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My cat is lost

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I'm so upset. I can not find one of my cats and I looked for 30 minutes. I tried to look around outside but only the baby and I are here and I didn't want to leave him crying in his crib for long.


This cat is long haired and the high today is 107. He has no tags on. He's strictly an indoor cat but I'm pretty sure he got out because I've looked in every room and closet in this house, 3 times. And I was getting on one of my kids this morning for leaving the back door open when they put the dog out.


My dh has the van w the car seats right now, he took the other kids to an imax show, and it's too hot to take the baby out walking, so I can't even look for the cat. I'm afraid he's going to get sick from the heat and collapse under a bush or something and then I won't be able to find him.


Baby is sleeping on me and I'm just sitting here worrying. :(

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I'm so sorry-- there's nothing worse than a lost pet! I will say, I've had the same experience once or twice over the years, and --not to get your hopes up-- but they all came back. One of my cats was gone for three months. I was completely shocked when he turned back up-- he had a small wound on his foot and was malnourished, but most importantly alive. I hope yours comes back soon, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

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has your cat ever got out before? If not, he may be just somewhere in the house. Sometimes, one of my cats will "disappear" somewhere in the house and I will look everywhere with no luck. I will assume then that the cat must be outside only hours later to have said cat just come walking up to me and I never find out where in the house he was.


Juat in case, your cat is outside, put a big bowl of cold water, maybe with some ice cubes in in, in a shady place outside. Hopefully your cat will be waiting for you by the door soon wanting to come in.

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Have you tried walking around the house shaking the dry food container? I have been sure that we lost a cat, only to offer food and find that the cat was hidden.


I did that and he didn't come out. But I did it again just now and he was in my son's closet back behind some playstands and other junk that was being stored. I had looked in there and shaken the food before so he was sleeping deeply I guess. And the baby was crying when I looked for him the first time so maybe he meowed and I didn't hear and then closed the door.


I have now learned my lesson and will get him some tags and microchip him. I kept meaning to do it.


Whew! What a relief!

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