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Anyone else going through this? Overloaded, out of time, no time to even cry. :(

Annabel Lee

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There is just SO. MUCH. yet to do to get my homeschool ready. I still have to order some things! When I think about it all I feel like I'm going to hyperventilate, and that is sad because that's not the essence of homeschooling that I imagined in the beginning.


Our start date for most new materials (that will have arrived by then, anyhow) is Aug. 22. I have yet to:


-Type out a coherent, easy to follow schedule per WTM & SWB's audio lectures for writing, science, literature, and history. I've got my handwritten scrawl notes scattered among various notebooks, but I have to have a sort of check-list or order to do things in, stating how often and how much, to keep me on track with it.


-Make student pages for WTM lit. questions, science write-ups, history writing expectations, etc.


-Order science supplies (some items take research to choose, like a microscope), and for perishables (read: living things I mostly don't want in my house) I need to make notes on a calendar or in the curric. for when to order them.


-Order anything needed for history projects.


-Print student pages for WTM & other curric. history, literature, science.


-Give WWE placement tests, and maybe Singapore math since I'm still toying with that idea (which I do about 2x/year it seems).


-Get a new page-a-day daytimer for daily checklist & on-the-fly note-taking while teaching.


-Get dowel rods to tape to back of maps since they're not hanging flat on the flip-chart-hanger thing that was supposed to be the original solution.


-Get clear vinyl to use as table cloth over other maps(or over nice table cloths on special occasions); sew elastic or drawstring around edges to prevent it from moving around/coming off.


-Get shower board & cut to size for use as a whiteboard. Figure out what to use as trim around it so dry erase marker dust doesn't get on walls. Need tray on bottom for erasers/markers.


-Get art portfolios/storage already!


-Finish creating schedule for science; correlate books/projects/etc; choose which projects from which books we'll be doing ea. week.


-Organize & put away all papers from previous years. Make new notebooks for this year. Finish grading last bit in "inbox".


-Get more bookshelves, and replace ones that are bowing & about ready to break. (Build sturdy ones with doors, even though I don't really know how?)


-Explore & learn the Lego Robotics curriculum thoroughly in preparation for League/club starting THIS FRIDAY (aaaaaaaaah!)


-Watch Prima Latina & LCI DVDs to check placement levels, also to learnhow to use the program & preview it a little.


-Go through ea. subject & decide how many days per week to do it, make a new teacher notebook for myself with this info for the year, then make weekly pages with info for all subjects on it for me (only a quarter ahead or so) and daily pages (only make those a week ahead or so) for the kids.


-Make a new teacher notebook for this year

-divide all books up (after deciding on them) by school days; make calendar, type up specific WTM instructions & lists, update “Green means GO do it by yourself†lists for WTM 3rd & 5th grade

Make independent work possible. Maybe a page per subject instead of a whole page of tiny instructions for the day for the kids. Plus a brief daily check-off list for sense of accomplishment.

CLEAR assignments with a clear end in sight. Type up WTM time allotments schedules for grade levels.

Type up new Literature lists for 3rd & 5th VP & AO & WWE lit. Leave 2nd & 4th in notebook.

-Set up schoolroom better. Ea. kids’ books more accessible, notebooks too. Esp. reading lists for recording things. Maybe use composition notebooks for some things instead of hole-punched tabbed sections in notebooks?

-Try out online typing programs.

-make a felt board

-Homeschool Program Qtr. 3 & 4 reports turned in!!

-Copy student pages for use w/ multiple kids

-See which books are at the library from SOTW AG (all books), MOH booklist (all, not just topic resource books), BP, & Illum. & note availability in the programs and/or on my compiled booklist spreadsheet. Place orders for the rest.

-Place orders! Decide what to order now & what to hold off on.

-Read Flashmaster instructions.

-Decide on penmanship for DS1 (next level of Abeka seems simplest & most accurate)

-Choose primary source docs for history, and anything else needed for WTM logic stage hist.

-Have at least 1st quarter fully prepared w/ library lists, project supplies (sci equipment), copies made/printed out, lists of perishable items to get right beforehand, etc.

-See what else WTM recs for 5th gr. logic. Have list of informal choices printed in my teacher notebook for DS2.

