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What science for this kind of kid?

Janie Grace

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I think my ds8 has an auditory processing problem. He's being tested in a couple of months, but I need to buy curriculum NOW. He understands well when he reads or sees something, and he retains from video pretty well. But comprehending and remembering spoken information is very hard for him.


Is there a science curriculum out there that has books written at the student's level, and maybe even DVDs to go with it? Or experiment kits? I know the CLP Nature Guides are written to be read by children (as opposed to aloud by the parent). What else?


In the past, I have done Apologia science and Living Learning science (with his older sibs). But I think this kid needs something different...


Also, if you have a child like this and have suggestions for other subjects, pass them on! I feel like I am starting over in terms of figuring out what works for him.



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It's science, not reading, writing or math. Why can't you just watch Bill Nye videos, read some fun science books, and wait until you've got more of a handle on things?


Hmmm. Good point, and idea. This resonates.


Our local library has ALL the Bill Nye DVDs, thanks to a gift by a generous patron. :hurray:

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Let's Read and Find Out books are available on tons of topics and are written at kids' level. He might enjoy this.


And there's always good old nature study! I've got a fun book called Science in your own backyard that has suggestions for exploring thing around the yard. If you did something like this, and possibly coordinate with some books he could read himself, it might be fun.

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