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Please pray for my DH - small stroke

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Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts.


DH had an MRI today, and it turns out he had 2 strokes, one on each side of his brain. He didn't feel stroke on the right side, though, and it was asymptomatic.


He had a sleep study done on July 5 and for some reason thought he did not have it. The doc came in while I was there, and it turns out he has severe sleep apnea too.


He refused to wear a CPAP mask, and last I heard, also refused to wear a nasal canula during his hospital stay, so I don't know what is going to happen with that.


Plus, even though they found out he had two strokes today, they did not complete the MRI because he became terrified in the machine. So they are doing another one tomorrow, and hopefully they will give him enough sedation so he doesn't remember it.


So, he has had 4 strokes since the end of April, plus one before that which he never told anyone about because he didn't realize it was a stroke.


Thank you all again.


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My DH had his third small stroke this morning. The ER doc has hospitalized him. He is scared to death that he will have another stroke and it will kill him.


He is right-handed, and he has no fine motor skills in his right hand. He cannot pick up a pencil, he cannot sign his name, he cannot do anything.


He can drive, because of course he drove work, and called me at 11 to tell me that for some strange reason, he had no fine motor skills.


He felt the first effects in his hand last night while he was watching the ball game, but thought nothing of it. He was supposed to play racquetball last night, but cancelled at the last minute because he was too tired.


At first, he refused to stay in the hospital, and he was going to go back to work. DS1 and I changed his mind. There is no taxi service here, so he can't leave unless I drive him. I told him if he tried anything, I'd buy a lasso and play "Rope a Dope".


Now I am at home to get his stuff. DS3 is going to lend him his Kindle.


The big problem, as I see it, is that DH is so afraid that he dives into denial every time he has a stroke, when he has to go to the ER, and when a doc tells him he will be admitted.


He has to have his fine motor skills in order to do his job. He can get therapy for that, plus I know a zillion ways to strengthen fine motor skills. It is important that he heals quickly.


But it is more important that his level of fear diminishes. That is what is making him miserable now, and it is what stops him from telling me he has had a stroke until several hours have passed.


Thank you very much.



Edited by RoughCollie
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My DH had his third small stroke this morning. The ER doc has hospitalized him. He is scared to death that he will have another stroke and it will kill him.


He is right-handed, and he has no fine motor skills in his right hand. He cannot pick up a pencil, he cannot sign his name, he cannot do anything.


He can drive, because of course he drove work, and called me at 11 to tell me that for some strange reason, he had no fine motor skills.


He felt the first effects in his hand last night while he was watching the ball game, but thought nothing of it. He was supposed to play racquetball last night, but cancelled at the last minute because he was too tired.


At first, he refused to stay in the hospital, and he was going to go back to work. DS1 and I changed his mind. There is no taxi service here, so he can't leave unless I drive him. I told him if he tried anything, I'd buy a lasso and play "Rope a Dope".


Now I am at home to get his stuff. DS3 is going to lend him his Kindle.


The big problem, as I see it, is that DH is so afraid that he dives into denial every time he has a stroke, when he has to go to the ER, and when a doc tells him he will be admitted.


He has to have his fine motor skills in order to do his job. He can get therapy for that, plus I know a zillion ways to strengthen fine motor skills. It is important that he heals quickly.


But it is more important that his level of fear diminishes. That is what is making him miserable now, and it is what stops him from telling me he has had a stroke until several hours have passed.


Thank you very much.




I am so sorry. I'll be praying. :grouphug:

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I'll be praying for you and your dh, Roughcollie! You guys have had such a rough time, and my heart goes out to both of you and your dc. My own dh had a small stroke in April and we understand all the emotions, etc. that are involved.


Please keep us posted, and know that you are cared for by many here on the forum.




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Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts.


DH had an MRI today, and it turns out he had 2 strokes, one on each side of his brain. He didn't feel stroke on the right side, though, and it was asymptomatic.


He had a sleep study done on July 5 and for some reason he thought he did not have it. The doc came in while I was there, and it turns out he has severe sleep apnea too.


He refused to wear a CPAP mask, and last I heard, also refused to wear a nasal canula during his hospital stay, so I don't know what is going to happen with that.


Plus, even though they found out he had two strokes today, they did not complete the MRI because he became terrified in the machine. So they are doing another one tomorrow, and hopefully they will give him enough sedation so he doesn't remember it.


So, he has had 4 strokes since the end of April, plus one before that which he never told anyone about because he didn't realize it was a stroke.


Thank you all again.



Edited by RoughCollie
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:grouphug:RC, is he on medication? Seems like these repeated episodes should not happen if he is on meds.