-LAMINATE: MOH Challenge cards, EFTRU cards, SOTW mem. Cards…

-Check level of Remedia Pub. beginning outlining book… for DS2 or not?

-Test out our telescope, microscopes, & binos (which are only very nice toy quality). Buy new if needed.

-Choose & buy microscope – SL, see if TriviumAcademy rec’s one, WTM Brock Magiscope, DonnaYoung rec’s, see if I’ve saved any rec. info in a Word Doc or in a WTM subscribed thread.

-New laptop, camera, ipod for me, cheap refurbished ones for boys for memory work, e-reader synced to library & free online books

-Go through WWE & FLL, see if it’s redundant to use R&S writing with those


...AND, I still have to figure out which direction to lay fabric & how to thread the sewing machine because DS1 grew out of most of his pajama bottoms, AND the blueberries need to be picked, AND there is household stuff that desperately needs taken care of, including but not limited to completely mucking out some rooms and holding a yard sale, AND I want to go bleeping jetskiing before another winter comes around! Not that I own any jet skis. But still. I'm having a mid-summer crises or something.


Tell me it will be okay. Please tell me it will all fall into place as long as I am diligent & keep at it. Please hand me a :chillpill: or some :cheers2: because I am:willy_nilly::blink::eek::scared::crying: totally freaking out. Deep breaths, ask God to order my steps, and more deep breaths...

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I know EXACTLY where you are. I still have to do a good bit of your list and we started school yesterday. I keep going back and forth between: Tina, you're burnt out on home school (it's year 13 in the making); Tina, you have too many things on your plate (what to cut?); Tina, it's been a busy + lazy summer, so you're just ill prepared.


Couple whatever is going on with some serious personal issues and I'm kind of a mess. I can work my way out of it, but still, this is not the start I prefer.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: one hug for each week you have left to get things moving.

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So, practically speaking here's my suggestions.....

let the kid's pick the berries :)

Make a giant shopping list

Start with the big picture --- dividing days, etc.---then work down to the particulars

Plan for the first session of your school (I believe you mentioned qtrs) first, so you're ready to start, then get back to the rest (as opposed to getting one subject ready for the entire year)


Before you do any planning, spend a week debunking rooms (did that last week w/ the kiddos). Use tarps to get any garage sale items out the door, not just moved about (did that last week, too). Get your school area in order so as you go, you can grab and return, knowly freshly where everything is.


Let the 5th grader really help out with breakfast and lunch. Eat well and live on the coffee food group.

That's all I got! I'm supposed to be off this puter in 8 minutes! EIGHT MINUTES....I'm shouting at myself, and I sound like the rabbit in Wonderland! EIGHT MINUTES!:willy_nilly:


And for good measure....:cheers2: soon you'll be :coolgleamA:

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If you're like me, typing that list was probably very therapeutic. And now you can print it. Label things as "has to be completely done before school starts," "has to be started but not necessarily completed" and "can be done once school is up and running." Then number them by priority.


And definitely pull out things the kids can do. Like the typing thing- can your kids try out the programs and tell you which ones they like?


Most important- add things to your list that you already did. And immediately cross them off. It's good to remind yourself what you've accomplished already. :D

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:grouphug: back to you all, too.


Tina, I like your tarp idea! Then all the stuff to get rid of won't create an obstacle course. Thanks for reminding me to start w/ the big picture & work my way down, and just do the 1st Qtr. of ea. subject. I've had ALL the details for EVERYTHING running circles in my head and it's exhausting.


Another Lynn, can I have both? :D I don't mind constructive criticism & a fresh, objective viewpoint.


LOL LillyMama, that's a great idea, but I will probably color-code it with the colors equaling different priority levels and family members to accomplish them.





Oh ya, and dh & I need to finish sealing up the crawlspace, pronto, to solve the moisture problem in the house.

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:grouphug: back to you all, too.


Tina, I like your tarp idea! Then all the stuff to get rid of won't create an obstacle course. Thanks for reminding me to start w/ the big picture & work my way down, and just do the 1st Qtr. of ea. subject. I've had ALL the details for EVERYTHING running circles in my head and it's exhausting.


Another Lynn, can I have both? :D I don't mind constructive criticism & a fresh, objective viewpoint.


LOL LillyMama, that's a great idea, but I will probably color-code it with the colors equaling different priority levels and family members to accomplish them.





