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Does anyone else hate breakfast??

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I know . . . Sacrilege! Most important meal of the day! Honestly, I never got it. I like it for dinner, or even brunch, but to eat the first few hours I'm awake offends my natural sense of timing.


I am not a morning person. I like to ease into my day with a perfect cup of tea and a glass of water if I'm feeling dehydrated. THEN, after I move about and get productive enough to generate an appetite, I like to eat solid food. When the kids were little, I'd feed them breakfast, then eat with them at snack time.


My kids are starting to pick up this habit. Now, I NEVER refuse to make them a decent breakfast, and my son has eggs MOST mornings. My daughter Is never hungry when she wakes up. She and I are both healthy, energetic, and have never had weight problems. I'd argue that dinner (preferably served mid-day if I can flip it with lunch) is the "most important" meal of the day and breakfast is just the first meal.

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I started hating breakfast in middle school. It was soooo hard for me to eat in the mornings when I was pregnant. If I don't eat breakfast then I'm not hungry until about 2pm. If I eat breakfast then I seem to be starving by noon ~ no matter what I eat. Recently, I've been trying to lose a little weight and the biggest thing that has helped is actually eating more food. So, now I have to eat breakfast and I hate it.

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I used to be the same. It started around puberty. My doctor said that for some people there stomach acid gets out of balance while they are sleeping and that it takes a little while being awake for the acid to regulate. I never looked into it, but it makes sense.


However, I had eating disorders that I have finally over come that messed up my metabolism. To get your metabolism going you have to eat within an hour of waking up.


To start with I had to set a timer to make sure that I did this, and it was a "remedial food" a spoon of peanut butter or a string cheese, not very much.


2 years later and I now have 2 pieces of toast with cheese (like rondele, boursin, or goat) and a cup of coffee. It took training, but to some extent you can train your stomach.


However, cereal....is best eaten for dinner:lol:

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I've been trying to eat in the mornings as well to wake up my metabolism and try to lose weight. I can usually stomach something small and light, though road trips are an entirely different story. If I'm on a road trip, I can have one bacon, egg and cheese biscuit and be good for the next 10 hours. Anyway, regardless of what I can *eat* in the mornings, I canNOT drink water until I've had food or coffee. Even the idea of drinking water in the morning is enough to induce vomiting. Ech.

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I can't stand the thought of eating in the morning. It started as a kid sleeping in until the last minute-running-to-the-bus. Now, I feed my kids, but I offten forget about eating until after their lunch. And then I end up eating what my husband calls "fourth meal" at 9/10 at night. And I know that's contributing to my weight problem.


I might try Dolphin's idea to self-train.

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I don't like traditional breakfast food for breakfast (except cereal-I ♥ cereal any time of the day!), but I do have to eat something because I have low blood sugar. I like whole grain toast in the mornings with a cup of tea, but not eggs and bacon and all that. Now breakfast for dinner is something I can get behind. Grits and pancakes for dinner is awesome. Yum!

Indy doesn't generally eat breakfast foods either. He really likes tortilla rolls for breakfast. He puts lunch meat and cheese in a tortilla wrap, rolls it up and is happy as a clam. Sometimes he throws in salami for a different flavor and on a rare occasion will ask me to scramble some eggs to go along with the meat and cheese.

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It took training, but to some extent you can train your stomach.


However, cereal....is best eaten for dinner:lol:



I'm thinking if it ain't broke, don't fix it and this can vary greatly among individuals. Of course, my morning cup (OK, giant mug) of tea contains a strong black tea, some sugar, and a generous splash of whole milk. That and a glass of water seems like more than enough to get me through the first 2 hours of my day.


Also, I'm willing to bet a lot depends upon when you eat dinner. If I served the evening meal at 5 p.m., breakfast would be more important to me. We eat closer to 8 p.m.


I agree with you about the cereal. I know it's not real food, but sometimes Lucky Charms is exactly what I want for a midnight snack. My kids don't really care for them, so the Lucky Charms are all mine!

Edited by KungFuPanda
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I know . . . Sacrilege! Most important meal of the day! Honestly, I never got it. I like it for dinner, or even brunch, but to eat the first few hours I'm awake offends my natural sense of timing.


