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S/O: What do you hope will be next year's winners....

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Winners I'm hoping for next year:


Lightning Lit 7 & 8

R&S Math (for dd)

NOEO Chemistry II Science

Rainbow Science

Life of Fred Math books (for ds)

Jensen's Format Writing and Vocabulary

Geography Combo.: Trail Guide to US Geog., Geography Through Art & Mapping the World By Heart (dd)

The Ultimate Geography & Timeline Guide and Mapping the World By Heart (ds)


Yep, I've made a lot of changes this year, hopefully for the best!

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We are trying Noeo Science, Physics II. I've never used it before, but it looks so good. This is the program I am most excited about. I hope it really works and isn't a let down.


Let's see...what else will be new?

English from the Roots Up

Queen's Homeschool Language Lessons

Typing for DS

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God's Design For Science Series:

Our Planet Earth, Weather & Water


History Portfolio/History Portfolio, Jr. (Ancient)


A Child's Geography: Explore The Holy Land


Student Of The Word

(a winner for 2 years already, hoping for a 3rd)


Story Of The World volume 1 audio CD's


best intentions,


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Here are the two new things we're trying that I'm hoping for success with:


Rosetta Stone Spanish


Draw Today Art Curriculum


Everything else on our list has been used before by someone in the family! (That's the advantage of having 13+ years of homeschooling under our belts!)

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Next year must be a better year than this one!


I have great hopes for:


Classical Writing--Homer and Beginning Poetry: This is the first year that I will use their workbooks and models. I'm hoping that I won't have to switch to my own.


Lightning Lit 7--This looks like it will be right up dd's alley.


Middle Ages/Renaissance history combining Guerber and SOTW. I'm hoping that I can combine these into a good plan. We did History-lite this year and I miss our more intensive history sessions.

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IEW Theme-based Writing- Ancients


Greek Alphabetarion/Hupogrammon


Henle Latin


Ancient Civilizations by Diana Waring (the new edition)


Education Exploration Science


A Child's Geography: Explore the Holy Lands




Whew! That's a lot of new stuff...holding my breath!


I was tempted to use DW for history next year, but we're ready for modern and her revised modern isn't out yet. We love her cds. I hope I remember to ask you how you like it!

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I'm hoping to love:


Writing Tales I

Spanish for Children

whatever I choose for Latin (LFC A or Lively Latin)

Time Travelers CDs (though how I'm going to fit in everything I want to do for history, other than start now, I don't know!)

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  • WWE (for my reluctant writer)
  • Artistic Pursuits (so I approach art a bit more thoughtfully)
  • English From the Roots Up cards (just a fun language arts thing)

For the rest, we'll continue using RightStart for math, FLL, SWO, ETC + PP (for my DS5), SOTW, and REAL Science. All of these have worked well for us.

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NEOE Chemistry I

Elementary Apologia Astronomy

Elementary Apologia Zoology 1

(yup going to be a science filled year by the children's request)

and if we ever get to it SOTW2, I saw if we ever do because we have already spent all year on SOTW1 and are still on the egyptians, they love to stop and fully explore a topic which I support but it really drags out a program

Jolly Phonics, while I have recently started using this, I am counting it towards next year as we already had out year end portfolio review for this year.

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Guest momsfamily4

I hope that these will be the winners in our family for next year...


Building Thinking Skills

Readling Made Easy ( Just started with DS. Hope he continues to do well with this.)

Apologia Swimming Creatures



I am already getting excited about starting some new things for next year. Planning on a great year!



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I have three things I really want to succeed next year because if they do then I will be happily settled into some long-term choices for my girls in most subjects.



  • TOG -Using year 2 units 1 and 2 at half-pace.
  • R&S grammar - If this works, I am set for a few years in grammar.
  • IEW theme based writing lessons - using the Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales next year with the middle child after happily doing SWI-C with the oldest. If this works for us, then our writing program is settled.


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Umm...everything? Seriously, not much worked well this past year. What I hope will be a hit w/ my dc:




MUS (it's a hit w/ ds10, hoping it will be for ds7)

Apol. Zoo. 1

MFW ECC (a break from history will hopefully be just what the dr. ordered)

AAS (something has to work!)


We've changed so much this past year. I never knew how much trial and error it was going to be! Sometimes I wish there was only one curriculum out there!

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Next year's winners should be:


Singapore Math

Spell to Write and Read with the worksheets and charts I created

Ruth Heller Grammar Picture Books

Galore Park materials for English and Latin



I worry about:


Rod and Staff being too much writing

Narrative Writing



But we will see how the year goes.:001_smile:

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