Oh ya, and dh & I need to finish sealing up the crawlspace, pronto, to solve the moisture problem in the house.

You see...your mind is in a good place! You're still taking about color-coding. You know I LOVE some color coding! HA! And notice, I'm an hour late b/c of puter time.....oops.

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Well, I feel like that, but I don't think my list is as long as yours. I actually started laughing as I had to continue scrolling down to see your entire list. Sorry, it is in empathy. But, whew, girl, you do have a lot there. I am not a good organizer, but here are some brief ideas that are helping me get through my list. I actually did color code it and that helped immensely. Then I could see where I could group some of those things together. So, I tried to do most of my printing on one day, buy what I needed in as few trips as possible. What really is taking the longest are the actual plans. I go for one thing a day (a la Bravewriter--"just one thing"). So, if I schedule all the history in one day I'm good. Many days I end up doing more. It is a good mental approach, though. Also, I sometimes do one thing in more than one area. I mean, I do one scheduling task, one cleaning task, and one organizing for the fall.

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I couldn't even make it through the list!

First - you aren't alone.

But - here's how I've learned to handle it...

brace yourself....




A lot of what you have there is great - but not neccesarry for your kids' education. Really. It isn't.:grouphug:


I'd say about - oh - 1/2 could be cut and your kids would never know the difference and would have a great year.


I've copied and pasted your list. I'm frequently wrong, and this is just my opinion - but you are making your life way too difficult and complicated. Good learning isn't about the stuff, the lists, the spreadsheets, the new equipment. You can have all of that, but be burned out and stressed out and the kids won't get anything out of it. Chill.......:grouphug:


Type out a coherent, easy to follow schedule per WTM & SWB's audio lectures for writing, science, literature, and history. I've got my handwritten scrawl notes scattered among various notebooks.....


Rip the pages out of the notebook, and figure out about a month - tops. It will all change anyway.


-Make student pages for WTM.....


Is this for you or for them? Only make up what you need for a month - at most - again - you'll probably decide you want to re-work them anyway after you've used a few.


-Order science supplies.......


Order what you need for the first 2 experiments. After that - when you have time - figure out about 3 months tops. You may decide to change your experiments anyway.


-Order anything needed for history projects.


When are you doing these? The first week?? If not - this can wait a week or so after you get started.


-Print student pages for WTM & other curric. history, literature, science.


Yeah - gotta do that. But not all of them.....


-Give WWE placement tests.....


Do you have the tests? Do it today and mark it off.


-Get a new page-a-day daytimer for daily checklist & on-the-fly note-taking while teaching.


Well - sure, but that's just a shopping list item. Use lined paper until you get one.


-Get dowel rods.......


On the shopping list.... WalMart has them.... along with the day-planners


-Get clear vinyl to use as table cloth over other maps(or over nice table cloths on special occasions); sew elastic or drawstring around edges to prevent it from moving around/coming off.


Save yourself the stress. Please. Buy a vinyl shower curtain, tape it under the sides of the table with duct tape. Call it a day. Homeschoolers do not have time to be Martha Stewart.


-Get shower board & cut to size for use as a whiteboard.....


I'm thinking it would be cheaper and faster to just buy a white board.

The wood for the trim will cost as much as a good sized board at WalMart.


-Get art portfolios/storage already!


Boxes. Fold them. Done.


-Finish creating schedule for science; correlate books/projects/etc; choose which projects from which books we'll be doing ea. week.


Look - if you do this more than a month out - you'll be re-doing it again. Just start at the beginning and work your way through. After a few weeks, if you have time, then plan more.


-Organize & put away all papers from previous years. Make new notebooks for this year. Finish grading last bit in "inbox".


Boxes. Sharpie. They all get A's!


-Get more bookshelves, and replace ones that are bowing & about ready to break. (Build sturdy ones with doors, even though I don't really know how?)


You are not Martha Stewart and I doubt you are Norm Abrahm either. Certainly don't let your bookshelf fall on someone - but just watch for shelves on sale.


-Explore & learn the Lego Robotics..........


Are you running the league? If not - you don't really need to know all that much. If you are - just learn the first week.


-Watch Prima Latina & LCI DVDs to check placement levels.....


