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Who do you know IRL from WTM?

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No one currently. Several years ago I recognized a homeschool group friend but she either went back into lurking or quit the board.


Guess that's why dh calls you all my "imaginary friends."


I'll start telling him about someone's situation and he look at me quizzically. "Who?"


And sometimes the answer is So-and-so in Such-and-such-place or an obviously not-the-real-name username and dh's lightbulb comes on.


"So it's not someone you know."


"Well, I DO know them. Online!"


He doesn't get it. Of course, he's an introvert who doesn't keep up with his IRL friends and family more often than he needs to. :glare:


You did remind me that I am an acquaintance with someone else on this board, but they don't know they know me. I haven't outed myself to them yet, though.

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I'll let her know! :) I did mention she should come back. She's got news. The cutest little 2 month-old news. :D



awww! That brat went and unfriended me on facebook. It could have something to do with the fact that for the year I had no internet I did not keep in touch with anyone from on FB.

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I met Jennefer@SSA, karensk, and simka2 at GASC in Houston back in June. There may have been a couple of other people and I'm sorry if I forgot you. I have since run into karensk at The Homeschool Store, which was neat. :)


:iagree:On the entire post. Elegantlion, AmyG and a couple others that have flitted thru my sleep deprived mind ;).

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I just remembered that I'm facebook friends with Martha. So she knows my real name.


I also realized that I've been bumping into MosaicMom (Is that her name now?) on forums forever and ever. We even emailed back and forth a few times, but it was maybe 10 years ago.

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I know Caryl from our tiny town---but noone else because I live in the middle of FREAKING NOWHERE!!!!! Seriously. ;) I'm also 'friends' with SWB on FB--even if she has a zillion 'friends' there---but I think that counts because I have only very few, select REAL friends on FB.

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Well, I've met Mom357, and I did try to do a playdate with TracyR but the weather didn't cooperate. We'll try again! (Tracy, my daughter from out of state came in this week to surprise me, guess I should pm you!)


I really do have ten kids, but I did not give birth to all of them. I will be happy to introduce anyone :D

I have pictures on facebook, my real name (gasp!) is Judith Pyrah Arnold, if anyone wants to check out my amazing collection of offspring photos.


Note to cyberstalkers: I have no credit rating, am behind in my student loans, and live in rural PA with firearms and a part-Rottweiler.

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Hmmm...Jann in TX, Angie in VA, Peek a Boo, Joanne, Sharon in Austin...I think that's all, but I'm old now, so I could be forgetting someone. :D


I don't think that we've met, but there are people who have met both of us: Becky S., Liz G., Colleen B.

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I know two. Kirch is my niece-in-law(?) and SweetMissMagnolia is a friend from my homeschool group.


I was just getting ready to post and trying to figure out exactly what that relationship would be called. So I guess you're my aunt-in-law! :D


I just met SunkistJoy last week (she hasn't posted much).

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I just remembered that I'm facebook friends with Martha. So she knows my real name.


Don't worry. I won't out you.;)


No one :( But I'm new.....but not a troll, I promise! I tried to look at people from OK to see if anyone was near me, or of I happened to know them, but it was overwhelming.


Just post and ask who is near you. No weeding necessary.:)


I personally have meet face to face at some point in time at least 7 people on this board, but I wouldn't feel comfortable outing them. Snicklefritz is one that I think I'm safe on.


The others don't always post they live in Oklahoma and some people are private like that, kwim?


Sigh. I have a bunch of free passes to the zoo. Maybe I should bribe some locals here to meet up there. When it is not 110+ degrees outside.:)

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Is it okay to be semi-incognito as long as you are not lying or creating drama? That's not the same thing as a troll, right?


There is nothing unusual about me, I just don't like the feeling of being exposed to the entire world (extreme introvert). This venue also gives me the freedom to join into conversations about topics I would shy away from in real life to keep from hurting other people's feelings, especially concerning religion. There must be others like that here.

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I met eLaurie at the Cincinnati conference, but that's the only person I've met in real life from here. She lives in the Chicago area and I live in the Cleveland area. We ended up sitting next to each other at the bar in our hotel ordering dinner to go and started talking about the conference, which eventually led to talking about this board!

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Is it okay to be semi-incognito as long as you are not lying or creating drama? That's not the same thing as a troll, right?


There is nothing unusual about me, I just don't like the feeling of being exposed to the entire world (extreme introvert). This venue also gives me the freedom to join into conversations about topics I would shy away from in real life to keep from hurting other people's feelings, especially concerning religion. There must be others like that here.


It's not the fact that nobody knows you IRL that makes folk suspicious, it's generally people who join and shortly after are spinning grand dramatic tales.


I think this thread is a little tongue-in-cheek in light of recent troll issues.

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Real Life? I met Kolbi when she still lived near me, and we chat on the phone from time to time.


FB friends? Chrissy in WA, Dy, Abbeyej, Hillary in KS, Aubrey, Suzanne, Amy loves Bud, Nadia, etc.


Did we talk on the phone once years ago? I think I was pregnant with my 8 yo. Or am I thinking of someone else?


I have spken on the phone with Roughcollie too. I know Hoggirl and have met her quite a few times.


I am on FB with quite a few of you :-)

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I have a pretty low post count, but I'm real.


