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Now hold up! No man of mine is going in the OP's family photo. OTOH, I will certainly post some of our October wedding photos in January after our VERY LONG honeymoon.


Oh, come on now, you can share, right? Want want a *good* family photo, right? Right? I mean, he's just so adorable playing in the lake (alongside the big house) w/ his 16 siblings... (just momentarily ignore/forget that the 16 sibs aren't in the photo...).




(You may want to drop him by a dentist before the wedding to get those canine teeth filed down, though. :tongue_smilie: :lol:)


As for Horrible Bosses, I actually took both Patrick and Alexander. Patrick and Alexander almost laughed their penii off. Thank goodness they didn't.


I've heard Super Glue works for that.... You know, just in case they *had* actually fallen off.... ;) :001_huh:

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Thank you, except it wasn't me. :tongue_smilie:


The info came from other conversations around the intrawebs by people who couldn't talk about it here (b/c the board was down) and couldn't help talking about it elsewhere as they started wondering. Like everyone else, I'm a member of way too many hs boards!


We're all getting better at seeing this stuff early! That's a good thing.

I need some of these other addys. When this board goes down, I start to lose it :tongue_smilie:

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Girl, I know you didn't just put a pic of MY NEKKID MAN on here, make fun of his teeth and talk about both my guys' penii!!! You are a brave woman. I'm fightin' mad over here. I mean fightin' mad!!! Watch out! I'm on my way over there to scratch your eyes out!!! :auto:





Ummmm...where do you live again? :confused:











(Are you part werewolf then, yourself, since you're planning to scratch my eyes out?)


Hey, wait a minute.... Was this guy your ex?


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(Are you part werewolf then, yourself, since you're planning to scratch my eyes out?)


Hey, wait a minute.... Was this guy your ex?



Oh geez, how'd you know????



That reminds me. I read the Twilight books...blah blah blah. A lot of my friends from work are CRAZY about Twilight, so we all go see the new movies when they come out. I think they're fun, but I don't get the craze at all. Anyway, I found a t-shirt that says, "Team Eric: Because Real Vampires Don't Sparkle" on cafepress.com, and I am going to get one to wear to the new Twilight movie in November. :D

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SOME of us updated our blogs! The one of yours isn't too bad, July 27th; but the other?!?!?!


Just saying :D



I need to eliminate the one. I had lofty goals, but...yeah. Reality hit. :tongue_smilie:


Would never have dawned on me to check anyone's blog :lol:

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Oh geez, how'd you know????



That reminds me. I read the Twilight books...blah blah blah. A lot of my friends from work are CRAZY about Twilight, so we all go see the new movies when they come out. I think they're fun, but I don't get the craze at all. Anyway, I found a t-shirt that says, "Team Eric: Because Real Vampires Don't Sparkle" on cafepress.com, and I am going to get one to wear to the new Twilight movie in November. :D



That's awesome. I enjoyed the twilight books, hated the movies, but really love the southern vampire books.

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I need some of these other addys. When this board goes down, I start to lose it :tongue_smilie:


Ditto. I just sit here and sadly hit NEW POSTS hoping that it will work. It's very sad to watch.

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SOME of us updated our blogs! The one of yours isn't too bad, July 27th; but the other?!?!?!


Just saying :D


Why didn't I think of doing that? I cleaned the mstr bdrm and my office space instead. What was I thinking??? I just thought the boards conspired against me to make me get the cleaning done.

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Ditto. I just sit here and sadly hit NEW POSTS hoping that it will work. It's very sad to watch.


Don't beat yourself up. I wrote a facebook status about it, and then a few of us complained on there about it for two hours. Very pathetic. :lol:

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Can't your soon-to-be-new hubby just bite any pesky teens for you? (And he won't be sparkling when he's doing it either...)



Oh yeah, we will be on honeymoon then, so I won't even have to worry about it. Thanks for reminding me. I can't believe that slipped my mind. I'm sure by then we will be somewhere in Tuscany. Yippee! Can't wait!!!

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Exactly! My status had 96 comments! That's the most I've ever had. There was about 6 women freaking out! It was truly horrific!!!