All of them?!?!?! No! Just the first lesson!


-Go through ea. subject & decide how many days per week to do it..........


Ok - yes - this is very organized and eventually will be helpful. But you don't have to have it done right away. You can work on it while the kids are doing math, or reading, or something. As long as you have a good idea for the first week, you're golden!



-Make a new teacher notebook for this year


Sure - lined paper. ;)


-divide all books up (after deciding on them) by school days; make calendar, type up specific WTM instructions & lists, update “Green means GO do it by yourself†lists for WTM 3rd & 5th grade

Make independent work possible. Maybe a page per subject instead of a whole page of tiny instructions for the day for the kids. Plus a brief daily check-off list for sense of accomplishment.

CLEAR assignments with a clear end in sight. Type up WTM time allotments schedules for grade levels.

Type up new Literature lists for 3rd & 5th VP & AO & WWE lit. Leave 2nd & 4th in notebook.


Uh - why? I get organized. I love it. I'm actually ridiculously organized and we get everything done. But we only get everything done because at a certain point - I say - run with it, and we actually do the work,,,,, not the organizing - and I haven't killed myself with prep :)


Who are you typing the lit lists up for? Who are you typing up the schedules for?


I highly recommend you look up Homeschool Tracker and download the basic software. I use it - it has saved me so much time. And it is free.


-Set up schoolroom better..........


Look - the kids can learn with them in a pile on the floor if need be.


-Try out online typing programs.


Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is great.


-make a felt board


Shopping list and 5 minutes with a stapler.


-Homeschool Program Qtr. 3 & 4 reports turned in!!


This one has to get done.... do it today.


-Copy student pages for use w/ multiple kids


You can do this as you need them until you have some time to spare. Or your kids can do it.


-See which books are at the library from SOTW AG..... & note availability in the programs and/or on my compiled booklist spreadsheet. Place orders for the rest.


You have a spreadsheet???? How long did that take to make? Could have had the felt board made.... (see my point? Your over-organization is taking up too muich time!!!!)


-Place orders! Decide what to order now & what to hold off on.


Well,,, sure....


-Read Flashmaster instructions.


I have no idea what that is - so have no opinion.


-Decide on penmanship for DS1 (next level of Abeka seems simplest & most accurate)


You've decided then! Done!


-Choose primary source docs for history, and anything else needed for WTM logic stage hist.


Find them as you need them. Better yet - let the kids go look for them.


-Have at least 1st quarter fully prepared....


No!!! Only a month! Tops!


-See what else WTM recs for 5th gr. logic....


Do you have something already? If yes - this isn't necesarry....


-LAMINATE: MOH Challenge cards, EFTRU cards, SOTW mem. Cards…


This can wait until you have time....


-Check level of Remedia Pub. beginning outlining book… for DS2 or not?


Did you already buy it? If not - it should tell you online or at Rainbow Resources.


-Test out our telescope, microscopes, & binos (which are only very nice toy quality). Buy new if needed.


Test them? How? Either they work or not. If they are toy quality, you'll need a new microscope. The others, not as important. Toy quality should work until 6th or so for them.


-Choose & buy microscope....


Home Science Tools - online - they are great and I highly recommend them. Great prices, and have explanations of exactly what each microscope is for.


-New laptop, camera, ipod for me, cheap refurbished ones for boys for memory work, e-reader synced to library & free online books


What?!?!? Why? I'm confused. Why in the world do they kids need an Ipod or a laptop for memory work???

I will recommend the Nook, though. We love our Nooks.


-Go through WWE & FLL, see if it’s redundant to use R&S writing with those


Start the year without it and see if you need more as you go.

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I just wanted to add - I really do empathize.

I am writing my Master's Thesis in history, remodeling my house with my dh, have to learn Latin so that I can teach my son, review algebra, and get ready for the 21 labs we are doing in his high school-level biology curriculum.

I haven't bought any school supplies, lab supplies, anything. I still need a teacher's manual for the biology book.

We're staring on the 22nd as well.

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Sounds like you are a mom who takes her job very seriously. You seem to have a good plan but if I can be honest it looks like way too much for one person to do.


How long have you homeschooled? Do you do that much prep each school year? I have homeschooled for 11 years and I absolutely could not do all of that. I think there is a reason why you are overwhelmed. I would seriously try to rethink all that you are doing and simplify.


