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Math woes for ds! From MUS to MM. Help!

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So, my ds has always had an easy time with math. We used MUS for Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. My dd was having difficulty with MUS and found MM which was an answer to prayer for her! B/c of the cost, I switched ds to MM so we wouldn't have to pay for another math program. Well, last week we started 4a and it has review of addition and subtraction and my ds was LOST! He forgot how to add and carry! And on the subtraction review he forgot how to borrow! Now, I'm wondering if I should go back to 3 or switch to something that is not mastery?:confused:


Any thoughts, advice, or help appreciated!:001_smile:

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We use MM with the youngers, for practice, and MEP once they've gotten the basic arithmetic down. MEP is spiral so, going forward, we'll use MM for extra reinforcement. (we have the blue series, topic books, not the complete curriculum. I don't know how one compares to the other)


MEP is free. You just have to print it. And ther is a Yahoo group for implementation, codes, etc. Search the K-8 board for it. There have been many discussions.


I will say that my non-mathy daughter is comfortably working a year + ahead in MEP. Not because it's easier, she just understands it better than more traditional approaches.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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We use MM with the youngers, for practice, and MEP once they've gotten the basic arithmetic down. MEP is spiral so, going forward, we'll use MM for extra reinforcement. (we have the blue series, topic books, not the complete curriculum. I don't know how one compares to the other)


MEP is free. You just have to print it. And ther is a Yahoo group for implementation, codes, etc. Search the K-8 board for it. There have been many discussions.


Thank you! Off to look it up now!

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I had the same problem about that age. We did review and timed drill for the first six weeks of school and everything was fine after that because MUS Delta uses all four functions.


Thank you! Would you suggest buying delta since that was the format he was used to and add in the review and drill?

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Thank you! Would you suggest buying delta since that was the format he was used to and add in the review and drill?

I have to say that if you have the money go ahead and do to pre-algebra. At that point you should be able to change up without too many bumps in the road.


I used this with great results for the drill and review.

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Last year when I pulled dd out of ps and put her in MM 4A it was overwhelming too. We just worked out way through the first couple of months as best we could and then honestly it all began clicking again by November. I was grateful, because I too was thinking of switching. It's worked out well though and we are moving into level 5 this year.

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