Holy hannah! I only have 1 person from here on my FB and I never thought to post on my status about the boards being down. I think I need to add more people so next time I will have someone to panic with (and help me avoid cleaning)

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Exactly! My status had 96 comments! That's the most I've ever had. There was about 6 women freaking out! It was truly horrific!!!


Yeah, I went to FB to catch up on the new baby pics of our nephew, (after realizing I couldn't come here)...and at the very top of my status there's the WTM freak-out.



It was oddly reassuring...:lol:

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The first time I learned about dork was from my grandmother who yelled at me that if I ever called my cousin a whale penis again, she would take lye soap to my mouth. Cousin and I bonded over laughing hysterically over uptight religious grandmother saying "penis". For YEARS afterward at family reunions we would share a secret smile and one of us would whisper "dork" and we would both start giggling for no apparent reason.


*snorts her drink out of her nose* :lol::lol::lol:


I can't decide if I'm glad the boards came back up before I went to bed or not. On the one hand, I really should've gone to bed instead of catching up. On the other, if I left it until tomorrow, I would've been reading all night tomorrow night to catch up.


At least I caught up on my blog. :D

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How often does this sort of thing happen around here?



I have been here over a year and this is the first "official" one they have caught ;). I think we need some "Troll Hunter" t-shirts.


I still can't figure out how some of you knew!!!!! I recieved a warning after the 2nd thread, color me impressed. :D

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I saw the pinned post about misrepresenting yourself via multiple ID's.


I had some idea then..but the stories which unfolded in this thread such as the Arizona issue really set a few thoughts off...


So to stay on topic (if there is one now)-does it happen often here that people show up and are not who they say they are or are here for other reasons than what this board was created for?


How leery should I be now is the question on my mind.


If I find myself in thought or prayer over something here and find out it's false, (such as this thread shows) I'm going to feel pretty thumped you know.


Some old saying about, "If you want to know the road ahead, ask those who are coming back.." springs to mind.

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I have been here over a year and this is the first "official" one they have caught ;). I think we need some "Troll Hunter" t-shirts.


I still can't figure out how some of you knew!!!!! I recieved a warning after the 2nd thread, color me impressed. :D



Sometimes you just know. My troll-dar is acute. :D

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I saw the pinned post about misrepresenting yourself via multiple ID's.


I had some idea then..but the stories which unfolded in this thread such as the Arizona issue really set a few thoughts off...


So to stay on topic (if there is one now)-does it happen often here that people show up and are not who they say they are or are here for other reasons than what this board was created for?


How leery should I be now is the question on my mind.


If I find myself in thought or prayer over something here and find out it's false, (such as this thread shows) I'm going to feel pretty thumped you know.


Some old saying about, "If you want to know the road ahead, ask those who are coming back.." springs to mind.


There is probably always a troll or two on a board this size. They may not be as obvious or active as this one was.


This is the internet. While we can sense that a lot of us are real, you should always be skeptical. :001_smile:

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I saw the pinned post about misrepresenting yourself via multiple ID's.


I had some idea then..but the stories which unfolded in this thread such as the Arizona issue really set a few thoughts off...


So to stay on topic (if there is one now)-does it happen often here that people show up and are not who they say they are or are here for other reasons than what this board was created for?


How leery should I be now is the question on my mind.


If I find myself in thought or prayer over something here and find out it's false, (such as this thread shows) I'm going to feel pretty thumped you know.


Some old saying about, "If you want to know the road ahead, ask those who are coming back.." springs to mind.


You know, the reality is that we can never know for sure who we are interacting with online. But it reminds me of a something that happened with my BIL a few years back. We always do up Christmas shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. My BIL heard of a case where the mother took that shoebox, allowed her child to choose ONE thing to keep, and then she sold/traded the rest at the market. My BIL had the notion that he would stop his wife from filling shoeboxes. My response was: what about the rest of the kids who DO get their shoeboxes? Do we stop sending them just because of this one situation? No, it's not fair to ourselves to live under constant cynicism. So yes, I bet there's several folks here who misrepresent for whatever reason. But I choose to take at face value what most of the posters present here. It makes life more palatable. I don't have anything to hide, I am who I claim to be, and I'll assume others are the same until they prove otherwise. And even if they do prove otherwise, there is usually a reason... a real person behind the facade who is trying to figure out why they're doing this.