Praying for big improvements!


He takes 40 mg of a statin (cholesterol), 10 mg Lisinoprol (high blood pressure), and a regular aspirin every day. Yesterday, the docs added a blood thinner (antiplatelet drug) .


He has been taking these drugs every day, as prescribed.


He has been following the diet his doctors gave him.


Things are not adding up for me between what is happening to him and what he says the test results are. I am sick of hearing about HIPPA, too.

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DH was discharged from the hospital around 8:30 pm yesterday. He will receive occupational therapy.


He is getting ready for work. DS3 and I are going with him. Of the kids and I, three of us can type over 100 wpm, and two of us know how to run the book business, so we can handle this.


Luckily, I know a lot about fine motor skills development, thanks to homeschooling. I am going to pick up some materials, like a 1st grade handwriting book, for DH to use. I think it will help that the letters in those books have dotted lines to trace.


Hopefully, his brain will form new neuron pathways so he can use his right hand again.


Hopefully, too, DH will cooperate with me and won't get too frustrated.


Thank you for praying for him and for us. Please continue to do so.



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DH was discharged from the hospital around 8:30 pm yesterday. He will receive occupational therapy.


He is getting ready for work. DS3 and I are going with him. Of the kids and I, three of us can type over 100 wpm, and two of us know how to run the book business, so we can handle this.


Luckily, I know a lot about fine motor skills development, thanks to homeschooling. I am going to pick up some materials, like a 1st grade handwriting book, for DH to use. I think it will help that the letters in those books have dotted lines to trace.


Hopefully, his brain will form new neuron pathways so he can use his right hand again.


Hopefully, too, DH will cooperate with me and won't get too frustrated.


Thank you for praying for him and for us. Please continue to do so.




I've been following your posts and updates with concern. I'm so sorry your dh is having such a hard time. I've been praying for you and for him.


I will specifically pray for acceptance of a hard reality for him so that he can regain health as soon as possible.



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:grouphug: Praying for a quick return of fine-motor-skills and a solution to prevent more strokes. :grouphug:


The neurologist told him they don't know what is causing the strokes. He also said that until DH had 2 strokes this weekend, he would have said that DH's chances of having another stroke were nearly zero because of the medication he is taking.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: Will continue to pray for you.




Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts.


DH had an MRI today, and it turns out he had 2 strokes, one on each side of his brain. He didn't feel stroke on the right side, though, and it was asymptomatic.


He had a sleep study done on July 5 and for some reason thought he did not have it. The doc came in while I was there, and it turns out he has severe sleep apnea too.


He refused to wear a CPAP mask, and last I heard, also refused to wear a nasal canula during his hospital stay, so I don't know what is going to happen with that.


Plus, even though they found out he had two strokes today, they did not complete the MRI because he became terrified in the machine. So they are doing another one tomorrow, and hopefully they will give him enough sedation so he doesn't remember it.


So, he has had 4 strokes since the end of April, plus one before that which he never told anyone about because he didn't realize it was a stroke.


Thank you all again.


Original Post

My DH had his third small stroke this morning. The ER doc has hospitalized him. He is scared to death that he will have another stroke and it will kill him.


He is right-handed, and he has no fine motor skills in his right hand. He cannot pick up a pencil, he cannot sign his name, he cannot do anything.


He can drive, because of course he drove work, and called me at 11 to tell me that for some strange reason, he had no fine motor skills.


He felt the first effects in his hand last night while he was watching the ball game, but thought nothing of it. He was supposed to play racquetball last night, but cancelled at the last minute because he was too tired.


At first, he refused to stay in the hospital, and he was going to go back to work. DS1 and I changed his mind. There is no taxi service here, so he can't leave unless I drive him. I told him if he tried anything, I'd buy a lasso and play "Rope a Dope".


Now I am at home to get his stuff. DS3 is going to lend him his Kindle.


The big problem, as I see it, is that DH is so afraid that he dives into denial every time he has a stroke, when he has to go to the ER, and when a doc tells him he will be admitted.


He has to have his fine motor skills in order to do his job. He can get therapy for that, plus I know a zillion ways to strengthen fine motor skills. It is important that he heals quickly.


But it is more important that his level of fear diminishes. That is what is making him miserable now, and it is what stops him from telling me he has had a stroke until several hours have passed.


Thank you very much.



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The neurologist told him they don't know what is causing the strokes. He also said that until DH had 2 strokes this weekend, he would have said that DH's chances of having another stroke were nearly zero because of the medication he is taking.


I'm so sorry your family has suffered SO much. I can't even imagine what you are going through.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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