a 40-45 day cycle. So it's probably just that. :grouphug:

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Negative is almost always negative. Positive can be a false positive and happens much more often that a wrong negative.


?? I think that's the other way 'round - I thought a false positive was pretty darn near impossible unless it was an early miscarriage.


I thought the tests measured hCG, which the body only makes during pregnancy (made by placenta?).


False negatives can happen if the test is taken before the levels are high enough for the test to detect.

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I hate to tell you this but I got a negative with my first two the first time I tested, and I was late. I have also been right were your at experiencing early pregnancy symptoms and my period was just late for some reason. Have you recently weaned a baby?

I am not a troll either, and I got two negatives, too. And I got pregnant while nursing. I realize this is not the information you want to hear.

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?? I think that's the other way 'round - I thought a false positive was pretty darn near impossible unless it was an early miscarriage.


I thought the tests measured hCG, which the body only makes during pregnancy (made by placenta?).


False negatives can happen if the test is taken before the levels are high enough for the test to detect.



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False negatives are actually very common. For the most accurate result, test the first urine in the morning after a night's sleep. It's the most concentrated and most likely to have enough HCG for a reliable measurement. Until you know you're not pregnant, live your life as if you are. Hoping it all turns out the way you want it to.

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Well, if I'm 100% honest, I desperately wanted to have a 4th child. HOWEVER, I know that for us it would require a new vehicle, and all new baby equipment, because I've sold everything thinking we were done. Given our current financial situation this would not be a good scenario.


I also thought that a false positive is basically impossible (because it is the hcg that triggers it), but that false negatives were quite common due to the fact that people test too early. I was just hoping that the likelihood of this being a false negative (because I'm already probably 5ish days late) was minimal.

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Well, if I'm 100% honest, I desperately wanted to have a 4th child. HOWEVER, I know that for us it would require a new vehicle, and all new baby equipment, because I've sold everything thinking we were done. Given our current financial situation this would not be a good scenario.


I also thought that a false positive is basically impossible (because it is the hcg that triggers it), but that false negatives were quite common due to the fact that people test too early. I was just hoping that the likelihood of this being a false negative (because I'm already probably 5ish days late) was minimal.


False positives are usually a gray "evaporation line" that is common on cheap tests.

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We are not in ANY position to be adding a baby to the family, so to put my mind at ease I took a test this morning. It was negative. Being that I'm likely around 5 days late, a negative is probably really a negative, right?


Please say it is!


**DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a troll. My life really is this fragile, LOL! **


I did LOTS of reading on this when little one was coming, because I was so shocked to have a positive at my age. (positive's are almost always right - or more commonly unless you're on hormone based BC, or recently has a miscarriage.)


urine based tests the presence of HcG, the pregnancy hormone that increases until it reaches it's max, then it starts decreasing again. I've even heard of women who never had a positive test, but had a healthy baby.


I'm sorry, a negative is NOT a guarantee. take another test in a few days if your cycle doesn't start. do your test first thing in the morning when the urine is most concentrated. You are more likely to get a positive then. (if you're Pg that is. . . .)


When I was in my 30's, I frequently "felt" pg for about three-five days before my cycle started. it was the pits.


best wishes

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Negative is almost always negative. Positive can be a false positive and happens much more often that a wrong negative.


tests will register as:

Positive - meaning pregnant, meaning presence of HcG aka: the pregnancy hormone, is generally false ONLY if you have recently had a miscarriage (within three months), are on hormone based BC, or some very rare endocrine disorders affecting your reproductive hormone system. iow - false positives are pretty rare.


negative - (not pregnant) - false readings are very common, if tested too early or the wrong time of day. since they are dependent upon an adequate concentration of HCG, you need to have enough to register and the concentration varies during the day. I've even heard of women who never tested positive having healthy babies.

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My negative test is 9 years old. :tongue_smilie: I even tested multiple times as late as 5 days. The urine test at the doctor's office was negative (at 5 days), but the blood test that day was positive.


Sorry I couldn't be more reassuring! It's definitely possible for stress to throw things off track.

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I wanted to be preggers desperately when Gabriel was on the way. I knew WAY before the test would show. Had a bit wonky cycles, mine were short, so I really didn't know when to test. I didn't get a positive test till I would have been 8-10 days late. If you're using those expensive "words" tests, don't. Buy the cheapest two-in-a-box store brand one so that you can retest in a few days if you're still wondering (I got my positive on the cheapo, after seeing "Not Pregnant" in words more than once).

