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I'm having a rough week

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Bad things come in threes, right? Well, last week we went to visit my parents for a short overnight trip. A friend agreed to pet sit our dog while we were gone. She dug out of friend's yard while friend was at a doc appointment and was hit by a car and killed. :crying:


Then this weekend we were driving home from running another friend's shop for the day so she could go to her daughter's recital, and my tire blew out. I spent an hour and a half on the side of the turnpike late at night before roadside assistance finally got there to help me put the donut on. So we take it to the shop for a new tire. The shop just called and said they put it on and went to balance the other tires, but one of them wouldn't balance - it has a broken belt and the beginning of a bubble. So we actually need two new tires. :glare:


The last 7 days have been rather trying. And now I'm wondering what the third thing is going to be.


I know other people are dealing with a lot more right now, and I'm just whining. Sorry. I just miss my dog.

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Oh I'm *so* sorry about your dog. :( We have been there and it's just heartbreaking. :grouphug:


You know, this last 7 days has been horrible for so many people. Between all the bad stuff on the news, and things going on with friends and family, things have got to be looking up!


I was a nurse for 10 years and had this little old lady for a patient that would wheel herself around and be supportive of the other little old ladies that were always crying. She'd lean over and pat them on the knee and say "oh honey, keep your chin up! Better days are comin'!":)


I hope this week looks brighter for you!

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Apparently the 2 tires were only one thing. Dh's car started making a horrendous grinding sound, and we had to have the bearings in the right axle replaced today. Ouch.


And ds wants to know when we are getting another dog. I do want another dog, it just seems a little soon, ya know?

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