Hope you find some peace!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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How long have you homeschooled? Do you do that much prep each school year? I have homeschooled for 11 years and I absolutely could not do all of that. I think there is a reason why you are overwhelmed. I would seriously try to rethink all that you are doing and simplify.


Hope you find some peace!


God Bless,

Elise in NC


I was wonderring the same thing.... I dind't want to sound condescending at all - but yeah - this is year 8 for me.... no way could I do that.

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:grouphug::grouphug: I'm pretty far behind where I want to be too. Dh had 2 surgeries this summer, ds went back and forth for camp counselor job so every weekend I spent washing his stuff and sending him back, little kids constantly want attention and so on.


Still, school will start, they will receive a rigorous, though not perfect, education and we will all survive. I've never been this far behind. Prioritizing helps. They need their books and curriculum first. Then schedule the first month. Skim through the TE's and read enough to get started - you'll want to tweak it all anyway. And so forth. You'll be ready and it will be ok even if you're not.

More :grouphug:s.


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SailorMom's comments are excellent! I wanted to reiterate that your kids could do some of this list. Searching SOTW AG book lists available at your library? Your kids can totally do that! It's a time consuming job, but they are perfectly capable of doing it. Delegate away!


Also, give your kids the list you made here and have them pick out the shopping list items and make that list up. Again, delegate!


Do the quarterly reports that are probably overdue? Get those done today.


You don't need R&S Writing in addition to FLL/WWE. That's being redundant. That combo will cover writing, including letter writing (FLL - in the back), and WWS will hit more of the writing stuff that you might think is missing.


Cheapo spiral notebooks can get your started for this quarter. I like to make up student pages myself (I make narration pages for SOTW, complete with pictures and lines), but that stuff doesn't HAVE to be done. If you're this frazzled, just use notebooks and let the kids write on regular lines and draw their own pictures on the lines. Not a big deal. ;)


No need to use WTM schedules. Those are examples, and are not indicative of what anyone actually does, including SWB herself. ;) Look at what you plan to do and figure out how much time it will probably take you to do it. Draw out a rough schedule ON PAPER, try it out, and after a few weeks, redo your schedule on the computer to reflect what you actually are capable of doing. :)


It sounds like you're trying to be the perfect homeschool mom. Guess what? She doesn't exist. You don't have to have everything set up just so. You don't have to do everything "by the book". Do the important stuff, and get to the other stuff IF you have time, or drop it if you don't. Prioritize! Make sure you have the 3R's ready for everyone for the first month.


Also, I noticed you're putting together your own science curriculum. Why not use one that's done for you, like Elemental Science or NOEO? ES is basically WTM science already scheduled for you. NOEO looks quite similar and comes with experiment kits. I know sometimes we get that bug to make our own curriculum, but if you're feeling this stressed out and overloaded, don't reinvent the wheel. Use someone else's plans for this year, and during the year you can slowly work on your own plans for next year if you want. :)


:grouphug: You can do this!

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I thought it would be helpful to sort your list into categories so you can be effective when in project mode. It would be a good idea to arrange childcare for a couple whole days so you can really focus on the most time consuming tasks. I don't know what your budget looks like, but seriously consider the value of your time when using the gather everything myself approach to school. Here is a reorganized list with some suggestions of mine interspersed:


Do Today

-Plan your jet skiing outing for sometime in the next 7 days.

-Homeschool Program Qtr. 3 & 4 reports turned in!!


- page-a-day daytimer

- dowel rods

-Get clear vinyl to use as table cloth over other maps(or over nice table cloths on special occasions)

- whiteboard with tray ($20 magnetic with markers and erasers at Costco)

-Get more bookshelves, and replace ones that are bowing & about ready to break.

-cheap boxers/sweatpants for pjs

House Projects

- completely mucking out some rooms (only if these rooms are currently non-functional and needed)

Curriculum Placement and Ordering

-Give WWE placement tests, and maybe Singapore math since I'm still toying with that idea (which I do about 2x/year it seems).

-Order science supplies (some items take research to choose, like a microscope), and for perishables (read: living things I mostly don't want in my house) I need to make notes on a calendar or in the curric. for when to order them.


-Order anything needed for history projects.

