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World Religions Course

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If your teen were doing a World Religions course, would you include attendance at services of the different religions, whenever possible? What if you are a christian - would that affect your decision?


I am thinking that when possible, I would take my son to different services so he could experience the religion in a small capacity. We could go to a Catholic Mass with my Grandmother. There are local Mormon and Jehovah churches that we could go to and of course the many available denominations of local christian churches.


I don't know if it matters, but the course he will be doing is the World Relgions course on Hippo Campus. The text is World Relgions in America Third Edition.

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I always wanted to do that... All of those are Christian though... I'd talk to a local synagogue and mosque and temples too to see if you can attend a service or other religious event. Don't forget to go to a congregation where you are a racial minority. It might be fun to check out a high church Episcopal service vs a church without a formal liturgy. Or how about a megachurch?

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We have been lucky. Our church offers a curriculum called Neighboring Faiths (which used to be called The Church Across the Street when I first taught it a decade or more ago). It has turned out that each of them has ended up in that class in the year when I wanted to do a world religions course, anyway.


The class includes taking the kids to visit other houses of worship. So, they get to go in a group of their friends.


But, yes, if we didn't have that opportunity, I would definitely work hard to set up such visits ourselves.


We're not Christian, by the way.

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