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Runners need shoe help!

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Dd13 is starting Cross Country training tomorrow with the local homeschooling team.


We need to get her shoes. I know I can go to local store and they can help me but I have a bit of a crunch with money and I don't want to have to pay local store prices right now.


I know enough that we need to look for how she runs, over pronate (I think that is what it is called) and the like. How do I tell?


Anyone have a good website they can direct me to so I can see?

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You can try roadrunnersports.com But sometimes I find that what you pay in shipping evens out with what you pay locally. Or the price ends up about $5 different. To me not really enough to have to wait for shipping when it's a new runner.


I tend to buy the same shoes over and over and over. If it's ain't broke don't fix it. But my dd has never had her own pair of shoes before. I'll take her to a local place so they can fit her and her feet. I found a place years ago that actually send you outside to run up and down the parking lot to try out your shoes!

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I found a place years ago that actually send you outside to run up and down the parking lot to try out your shoes!


I take my runner kids to a local running specialty store. They have to try on different shoes on each foot and take a quick run outside, favorite shoe is kept on, other foot is swapped with a different shoe, quick run outside, favorite shoe is kept on, other foot is swapped with a different shoe...and so it goes for at least 4 pairs.


When shoes are worn out, they are replaced with the same model if all went well; otherwise, it's shoe swap time again.


The staff is very knowledgeable and can determine based on the wear pattern of your old shoes, how you stand, etc.. which 4++ pair of shoes to try on. It is well worth the extra couple bucks to save my kids from the aches and pains of long distance running.


Even if you don't have a store like this available, you could still do the shoe swap and jog around the aisles of the store.


ETA: After you figure out a good shoe that fits and feels good, then search the internet for that model to get the best price. Eastbay or even Ebay comes to mind, but there are other sites. Do a search on the model you want and see what comes up.

Edited by Heather in PNW
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Dd13 is starting Cross Country training tomorrow with the local homeschooling team.


We need to get her shoes. I know I can go to local store and they can help me but I have a bit of a crunch with money and I don't want to have to pay local store prices right now.


I know enough that we need to look for how she runs, over pronate (I think that is what it is called) and the like. How do I tell?


Anyone have a good website they can direct me to so I can see?

she really needs to be able to try the shoes on.


when dd did Xcountry, we went to one runner's shoe store and stayed clear away from all the "sports" stores. they were runners, they knew what to look for to make sure the shoe fit right.

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