-Choose & buy microscope – SL, see if TriviumAcademy rec’s one, WTM Brock Magiscope, DonnaYoung rec’s, see if I’ve saved any rec. info in a Word Doc or in a WTM subscribed thread. (Don’t spend hours agonizing about ordering the right microscope; order from a store with a great return policy.)


Curriculum Development and planning

-Type out a coherent, easy to follow schedule per WTM & SWB's audio lectures for writing, science, literature, and history. I've got my handwritten scrawl notes scattered among various notebooks, but I have to have a sort of check-list or order to do things in, stating how often and how much, to keep me on track with it.

-Make student pages for WTM lit. questions, science write-ups, history writing expectations, etc.

-Finish creating schedule for science; correlate books/projects/etc; choose which projects from which books we'll be doing ea. week.

-Choose primary source docs for history, and anything else needed for WTM logic stage hist.

-See which books are at the library from SOTW AG (all books), MOH booklist (all, not just topic resource books), BP, & Illum. & note availability in the programs and/or on my compiled booklist spreadsheet. Place orders for the rest.

-Watch Prima Latina & LCI DVDs to check placement levels, also to learnhow to use the program & preview it a little.

-Go through ea. subject & decide how many days per week to do it, make a new teacher notebook for myself with this info for the year, then make weekly pages with info for all subjects on it for me (only a quarter ahead or so) and daily pages (only make those a week ahead or so) for the kids.

-Make a new teacher notebook for this year

-divide all books up (after deciding on them) by school days; make calendar, type up specific WTM instructions & lists, update “Green means GO do it by yourself” lists for WTM 3rd & 5th grade

Make independent work possible. Maybe a page per subject instead of a whole page of tiny instructions for the day for the kids. Plus a brief daily check-off list for sense of accomplishment.

CLEAR assignments with a clear end in sight. Type up WTM time allotments schedules for grade levels.

Type up new Literature lists for 3rd & 5th VP & AO & WWE lit. Leave 2nd & 4th in notebook.

-See what else WTM recs for 5th gr. logic. Have list of informal choices printed in my teacher notebook for DS2.

-Read Flashmaster instructions.


School-room prep

-Get dowel rods to tape to back of maps since they're not hanging flat on the flip-chart-hanger thing that was supposed to be the original solution.


-Get clear vinyl to use as table cloth over other maps(or over nice table cloths on special occasions); sew elastic or drawstring around edges to prevent it from moving around/coming off. Use masking tape if it’s a problem.


-Get shower board & cut to size for use as a whiteboard. Figure out what to use as trim around it so dry erase marker dust doesn't get on walls. Need tray on bottom for erasers/markers. (Hang new whiteboard.)

-Print student pages for WTM & other curric. history, literature, science.

-Get art portfolios/storage already!

- Make new notebooks for this year.

-Get more bookshelves, and replace ones that are bowing & about ready to break.

-Copy student pages for use w/ multiple kids. (But order PDFs of student pages for Peace Hill Press products.)

-Have at least 1st quarter fully prepared w/ library lists, project supplies (sci equipment), copies made/printed out, lists of perishable items to get right beforehand, etc.

-Set up schoolroom better. Ea. kids’ books more accessible, notebooks too. Esp. reading lists for recording things. Maybe use composition notebooks for some things instead of hole-punched tabbed sections in notebooks?





-Organize & put away all papers from previous years. Finish grading last bit in "inbox". (Put papers in a box labeled 2010/2011. Ignore the grading, it’s irrelevant by now.)

- (Build sturdy ones with doors (bookshelves), even though I don't really know how?)

-Explore & learn the Lego Robotics curriculum thoroughly in preparation for League/club starting THIS FRIDAY (aaaaaaaaah!) ( Unless you are teaching/leading this group.)

-Decide on penmanship for DS1 (next level of Abeka seems simplest & most accurate) (Just use Abeka; devote your planning time to the subjects that need more attention.)

-Go through WWE & FLL, see if it’s redundant to use R&S writing with those (Yes, it’s redundant. Pick one or the other. Give priority to what you already own or already know you like.)

-Check level of Remedia Pub. beginning outlining book… for DS2 or not? (Focus on your big picture planning. Consider this later in the year if he seems to need extra help.)

