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Prayers for my aunt...

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she had a stroke 2 yrs ago and was left basically incapacitated. Some say she is in a vegetative state, but others say no! She can track them in the room, she has smiled in response to something said, and has squeezed hands when asked. On Tuesday (it's Friday now) her veins collapsed, and they cannot find a viable vein anywhere to re-insert her I.V., therefore, she is dehydrating to death. The doctor gave her 3-5 days to live. We're working on borrowed time here. My big prayer was that she would be completely unaware of what is happening. But her son (my cousin) just posted on FB that she is completely aware. He said she seems to be in pain, is deteriorating quickly, and is searching his eyes for answers. :crying: Please, if you feel so inclined, please pray that she will pass comfortably and have peace. I believe she was a new Christian, and so prayers for His comfort during this time would be most appreciated. Her son is going to need prayer too, as he already felt "alone" after his dad passed away, and now he has to face his mom's passing.


I grieved and grieved for Terri Shiavo (sp?), a complete stranger a country away... and here it's happening to my own aunt. I'm just numb and I can't believe I waited this long to post.


Thank you for praying.

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I am so sorry. We will be praying for you and your family tonight.:grouphug:




:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Prayers here.


This makes me so sad. I'm sorry. I'll pray.


Thank you for the prayers and hugs. It is really sad. She was such a vibrant lady, full of laughter and life. For those who like to pray for people by name, hers is D o t, (or the longer version which I'd rather avoid due to Google). Thank you again. I'll update when I hear anything.

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I am soo sorry for your family! <3 Lots of prayers for your aunt!

Thank you, it is appreciated.


I am praying, bless her son and all her family at this time.. praying for relief from the pain, they should be able to give her a duragesic patch at the very least!!

Thank you, they said they're trying all they can to keep her comfortable, but I'm not sure what that means. No veins = no hardcore drugs, but yes, I hope they have given her something like those patches, or gas, or something... anything to help. *sigh*

Thank you for your prayers.

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she had a stroke 2 yrs ago and was left basically incapacitated. Some say she is in a vegetative state, but others say no! She can track them in the room, she has smiled in response to something said, and has squeezed hands when asked. On Tuesday (it's Friday now) her veins collapsed, and they cannot find a viable vein anywhere to re-insert her I.V., therefore, she is dehydrating to death. The doctor gave her 3-5 days to live. We're working on borrowed time here. My big prayer was that she would be completely unaware of what is happening. But her son (my cousin) just posted on FB that she is completely aware. He said she seems to be in pain, is deteriorating quickly, and is searching his eyes for answers. :crying: Please, if you feel so inclined, please pray that she will pass comfortably and have peace. I believe she was a new Christian, and so prayers for His comfort during this time would be most appreciated. Her son is going to need prayer too, as he already felt "alone" after his dad passed away, and now he has to face his mom's passing.


I grieved and grieved for Terri Shiavo (sp?), a complete stranger a country away... and here it's happening to my own aunt. I'm just numb and I can't believe I waited this long to post.


Thank you for praying.


Praying. My grandmother is passing in a similar fashion, care was withdrawn today. It's funny that you mention Terri Shiavo, because I was also thinking of her today and how I felt when they withdrew care from her. The circumstances are much different with my grandmother, but it's hard no matter what, I guess.

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