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I have the cheapy dip ones that you can get online. I think I have 2-3 left.


I forgot to add the gassiness I've had for over a week (definitely more significant than normal) and that fact that DS's poop (in the toilet - yay!) made me want to throw up today.


I don't even know what I think. Sigh. I wanted a 4th baby so desperately, but I was finally starting to accept the fact that I was done. AND.....well the expense. We can't afford the kids we have. Good news is we'd probably finally qualify for food stamps again after baby was born, LOL!

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?? I think that's the other way 'round - I thought a false positive was pretty darn near impossible unless it was an early miscarriage.


I thought the tests measured hCG, which the body only makes during pregnancy (made by placenta?).


False negatives can happen if the test is taken before the levels are high enough for the test to detect.


This is what I've been told by OBs. False negatives are common especially that early. False negatives are extremely rare.

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?? I think that's the other way 'round - I thought a false positive was pretty darn near impossible unless it was an early miscarriage.


I thought the tests measured hCG, which the body only makes during pregnancy (made by placenta?).


False negatives can happen if the test is taken before the levels are high enough for the test to detect.




It is the other way around. A negative may be just too early to test, but a positive is almost never false.

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Well, if I'm 100% honest, I desperately wanted to have a 4th child. HOWEVER, I know that for us it would require a new vehicle, and all new baby equipment, because I've sold everything thinking we were done. Given our current financial situation this would not be a good scenario.



I sympathize with you. My husband said we were done after four. I always said I'd welcome a fifth, but knew it was unlikely he'd ever agree. So I got my mother's day necklace this past spring, engraved with all the kids names on it. I boxed up clothing and started giving it away. We bought another set of bunk beds and got rid of the crib and changing table. Three days later I missed my cycle and a test turned up positive (mine are always positive by the 28 day mark). I showed it to my husband with tears in my eyes. The day before he'd received an email that his guard unit is up for another round in Afghanistan, most likely leaving country the week the baby is due. It's certainly not what either of us would have planned. But it's almost not a surprise as he always seems to deploy right after we have a baby. He left when our 3rd was 3 months old and when our 4th was 8 months old. It will be hard if leaves before the baby is born, or even within weeks after the birth. But I figure God knows what this looks like and how it is going to play out. I can't make myself sick worrying about it for the next several months. I'll just have to trust that it turns out alright in the end. I think the only thing that could really tip me over the edge right now would be if we found out I'm expecting twins.:svengo: Then I'd be left as a single parent with 6 kids ages 8 and under and needing to buy a small bus on a smaller salary as the guard doesn't pay what his civilian job does! Hoping for the best for you, whatever that may be.

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I sympathize with you. My husband said we were done after four. I always said I'd welcome a fifth, but knew it was unlikely he'd ever agree. So I got my mother's day necklace this past spring, engraved with all the kids names on it. I boxed up clothing and started giving it away. We bought another set of bunk beds and got rid of the crib and changing table. Three days later I missed my cycle and a test turned up positive (mine are always positive by the 28 day mark). I showed it to my husband with tears in my eyes. The day before he'd received an email that his guard unit is up for another round in Afghanistan, most likely leaving country the week the baby is due. It's certainly not what either of us would have planned. But it's almost not a surprise as he always seems to deploy right after we have a baby. He left when our 3rd was 3 months old and when our 4th was 8 months old. It will be hard if leaves before the baby is born, or even within weeks after the birth. But I figure God knows what this looks like and how it is going to play out. I can't make myself sick worrying about it for the next several months. I'll just have to trust that it turns out alright in the end. I think the only thing that could really tip me over the edge right now would be if we found out I'm expecting twins.:svengo: Then I'd be left as a single parent with 6 kids ages 8 and under and needing to buy a small bus on a smaller salary as the guard doesn't pay what his civilian job does! Hoping for the best for you, whatever that may be.


Wow!! I guess if you can do it, I could too.....I know we would figure it out somehow, but....DH might FLIP!

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You are a strong woman for only taking one test! I usually take several, and no way could I wait if I had two or three more in the cupboard. :tongue_smilie:


Everyone who said negatives are often wrong, positives almost never is correct.


I know that feeling of I want it so bad, but the timing is horrible. :grouphug: In the end, I've always been terribly disappointed if it turned out I wasn't pg, but slightly relieved too.


Praying for you.

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