I met *anj* and Karenciavo and SWB and a bunch of others a couple years back for dinner in Princeton, NJ. It was a lot of fun, and Susan autographed my books. (No...not THOSE books! The other ones. )


I wish I could have gone to Valley Forge (it's so close!) but I couldn't make it in the end. Darn these rocket scientists and their satellite launching schedules!

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ZooRho and I know each other irl. Although, I used to give her a hard time because I only saw her at co-op and never her son (the swimmer) :lol:. I told her I didn't think he existed. So, I guess that would make her an irl troll? :001_huh:








But, then I saw him. Darn, I had almost caught one. :D

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I was friends with Peek A Boo before I figured out that the person I knew IRL was Peek A Boo. That was shocking to me. :lol:



Um... can someone clue me in as to what happened there? I feel like maybe I blacked out a little and when I came to, there was a "thing" I'd missed. :001_huh:

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Not a soul, although there are apparently several in my general vicinity based on their listed locations. I have a friend who knows a WTMer. She mentioned a very unique activity a family from their CC group participates in and I put 2 & 2 together based on info this person had in their siggy.


Those troll threads always leave me feeling paranoid. Not that I am on enough, I mostly read, but I always wonder if people think I am a troll. I don't think I've ever posted any drama about my life and I probably wouldn't, but I always think "Is that why I get so few responses to my questions?" LOL But, then paranoia runs in my family, so I let it go and figure it's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.

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Is it okay to be semi-incognito as long as you are not lying or creating drama? That's not the same thing as a troll, right?


There is nothing unusual about me, I just don't like the feeling of being exposed to the entire world (extreme introvert). This venue also gives me the freedom to join into conversations about topics I would shy away from in real life to keep from hurting other people's feelings, especially concerning religion. There must be others like that here.


As long as you're not around here. (Salem, OR) If you were... you'd have to out yourself so we could get together :)

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Sue in PA, GSMP, Kristiana, and a couple others that don't post, but I think are members. I also know several people on here that know a couple of these people IRL and I know them from other boards, shared phone calls, etc, but have not had the opportunity to meet IRL yet.

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I know Laura in VA, who is now in Okinawa and doesn't post here often anymore.


I'm FB with HSMomofOne--she's fab!


I've met Peekaboo--she was coming to VA and stopped at a Starbucks on Ft. Belvoir so Laura and I could meet with her! It was several years ago but so fun.


About 4 or 5 years ago, a wonderful WTM lady came by with her two sons and hubby, and toured the church. She had dark hair and her children were delightful, and the visit was just really fun! But (totally shamefaced here) I can't remember her name! Was it YOU??


Oh, and MarianninNOVA, I swear we will meet someday. :D (She has been so kind and even offered dinner once, but I just wasn't up for it--pretty low day--I've never forgotten it.)


Someday I'm going to a convention where I can meet more of you.


Does anyone fear not being liked irl by Boardies?

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I am also very close in person friends with a relatively new, infrequent poster. I'm not sure of her exact username but something about homeschoolmom in AZ. I knew her when I lived in AZ. She was at my youngest son's birth, the decline of marriage #1, and the wedding of DH and myself!


I have met a WTM mom @ the homeschool store.


I share a past family recreational setting with a board member (we both were seasonal campers at a campground in NJ).

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Does anyone fear not being liked irl by Boardies?


Sort of. I'm much more funny and outgoing on the boards or email lists then I am when I first meet people IRL. After I get to know them then I'm much more like I am here but I tend to worry a bit about how they'll view my reserved and sometimes awkward self if and when we first meet.

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I have met two boardies......I met Kate in CA once and I have chatted with Lunalee on occasion when we have run into each other around town.


So is there a FB group for us?? I can't remember....or do some of you just befriend each other?


My post count may be low but I've been around since the old board. I am on everyday reading, I just communicate poorly in writing. I much prefer to talk.

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I have met a few on here who live in the area. They aren't on all that often, but they are here.


Someone vouch for me please! :D


The three I can think of I have met aren't on here all that much though. I can't think of their screen names though.




I can vouch for you! We met when my son was checking out your homeschool cub scout troop (about 2 years ago). You also bought some of my dh's pants that I was selling (again about 2 years ago).


You are real and very nice! :001_smile:


I also know a couple of lurkers who live in my area.

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She is such a sweet gal in real life...






Oh, I met Kristiana a few years ago! She and her husband had supper at our house. Very nice lady. IRL I know/have met: YHZNS, CleoQc (she had supper with us, too!), Carol in Cal. (we even had seats on a plane together when leaving a conference - super fun! spent the day in airports together), PinkintheBlue, nestof3, SWB, Stacey in MA (hung out at conference and ate Thai food together after it was over), Kathy MD (who has since passed away :( ), Oak Knoll Mom, Sweetpeach, Colleen in SEVA, iquilt, daisychics, and I'm sure there are a few more...I'll post if I remember.


And I might get to meet Wishbone Dawn soon, I hope (I might feel awkward, too, don't worry, lol)!

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Sadly no one. Maybe we should have a get together of the WTMers here! Anyone who wants to come to Asheville, we can have a night out somewhere doing something :)


YES! I want to meet you!! Let's do plan something!


Maybe the Raleigh, Fayetteville and Asheville WTMers could meet at the NC Zoo or somewhere.


That is a fabulous idea! Let's work on that!

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