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Dave Ramsey would be so disappointed. And today, I don't care.

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We closed on my parents' old house this afternoon. After 1.5 years in the works -- waiting for Dad to move his stuff in with his new wife (or just out, lol) and our slow move and then the fixing up the old house to sell and then SELLING (:hurray:), and then going through this complicated loan process . . .


We closed today. :party:


Yes, Dave would be disappointed. It's a 30 year loan and taxes and insurance and utilities are higher and it might not have been the best move financially ---


But it's a good place for our children. And it's good for my heart.

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So, are you going to live in the home you were raised in? Or are you helping your dad by buying his house?


I have fantasies of buying one of my childhood homes--I even dream about it. I don't think I've ever felt "home" anywhere else.


I hope that's what you got to do! (Sorry I couldn't remember if you've shared your story before.)

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So, are you going to live in the home you were raised in? Or are you helping your dad by buying his house?


I have fantasies of buying one of my childhood homes--I even dream about it. I don't think I've ever felt "home" anywhere else.


I hope that's what you got to do! (Sorry I couldn't remember if you've shared your story before.)


Yes, this is where we (my FOO) moved with my mom, dad, and younger brothers when I was in elementary school and where I lived until I moved out on my own at 23. And where I brought my first and then second and then third dc every morning while I worked and Mom kept them for me until I got dh through grad school and quit to be a SAHM. And where the dc had tea parties and slumber parties with their Nana. And where I visited and helped Dad care for her until she died in 2008.


When Dad started seeing someone new, we told him we would be interested if he ever decided to sell the house. And then he remarried in 2010 and moved in with his new wife. (I think he needed a fresh start after his debilitating grief.)


This house was a constant in my dc's lives from the beginning. 4 of the 5 wanted the move -- were EXCITED to move. The other ds has Asperger's with anxiety and depression symptoms and he was afraid of "bad memories" of Nana's illness and death. We didn't ignore his concerns. The other dc worked together to convince him we'd remember the good times, too. And we have! This particular ds seems more relaxed here than our previous homes. He has more room for his stuff and more room outside to explore . . .


Going deeper into debt sounds like a bad idea. Usually. When you already have a suitable home. And plenty of substantial expenses ahead.


But this was a once in a lifetime opportunity we could not pass up. Dh was gung ho because it was important to me. And he loved my mom, too. And he knew the children would thrive in her garden.


I'm feeling very blessed today.


Thanks for sharing in my celebration!

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Yes, this is where we (my FOO) moved with my mom, dad, and younger brothers when I was in elementary school and where I lived until I moved out on my own at 23. And where I brought my first and then second and then third dc every morning while I worked and Mom kept them for me until I got dh through grad school and quit to be a SAHM. And where the dc had tea parties and slumber parties with their Nana. And where I visited and helped Dad care for her until she died in 2008.


When Dad started seeing someone new, we told him we would be interested if he ever decided to sell the house. And then he remarried in 2010 and moved in with his new wife. (I think he needed a fresh start after his debilitating grief.)


This house was a constant in my dc's lives from the beginning. 4 of the 5 wanted the move -- were EXCITED to move. The other ds has Asperger's with anxiety and depression symptoms and he was afraid of "bad memories" of Nana's illness and death. We didn't ignore his concerns. The other dc worked together to convince him we'd remember the good times, too. And we have! This particular ds seems more relaxed here than our previous homes. He has more room for his stuff and more room outside to explore . . .


Going deeper into debt sounds like a bad idea. Usually. When you already have a suitable home. And plenty of substantial expenses ahead.


But this was a once in a lifetime opportunity we could not pass up. Dh was gung ho because it was important to me. And he loved my mom, too. And he knew the children would thrive in her garden.


I'm feeling very blessed today.


Thanks for sharing in my celebration!


Thank you for sharing your wonderful and GOOD story. I get so tired of hearing all the bad and once in awhile it is just so nice to hear a happy story. Oh and congratulations to you and your family!

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OP I understand exactly how you feel! When I moved back to my hometown I bought the house my parents bought when I was in high school. It is the home where my husband first told me he loved me and proposed to me and where our son took our first steps and so much more! When we moved in the kids were already at home!

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Yeah, well, Dave doesn't have your particular life. Some things really are more important than money.


:iagree: While I agree with DR in some aspects, there are some like these where I totally disagree. We've also raised our boys in a great place. The mortgage and fees are well worth it and I wouldn't change a thing if I had it to do over again. I can pay the mortgage off later. I can't get the time back with the boys.

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Congrats! Don't feel too badly about not following DR to the letter. He doesn't live your life or know what's good for your family. You made the right move! Enjoy!

FWIW, I wanted my childhood home too. But, my parents still live there. So, I bought one 3 blocks away. Same floor plan. LOL

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I'm not all that sure that Dave Ramsey would be disappointed. I think that there are decisions that we make every day that become part of our habits and lifestyles and then there are decisions that we make because we are in certain circumstances that require that type of decision, and even though we may realize it is not the wisest, it's the best we can do at the time. I think Dave Ramsey (and other gurus) are more concerned about the type of decisions that we make every day and become habits. Dave Ramsey is more concerned about that Starbucks stop "you" make every day when you're $150,000 in credit card debt. KWIM?

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