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Your favorite medieval history curricula

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We used part of the K12 The Human Odyssey:Prehistory through the Middle Ages and the Oxford series, The Medieval and Early Modern World for our spines. If you want to keep your life simple, you can use Biblioplan's Middle Ages. This will give you an affordable, Christian-based history curriculum that utilizes SOTW, the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, and a substantial amount of literature that will give you some of the feel of Sonlight. There are also writing prompts. We are a secular family so I just pulled ideas from it. It is fairly easy to adapt to WTM history recommendations for notebooking. Multi-age.


If you want an affordable, secular approach with more written work, you can use History Odyssey's The Middle Ages. This basically is a WTM history approach and includes notebooking, outlining instruction, literature and some literary analysis. This is specifically for the middle school student. HO has a free preview that really lets you get the feel of the program before you buy. I use a lot of the work in here, but not all. your mapping and timeline work are all laid out for you.


An older son had done SL 6-7 combined, so I had a ton of literature from that to add in.

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Ds11 has been doing Sonlight for the past 3-4 years and loves it, but they don't have a medieval history package per se. What do you all like for medieval / middle ages history for a 6th grader?


We had a great time doing history by "just" reading books and writing paragraphs. It was as much WTM style as I could do in the middle of an international move. My sons read Arthurian legends, Norse Myths, some historical fiction, and then some more history (like the Famous Men of the Middle Ages book). I was away for much of the time we were in this era, so I also had them do the SL readings for this era from (then) Core 6. [We'd used Core 6 in alternation with WTM history methods to stretch out and deepen the historical studies.]


If you search the Logic Stage board, there are some good (and long) threads about the middle ages. Lots of ideas there.


I also think that SOTW can still be a great resource for this age, used as a reader instead of as a read aloud. My older sons read chapters as we moved along. My youngest listened to the audio version.

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Seriously, we've had a great year with the schedule I put together that makes use of MOH and SOTW plus tons of other things. I call it the Awesome Timeline History Schedule because it follows a timeline format.

If you want a copy, PM me and I'll send you a link (as it's not available in the regular sections of my website).

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Seriously, we've had a great year with the schedule I put together that makes use of MOH and SOTW plus tons of other things. I call it the Awesome Timeline History Schedule because it follows a timeline format.

If you want a copy, PM me and I'll send you a link (as it's not available in the regular sections of my website).


So Jenn, is the 1450-Modern Times with American history done as well?:D


ETA: Holy Cow! It has been a while since I have been to your website. You have been one busy woman. It all looks great!

Edited by swimmermom3
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If you don't mind conservative Christian, you could do MOH 2. It doesn't quite go all the way to the Ren, tho, but it's got a lot of meat.


Thanks for the reminder. We're going to do Medieval history this year and I already have this book!

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So Jenn, is the 1450-Modern Times with American history done as well?:D


ETA: Holy Cow! It has been a while since I have been to your website. You have been one busy woman. It all looks great!


It's not done, but enough of it is done that it could be used. :001_smile:

Most of the work left to be done is adding in A History of Us (boring data entry type work I'm avoiding, lol).

We are getting ready to use the part that starts in the 1450's...so that portion of the schedule is pretty solid. Even the latter portions are pretty beefed up with lots of books/movies/etc.

Of course I may add things in if I find something really awesome...:D


Thanks for the compliment about the site! I actually want to overhaul it and am trying to learn CSS to do so the way I want it. I hate making websites though so (a little overstated, but seriously it's so boring and tedious, especially with all of the pages mine has)...

who knows when I'll ever get around to it. I'm not happy with my current graphics either.

But thank you!!

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Seriously, we've had a great year with the schedule I put together that makes use of MOH and SOTW plus tons of other things. I call it the Awesome Timeline History Schedule because it follows a timeline format.

If you want a copy, PM me and I'll send you a link (as it's not available in the regular sections of my website).


I have sent a message! I still can't make up my mind as to what I am doing this fall.:tongue_smilie:

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Someone else will slam me and say it's too young (again), but my dd ADORED the VP MARR online, self-paced course. She learned a ton from it, enjoyed it in every respect, and actually liked it so much she wants to cycle through the lessons again. They key in some of the literature, but all the coordinating literature is in their catalogue, marked with the cards they correspond to. It was easy-peasy for me in a year where I needed that. :)

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