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lost library book

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I lost my library book. Usually it's the kids that do this, this time it was mama. Bad mama. I've looked all over and can't find it. Now I'm paying my child (the one that's good at this kind of thing) to look for it and she can't find it. I asked dh to look for it, but he said I have to stop getting library books because they're costing us too much money.


So.... if you were my lost library book where would you be?

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In a bag. We have bunches of cloth bags that we take places. So I find lots of books that were in a bag, taken somewhere, then stuffed in a corner when we came back.


Other places include under seats in our cars, under the bed, and mixed in with our own books (especially since we buy lots from library book sales).

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- Under the seat in the car

- In a bag I took along on a kid event, to read while there

- By the computer

- Stuck in a stack of books we own and carried back upstairs to reshelve

- On the dining room table where I set it as I was passing by

- In the sunroom


All of these happened recently.

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We're going through this, too. I really thought we returned it, but the library insists we didn't.


But dang if I can't find it! I guess I'm just going to have to pay for it. Grumble grumble.


I second the double checking with the library. And the suggestion about cloth bags - we have THOUSANDS! Good luck!

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So.... if you were my lost library book where would you be?

I was positive that I had returned 2 books to the library, but I noticed them on my account online several weeks after I had returned them (I renew my books online, so they just kept getting renewed because I do big batches at a time). I was going to go to the library and check the shelves for the books and argue with the librarians if necessary. Then I happened to glance at a bookcase that I never use to keep library books and there they were! I'm sooo glad I found them before I went in and made a big fuss!

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The day before I was going to tell the library we lost a book and I needed to replace it, I found it underneath a blanket inside a cloth grocery bag in our laundry room. How it got there is still a mystery...


I find most of the ones the kids misplace in the van, though one was underneath the recliner.

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I was positive that I had returned 2 books to the library, but I noticed them on my account online several weeks after I had returned them (I renew my books online, so they just kept getting renewed because I do big batches at a time). I was going to go to the library and check the shelves for the books and argue with the librarians if necessary. Then I happened to glance at a bookcase that I never use to keep library books and there they were! I'm sooo glad I found them before I went in and made a big fuss!


I did go to the library and make a big fuss last time we lost a book. It was one ds had checked out and I searched the whole house for it. At the time I was ripping up carpet, so I looked under all the furniture and everywhere. There was nothing in the house that had not been moved. So I just knew it was at the library and they were wrong.


It was behind a toy box in the girl's room. :blushing: Now I hate to go up there and make a fuss at all.


The day I checked it out was our first back to school big book haul. And we forgot to bring backpacks. So everyone had their arms loaded down. I took some off the counter after she checked them out and set them on a table by the door, then went back and grabbed some more books off the counter as they were checked out. I thought maybe it got left behind and checked around a little last time I was at the library but didn't see it.


I think tho, that when I got home, I put it and my purse on my bed. But that part is sort of fuzzy, so I'm not real sure. I didn't get to read the book at all because I haven't been able to find it the entire month I've had it out. Now it's due back tomorrow, can't recheck it again, and I'm starting to panic. Wha!

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I do a deep cleaning of the house when we lose one, and we have temporarily lost many. A very deep cleaning usually turns the thing up. One even ended up in a box headed for the attic somehow. We did rescue it thankfully though. We go room by room and look through EVERYTHING, moving all the furniture, etc.

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I think tho, that when I got home, I put it and my purse on my bed. But that part is sort of fuzzy, so I'm not real sure. I didn't get to read the book at all because I haven't been able to find it the entire month I've had it out. Now it's due back tomorrow, can't recheck it again, and I'm starting to panic. Wha!


Can you renew it online tonight to give you more time to search for it?

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Call the library and politely ask if they could check their shelves. Also/alternately, ask them if they could renew it for you. Ours will do that, even if the computer won't let me renew it.


I've had library books go missing before -- so very annoying! Our librarian said one time a patron found a missing book under the stove!

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Our last 3 missing books were:

* upside down and backwards on the floor between two toy shelves

* behind a stack of books in our room

* behind our dresser (found when setting up our new fish tank, otherwise who knows how long it would have languished back there)

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