I am not a morning person. I like to ease into my day with a perfect cup of tea and a glass of water if I'm feeling dehydrated. THEN, after I move about and get productive enough to generate an appetite, I like to eat solid food. When the kids were little, I'd feed them breakfast, then eat with them at snack time.


My kids are starting to pick up this habit. Now, I NEVER refuse to make them a decent breakfast, and my son has eggs MOST mornings. My daughter Is never hungry when she wakes up. She and I are both healthy, energetic, and have never had weight problems. I'd argue that dinner (preferably served mid-day if I can flip it with lunch) is the "most important" meal of the day and breakfast is just the first meal.


I am exactly the same way! I feed DS, then rustle up something for myself an hour or two later.


When I was a teen I would pack a peanut butter sandwich and banana to eat between my 2nd and 3rd period because I couldn't face solid food until then.


When I was teaching jr. high, I noticed that the majority of my students were skipping breakfast or just eating candy bars from their lunches after 1st period. A few times, I actually brought breakfast cereal and milk to feed to my 8th grade math class (3rd period) before tests because they seriously needed to focus! I discussed this with the principal and other teachers and we ended up putting a 15-minute morning "breakfast break" in our schedule between 1st and 2nd period. A lot of the kids started packing breakfast food and it worked well.

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I don't hate breakfast, but I do like to have coffee first.


The kids have different morning food needs. Some eat a little later, one eats at 6am. I made it a priority to teach them how to make toast and scrambled eggs when they were much younger. ;) I do not get up at 6! lol

Edited by LibraryLover
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I'm not hungry in the morning, but do much better if I eat an egg, some berries, some Greek yogurt ... What I really want is a big oatmeal raisin cookie, a carrot cake muffin, or biscotti to dip in my coffee, but that just fuels the sugar/flour cravings.


I will own up to the sugar addiction. Don't even TRY to suggest I remove that from my tea, but flour is something I don't want in the morning. When I'm ready to eat that first meal, I want fruit or protein. I make a lot of yogurt smoothies, or have some cheese or fruit or eggs. I consider bagels a device for delivering cream cheese and will choose them from a buffet for this reason. When I'm cooking, though, I don't think about the breads too much until lunchtime and later. Heck, I don't even want dessert until teatime or later.

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I don't hate breakfast, but I do like to have coffee first.


The kids have different morning food needs. Some eat a little later, one eats at 6am. I made it a priority to teach them how to make toast and scrambled eggs when they were much younger. ;) I do not get up at 6! lol


That's what we've done, also. My son is an early riser and always cooks his own breakfast (normally eggs - lately he's been perfecting soft-boiled ones). I get up next, and will drink coffee and water for an hour or so. If my husband is in town he'll be making breakfast, which he leaves on the warming burner on our stove until I want it. My daughter shuffles out last, and she, too, will either eat what my dh left for us, or she'll make her own. She and I both will eat around 9ish. After years of trying to force myself to eat when I wasn't hungry, I finally started listening to my body. I feel much better for it!

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I like to wait until I've been up for at least 1 hour before I eat breakfast. I don't hate breakfast, but I have a ds who is not hungry at breakfast time. And I've got two with low blood sugar issues who need to eat as soon as they wake. My non-breakfast lover likes to eat a lot in the evening, and has since he was a baby; my morning eaters get most of their calories in the morning and eat a light dinner, and have also been like this since they were tiny.


We eat breakfast together as a family, but ds10 and I don't eat much. We eat a mid-morning snack instead, if we need one.


I hate lunch too. I don't like to eat it or make it. I make it for the boys, but I read to them while they eat, and I eat something later in the afternoon.


My ideal meal plan would be:

Morning coffee and maybe one piece of toast or fruit

Mid-morning snack with protein

=No lunch=

Late afternoon snack/light meal




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My mom always made us eat something, but I never liked it and stopped as soon as I was out on my own. I have always offered my boys food, but they don't like to eat in the mornings, either, and I don't force them. Our first meal of the day is generally lunch - and it is also our main meal. We also often eat "breakfast" foods for supper....

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