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R&S... how to add a little spice to it???

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Hello everyone,


I was just wondering if anyone has some great suggestions on how to add a little spice, fun, etc... into R&S English and Math. We will be doing both for second grade.


I have all the curriculum from R&S, plus spelling and a few other things. However, I have been doing a bit of reading and seeing how many people view it as very boring.


I can't send everything back at this point and I sure don't have the money to purchase all new curriculum, so now I am wondering how I may be able to add my own spin on this to make it more alive and exciting.


Could I possibly use it as a guide and create more from it? Does that make any sense???:tongue_smilie:


Anyway, any suggestions are welcome. I sure don't want to bore my very visual and interactive learning son to the point where he hates doing school every day. :sad:


Please help! Thanks and have a wonderful day. :001_smile:

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I use the English and Spelling. I add Killgallon and Writer's Express to it. Often I eliminate the writing. We do a great deal orally, or we shorten the lessons. This makes the text quick and easy, and not so boring.


For math, you might add Living Math or Math in Real Life to your math. Reality applications of math are a twist to reinforce learning.



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Oh, you can TOTALLY make R&S grammar hilarious! Have you read it?!? :) Do voices. Keep an eye out for the humor. Just raising an eyebrow at the right moment can take grammar from snuggling on the couch to rolling on the floor. ;) Really. YOU be the fun in the program. :)

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Did you make the boat poster for the math? I don't know if that makes it 'fun' but my dds liked/like it. Right now at the beginning of math 2, we have the boat poster, and for the 3rd unit on, it will be the clovers and bees. The T.M gives the patterns for making them. It gives them a visual and a manipulative if you let them do it sometimes much the way the duckie felt board did for 1st.

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