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Using God's Great Covenant


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I'm considering using this resource, since we have enjoyed other products from Classical Academic Press. If you used the OT books, how did you schedule it? Do you do a chapter a day? It seems like the memory work would need to spaced out farther? From the Teacher's Edition samples posted, I didn't see suggestions for how to teach the curriculum, just extra notes on the students pages.


Any experience with the OT curriculum that might shed some light on the NT?

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We used OT:1 last year for 2nd grade. Since there are 32 chapters and 36 weeks in our school year, we did a chapter each week and had some time to do Christmas-y things during the holidays instead.


The way I scheduled it was like this:


Monday - introduce and practice the memory verse as well as going over the other info on the Memory Page


Tuesday - read the story pages aloud (I also looked at the Victor Journey Through the Bible for any other pertinent info on each story)


Wednesday - 1st worksheet


Thursday - 2nd worksheet


Friday - chapter quiz


Last year we weren't diligent about memorizing the verses, but this year we will practice the verse throughout the week to memorize it. I also try to read/highlight the teacher's notes ahead of time so that I can point out anything especially important as we read/discuss the story.


Hope that is helpful to you!


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We used OT:1 last year for 2nd grade. Since there are 32 chapters and 36 weeks in our school year, we did a chapter each week and had some time to do Christmas-y things during the holidays instead.


The way I scheduled it was like this:


Monday - introduce and practice the memory verse as well as going over the other info on the Memory Page


Tuesday - read the story pages aloud (I also looked at the Victor Journey Through the Bible for any other pertinent info on each story)


Wednesday - 1st worksheet


Thursday - 2nd worksheet


Friday - chapter quiz


Last year we weren't diligent about memorizing the verses, but this year we will practice the verse throughout the week to memorize it. I also try to read/highlight the teacher's notes ahead of time so that I can point out anything especially important as we read/discuss the story.


Hope that is helpful to you!




I used it last year w/ a 2nd grader too. This is almost exactly what we did, but I usually did the story and some or all all of the bible passage over the first 2 days. The worksheets were a bit much for my pencil phobic dd, so I did most of the writing. Soemwhere on the CAP website I found a printout of a suggestion of how to schedule (which is about the same as Christy described above).

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I wanted to come back and mention that OT:2 which we started this week is laid out a little differently than OT:1 was last year. The chapter quizzes are in the back of the book rather than with each chapter. I was kind of freaking out this morning when I couldn't find them. :glare: But they are there - you just have to look for them.


And as monalisa said, I did some of the writing for my 2nd grade ds last year, too. Sometimes he wrote; sometimes I did. Apparently, it will go the same way this year if this morning's page was anything to go by.

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