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In the midst of the pyrex, marinara, blondies, and wine ...

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... Adelyn caught the kitten.


Remember this? http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=294895


So, we've held off feeding the kitten for the past couple of days hoping to get it hungry enough that it would come out from under the HVAC unit long enough to eat. While it came out to eat some delectable tuna, Adelyn dropped the cage part of her bunny home over it. So, it's trapped. Now what?


It's meowing like crazy, but in a sweet sort of way. And, it actually let me pet it.


So, Toothless has food and we put a blanket over the top to make it feel safe. I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll call around and see how cheaply we can get it neutered and we'll figure out how to get it in somewhere.


This is SO not my area of expertise, so I'm totally up for suggestions.


And, in all the excitement, Adelyn slipped down the stairs and twisted her ankle. She now has it propped and is icing it.


It's probably a good thing I am out of wine...

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