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What is the "size" of this site..people/contributor wise?


Someone said 33K during a recent shootout..but I don't know where that figure came from...and I don't know that it was said in seriousness either.


Does anyone have an idea?


There are currently over 25,000 members. I don't know how many are active.

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I saw the pinned post about misrepresenting yourself via multiple ID's.


I had some idea then..but the stories which unfolded in this thread such as the Arizona issue really set a few thoughts off...


So to stay on topic (if there is one now)-does it happen often here that people show up and are not who they say they are or are here for other reasons than what this board was created for?


How leery should I be now is the question on my mind.


If I find myself in thought or prayer over something here and find out it's false, (such as this thread shows) I'm going to feel pretty thumped you know.


Some old saying about, "If you want to know the road ahead, ask those who are coming back.." springs to mind.


Most people here are genuine and have genuine heartaches and joys. I don't think that prayer esp. is ever wasted. God knows the circumstances and if the person is a troll, they need prayer too even if it is not for the reason they stated.


There have been situations in the past with troll hunters which have hurt genuine people. I think this is one area which needs a certain amount of wisdom and discernment.

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I'm feeling so weird about this deal. I feel like it is a lot of fun and really funny - is that bad?! It was so ridiculously over the top, especially the more you thought about what all AM posted. I am a little ticked off that someone wasted our time and ...tricked us, if that's what you call it. And I am starting to feel rather sad that people are wondering who they can trust and maybe putting their guards up a bit. And sad for Anna Marie whoever he/she is. Whether it is a lonely 13 yo girl or a single man or a mom with only 11 kids. There is obviously a huge void in this person's life he/she is trying to fill. Or shoot - he/she is at least extremely bored, which is even sad!


I don't know. Just feeling weird. Not as fun as it was a couple of hours ago, I guess. I am very thankful for all the many good and honest people on this board, even the ones I might disagree with.

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Oh. my. word. I had family visiting all day and missed all the fun.:glare: At least I didn't miss any kilts.


I feel completely left out...we need some type of notification system. Like a big bee silhouette projected across the sky, or a large flashing red button, accompanied by a siren, in my kitchen. "Sorry family, there's a kerfluffle afoot...I must do my part to vanquish any interlopers that dare attempt to infiltrate the Hive!" :tongue_smilie::lol:


Oh well, at least I was able to get some good laughs before bed. I needed them after the painfu...I mean lovely day I spent with dh's family.:D

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Heidi & all, I'm sorry, but promise this is my last buzzkill post on the topic.


When I first came here I didn't think twice about bonding with the greater population or sharing family photos or just blabbing whatever I thought or remembering everyone in prayer.


I had a bit of a double-take during the discussion of a particular two-syllable word..and it wasn't the discussion honestly..but it was the literal behavior and false presentation of persona just like this thread. That particular individual went crawling around my personal photos at length, and it unnerved me and I removed access here to those files because of it.


And I did think it was super weird gonzo freaky once in a lifetime flipped out as far as chances go with this sort of thing.


But here we are, discussing pretty much some of the same elements again and that..combined with the dude in Arizona has proved too much for me.


I'm burned from it, and what will be comfortable for me now is to guard myself mentally and emotionally a bit.


I guess I just don't think a place where families gather to talk ..well..family and kid stuff...is a place for deception and such to occur so frequently.


It could just be I have super awesome good luck with the timing thing also.


Now get back to it, slay the kittens' at length.


(Did I mess that up right?)

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But more importantly,


2. It's cross-referencing in my head with the Confederate flag thread and giving me a "Carry Me Back To Old Virginny" earworm. And if I let my guard slip and actually start singing "Carry Me Back to Old Vaginii," my husband is going to have me committed.


'Virginny' and 'Vaginii' sound the same in my accent. No-one would ever know...



Edited by Laura Corin
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