-make a felt board (This doesn’t sound urgent or essential.)

- holding a yard sale

- I still have to figure out which direction to lay fabric & how to thread the sewing machine because DS1 grew out of most of his pajama bottoms. (Go spend $15 on a few pairs of boxers or cheap sweatpants.)


Assign to kids

- the blueberries need to be picked

- Try out online typing programs. (BBC’s dance mat typing is free. I’d start with that.)

-LAMINATE: MOH Challenge cards, EFTRU cards, SOTW mem. Cards… (highschooler or maybe the 10 year old; I’m not sure how advanced this skill is.)

-Test out our telescope, microscopes, & binos (which are only very nice toy quality). Buy new if needed.

Edited by abacus2
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I know you guys are right... it's just a tough pill to swallow. As for how long I've been at this homeschooling gig, check my sig. Since '05, so this will be my 7th year of doing "official grade levels", which isn't counting any preschool stuff we did. Back then it was just Abeka and/or interest-led. Since I read WTM, it's gotten complicated.


I think I posted my frustration & allowed others to see that (horrible) list because I realized something is out of whack. I get that. Balance is needed. Thanks for the help. :grouphug:

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Just my two cents, but they say that when you make up a list, you need to automatically let everything below number 3 drop off. You don't have time for it. So, if we break your list down, I counted 38 things. Let's round up to 40, because I probably got disoriented with the scrolling down. And you probably forgot something anyway.

Divide 40 by three things per day. That's in the neighborhood of 13 to 14 days. It's August 2. Start tomorrow with your three things and you're there before August 22. No big deal.


If climbers stage major mountain climbs, you can stage a major list to get through. It's seeing it all at once that makes it look so big. Pick your three most important things, get them done first. Then tackle the next three. No more than three per day. If you get done quickly DON'T cheat yourself out of your well earned rest. You'll need that energy somewhere else.

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Sailormom, boscopup, abacus2 & others, your questions help me see that others do not take it to this level of insanity. I'm doing WTM science on my own only b/c I already have enough books & encyclopedias to do logic stage Bio - I just need to add experiments (I've got JVC & How ___ Works books for that, or can order the kits in WTM). Some of the things on my to-do list are just one-time tasks, not planning out an entire year (such as laying out a generalized block schedule that will be reused ea. week to help me through WTM logic stage history). I just worded it poorly. Abacus2, thanks for grouping my list like that! Other stuff, I'm seeing now, is truly over the top and can just GO. Which is also what I need to do since I need to get some of the important things done and still have time to go to the used furniture store. You're right, I'm not Martha Stewart by a long-shot and I don't have time right now to learn how to be.

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Sailormom, boscopup, abacus2 & others, your questions help me see that others do not take it to this level of insanity. I'm doing WTM science on my own only b/c I already have enough books & encyclopedias to do logic stage Bio - I just need to add experiments (I've got JVC & How ___ Works books for that, or can order the kits in WTM). Some of the things on my to-do list are just one-time tasks, not planning out an entire year (such as laying out a generalized block schedule that will be reused ea. week to help me through WTM logic stage history). I just worded it poorly. Abacus2, thanks for grouping my list like that! Other stuff, I'm seeing now, is truly over the top and can just GO. Which is also what I need to do since I need to get some of the important things done and still have time to go to the used furniture store. You're right, I'm not Martha Stewart by a long-shot and I don't have time right now to learn how to be.


I'm glad your feeling better and have a workable plan. Whew! Your list made me want to cry and it wasn't even my list. No wonder you were feeling overwhelmed.:grouphug:

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Back then it was just Abeka and/or interest-led. Since I read WTM, it's gotten complicated.


:grouphug: I am not certain, but I think the WTM was meant to be a guide of sorts, rather than a tremendous, crushing burden. If reading it has lead you to this place where you feel out of control, can you return to what was simple about homeschooling?


Even though your children are older now than they were in your Abeka-plus-fun-stuff days, they are young enough that you could still focus primarily on the basics, and they would be fine -- especially if you became a more engaged teacher when you teach them (and a more relaxed mother when you don't). As it is, at this rate, you will be more distracted by that "to do" list than helped by it. Ten and eight year old boys are not so far along in life that some part of schooling cannot be interest-led.


Completely let go of something.

