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Music in the house?

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This is going to be a really "duh!" question. What do you use to pump music thru your house? I use my laptop right now and honestly the sound isn't that great! It takes away from the serene feel I am trying to develop.


Looking for simple practical ideas!!!!

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A (good!) friend gifted me with a Squeezebox and wow! Do I love that thing!


It streams music directly from the internet (via my wi-fi) and also will play the music library of any computer in the house. I love it when my friends bring their laptops- we can hear music from their collection too. Love it. The sound is really pretty good. I have it in the kitchen (our public space is all connected, so this works to fill that space. It is also close enough to the sink so that I can listen to podcasts while I wash the dishes).




(I am supposed to be cleaning out a junk room, so please keep posting questions and I can stay here with my coffee and answer them! :D)

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I hate the sound of music coming thru computers/ipods/etc. I even dislike the way a cd sounds! My dh has his old, high quality record players and about a thousand albums(most still in perfect shape). That's probably not much help for you, is it?


No, but I love the image you have brought to mind ;)


I think I may need to look for some speakers :glare: Then I will have decide where to put them so things do not look cluttered :tongue_smilie:

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I hook my iPod to an older stereo with good speakers. DH just got a wire (at Radio Shack?) and has it hooked to the "phono" port. This amuses me :001_smile:


I also have portable speakers for when I need to teach my dance classes away from home. It's like a boom box with an iPod dock. What I REALLY want is the portable Bose system with the remote control so that I don't have to cross the studio every time I want to change music.

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We have some great wireless speakers from Sony... They just plug into the wall and are routed thru our computer. No yucky wires (big irritant for this OCD mama) and sound amazing! I have a Pandora subscription and several different 'stations' saved. Currently I have on my 'Light Classical' station. One of my boys said yesterday "I like this music Mama... it's so relaxing!" Right on kiddo... right on.:001_smile:

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