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Unit study on evolution/prehistory before starting SOTW?


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I thought I saw someone mention here once that they did a mini-unit on evolution/prehistory before starting SOTW Ancients. I'd like to do something similar. Does anyone have any suggestions/materials/resources/links etc.? I'll be working with a somewhat advanced first grader.



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We did an evolution unit this spring. I found this site to be very helpful

http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evosite/Lessons/index.shtml look around on it a little bit for ideas.

There are some good books out there too that explain evolution to kids pretty well. We used Joanna Cole's "Evolution" and Steve Jenkins "Life On Earth: the Story of Evolution" and a couple others.


PBS has a good evolution website http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/


We also read a couple of biographies of Darwin, including "The Beagle and Mr Flycatcher" by Robert Quackenbush, and we got out the globe and traced Darwin's route too.


There are a few documentaries on evolution too, and although most were geared towards older people, I think he managed to take at least a little something away from them.


good luck and good for you for teaching evolution to your children.

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Stuff we used at the beginning of Ancients for first grade:


Me and My Family Tree, Sweeney

Archaeologists Dig for Clues, Duke

The Magic School Bus Shows and Tells, Posner

I can be an Archaeologist, Pickering

Coloring pages from Prehistoric Man coloring book (Dover)


Painters of the Caves, P. Lauber

(Made cave art; Made a coil pot)

Story of Big Bone Lick?

It’s Disgusting and We Ate It! Solheim

How People First Lived, Jaspersohn

Mik’s Mammoth, Gerrard

One Small Bead, Baylor

The First Dog, Brett

Who Were the First People? (Usborne)

Living in Prehistoric Times (Usborne)


And here are the additional books we'll be using for fifth, this upcoming year:


100 Greatest Archaeological Discoveries

Eyewitness Early Humans

The Stone Age News

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Check out this beautiful book by Virginia Lee Burton (wrote Mike Mulligan and the Steam Shovel etc.) Here's a link http://books.google.com/books?id=hupeuMVYj2sC&printsec=frontcover&dq=inauthor:Virginia+inauthor:Lee+inauthor:Burton&sig=TyvGCc68Qc5OVJ7n-BO6CSMDL3w


Also check out Montessori resources. They have a wonderful timeline for young children that concretely illustrates the idea of the enormous passage of time. I'll try to locate the resource for you. Could be Michael Olaf catalogue. You could google as well.

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Eyewitness: Evolution by Linda Gamlin

The Evolution Book by Sara Stein (out of print but used copies are available)

Life on Earth: The Story of Evolution by Steven Jenkins

Mammals who Morth by Jennifer Morgan (there are three books in this series by the author. It's a bit of an ambitious perspective--the story of life on earth is told from the universe's point a view--and a little new-agey for my tastes. My children, however, were enthralled.

I also second Virginia Lee Burton's Story of the World and Darwin and Evolution for Kids.


Hope that helps.

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