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I just bought a Kindle.

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I didn't need it. I have a Kobo. I was wooed by the $99 refurb and $50 off for signing up for an Amazon Visa (we rarely use credit for anything other than online orders and payoff each month). So, I got it for $49.


I still have guilt :tongue_smilie:. Tell me how much I'll love it so I'll feel better :001_smile:.

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I still have guilt :tongue_smilie:. Tell me how much I'll love it so I'll feel better :001_smile:.


Family of four, my husband and 9 year old both of Kindles, I have a kindle reader on my driod phone. My daughter is not yet an avid reader, so does not own one, but borrows from us once in a while.


HUGE selection of free books, amazon has lots and they have links to other sites with free books.


My son also uses the dictionary section all the time... daily. He is very good at dictionary skills, sometimes will even compare definitions in hard bound, mw.com and kindle. I find that when it comes to JUST getting with work done, he is MUCH fast with Kindle. Two reasons: 1. type the word and there it is. 2. not looking at other words and illustrations along the way. Clearly there is a downside to the later, but I think it is acceptable during most of his LA dictionary use.


Happy Kindle owners here! I think you will enjoy yours!

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You are going to LOVE it. Download some of the free games (Shuffled Row is my favorite), and you'll be surprised how addictive it is. Don't feel guilty--you got a really, really good deal!



:bigear: GAMES!!! Where did you find games?

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I just got a kindle last week, and I love it! I bought it to put all my school pdfs and ebooks on, and it has worked out great. Put MEP and CSMP on it, plus all sorts of ebooks; dd5 is enjoying reading through Aesop's Fables, and even does her syllables on it. (Alphabet, too - she had me type up the alphabet real quick and send it to the kindle so she could do that, too :tongue_smilie:.) I even tried putting pdfs of simple sheet music on, and that looks reasonable, too :thumbup:. I've got over 100 books on it, without spending a cent :). I went a little nuts on protecting it (see the ages of my dc ;)) - have a klearkase (yes the spelling is awful, but the case is great ;)) and a padded kindle 2 sleeve (to accommodate the case, and it was cheap) - but I now can use it without feeling paranoid.


(No, I'm not still in the honeymoon phase - why would you think that? ;))

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Well, you've done your job! I do feel better and I'm excited for the UPS man to come on Friday :D.


I'm sure you all know how it is. I rarely buy things for myself and I just put through an order for most of the kids' new school books last night. I talked myself into the Kindle because I saved a bunch of money on their books and the Kindle can also be used for school!

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