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Wow - I am late to the party on this thread but I have to say, after reading the first post, I am seriously enlightened as to how laid-back I am about our schooling! Seriously, I must have really low standards! wowsa.


I hope you find some peace - regardless of how differently we approach things, I completely empathize with the feeling of being behind or unprepared. :grouphug:

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I hope I didn't come off as belittling what you were doing - I was somewhat in awe. Especially now that you point out you've done it for 7 years!

I do think it is important to step back at times - I know I get really worked up over things - so much so that other people just look at me cross-eyed and wonder what my problem is :) It is always easier for someone else (in this instance - us) to see where balance is missing from the outside :)


Anyway - I'm about to cry myself at the moment. :tongue_smilie: Anyone here want to talk me down from the ceiling over planning my MA thesis??? :crying:


FYI - you inspired me to organize DS's biology curriculum better. I only got the first 2 months done today - but was able to order two months of supplies. I figure two months at a time is max for us anyway - it always changes :)

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SailorMom, not at all! Like I said, I think I worded some of my original list poorly, mainly b/c it was a list for me and I know what those things mean, what they're for, and why I thought I needed them. It didn't incl. explanations... which may have helped in some instances, but in others, might have elicited the same "You're doing what??" responses, lol. It's totally A.O.K.


Seriously, this was beyond helpful. I got 5 things done today, but I remembered some more things that need done that weren't on the list originally (make a timeline was one). BUT, because of this thread, I was able to evaluate their necessity, and their urgency. I don't know why I always think in such black & white, all-or-nothing, perfectionist terms.


I only wish I could help you with an MA thesis, but I possess no such ability. Deep breaths, and getting away from the situation - far, far away - and totally relaxing help me to come back to things with a clear mind.

Edited by Annabel Lee
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Thank you for this thread. My list doesn't look too far from you, and I was stressing too. In fact, when it comes to organization I have a quasi schizophrenic personality - I fluctuate between hyper, detailed organization and relaxed, chillin' approach :)

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Yes! I do have to start Aug. 22, because that's what I've been telling myself for so long it's stuck in my head that way, and if you know me, you know change doesn't come easy... My dd's school starts in the middle of the previous week, but I like to start on a Monday. Also, we need those extra days in Aug. to make up for Labor Day (whenever both dd & dh are off, school is hard to accomplish), and the upcoming hunting & fishing seasons. I really should have started earlier on some things - things that I didn't even know to do - but I think I'm learning some serious organization skills I didn't have before. I've been preparing since spring, but most of that time was spent trying to decide on curriculum.


I've got a ton of things from that list done, deligated out, dropped off all lists altogether, or that I've decided can wait for another time in my life. I just have to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who helped me shift my perspective. You've helped my whole family.

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Yes! I do have to start Aug. 22, because that's what I've been telling myself for so long it's stuck in my head that way, and if you know me, you know change doesn't come easy... My dd's school starts in the middle of the previous week, but I like to start on a Monday. Also, we need those extra days in Aug. to make up for Labor Day (whenever both dd & dh are off, school is hard to accomplish), and the upcoming hunting & fishing seasons. I really should have started earlier on some things - things that I didn't even know to do - but I think I'm learning some serious organization skills I didn't have before. I've been preparing since spring, but most of that time was spent trying to decide on curriculum.


I've got a ton of things from that list done, deligated out, dropped off all lists altogether, or that I've decided can wait for another time in my life. I just have to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who helped me shift my perspective. You've helped my whole family.

So glad to hear you're coming along nicely :)

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Yes! I do have to start Aug. 22, because that's what I've been telling myself for so long it's stuck in my head that way, and if you know me, you know change doesn't come easy... My dd's school starts in the middle of the previous week, but I like to start on a Monday. Also, we need those extra days in Aug. to make up for Labor Day (whenever both dd & dh are off, school is hard to accomplish), and the upcoming hunting & fishing seasons. I really should have started earlier on some things - things that I didn't even know to do - but I think I'm learning some serious organization skills I didn't have before. I've been preparing since spring, but most of that time was spent trying to decide on curriculum.


I've got a ton of things from that list done, deligated out, dropped off all lists altogether, or that I've decided can wait for another time in my life. I just have to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who helped me shift my perspective. You've helped my whole family.



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