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Who do you know IRL from WTM?

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I don't know anyone from on here irl. I would love to meet up with someone but I guess I tend to scare everyone away.


I'm not scared of ya! I'd love to meet you sometime!




I also have spoken on the phone with, emailed, and pm'd OnTheBrink. I can not find the right words for how wonderful OTB really is and I'm getting choked up thinking about it. :crying: She only knows me from the boards but when I didn't even think I could take another breath, she was there for me. She may be the kindest, most unselfish person I've ever known.


Aww, you're a doll. *smooches* :001_wub:


I've met: Michelle in MO, Strider, Dragon Academy (whom my dd calls "the nice dragon lady"), Jessie Wise at a conference, SapphireStitch. Well, I've sorta met her. Turns out that even though she lives half a country away from me, her extended family is my circle of friends! So, I've met those who share her DNA. Close enough. There are several boardies on my FB friends list, but I'm too tired to list them all.

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I have met some wonderful people from this board!


I have one dear friend here who I've known since my freshman year of college; my husband and her husband were roommates at one time. I don't know if she wants to be outed so I'll leave it to her whether to reveal or not. But she is very precious to me!


I've attended a few Seattle/eastside classical meetings where I've glimpsed some amazing homeschool mothers.


I've been fortunate enough to hang out with Jean in Newcastle and her delightful progeny several times.


And newlifemom is a blast to hang out with! And my children wish they would just move in with us. :D

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I've met you before. You didn't seem large and lumpy to me. :D


Hey, you're right! I forgot you were here. You're being too quiet.


Ahem...I've met Jerin in real life. Yes, yes indeed. I guess I'm real after all. Whew! Thanks.


Also someone came up to me when I was reading WTM at the pool a year or two ago when dd was taking a swimming lesson and asked if I was on the forum. We chatted a little and I told her my username here, but she has never identified herself here. So I met someone else too, but I don't know who. Very mysterious...

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Sort of. I'm much more funny and outgoing on the boards or email lists then I am when I first meet people IRL. After I get to know them then I'm much more like I am here but I tend to worry a bit about how they'll view my reserved and sometimes awkward self if and when we first meet.


If I ever make it to NS, I know I'll like you!


Renee in Fl (now in NC) is my cousin! Took me a year to realize it. :glare:


Ruth in NZ


OH! You're that cousin that lives in NZ! LOL


I barely know anyone IRL, let alone anyone from this board.


:001_smile: :grouphug:


Renee in FL/NC and I are very close friends. I've met several other ladies in my area and "know" some others from other forums/websites, some of whom I am FB friends with and/or have talked on the phone with.

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  • 1 month later...
Renee in Fl (now in NC) is my cousin! Took me a year to realize it. :glare:


Ruth in NZ


I'm bumping this a little late, but I just saw this comment.


I didn't realize lewelma was my cousin until she asked me on a thread.:001_huh: Duh...the name and location should have given it away!;)


Cathmom is one of my best friends.


Brenda in FL lived 5 miles from me in FL, but we never met. We both moved to NC and now our daughters share an activity together.:tongue_smilie:


There is another poster I knew in FL, but I can't remember her user name (and I don't want to say her real name because I am not sure she posts it here.)


I met several moms at a recent WTM get-together in Raleigh.


Marineswife - I visited her twice when she lived near here. This included a fairly hilarious campout in her backyard in July where her dh rigged up a window unit. Yes, we had an air conditioned tent!:D


I am sure there are others!


ETA: I just saw cathmom's post above mine! Ruth, I obviously talk about you quite a bit since cathmom knew who you were.;)

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Not a single soul, AFAIK, and I think I like it that way. :lol: I once met momoften, but I don't think she posts here any more.


Someone here once asked, "Do you tell your homeschooling friends about these boards?" One person responded something to the effect of, "I like being able to come here and spill my guts and know that nobody I know IRL will ever see it, and even on the off chance that they did, they wouldn't know it was me." That's kinda how I feel. :p

Edited by ereks mom
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