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Do you have a favorite Precept study (Kay Arthur) that you've done with your teen?

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This is actually for (advanced) dd11 and I to do together but I know a bunch of you with high schoolers have done Precepts so I thought I'd ask!


I've been having trouble finding anything meaty enough and these look perfect. I just don't think we'd like the ones that have you read the whole book in one sitting and then fill in charts before moving into the study. (Several of the shorter books had this.)


I was hoping to do one of the gospels but they don't seem to have that. I'd probably like to stick with New Testament since we did an in-depth OT study last yr with Ancients, but I could be persuaded if there is a really good one in OT! Thanks so much!


(she did a couple of the Kay Arthur children's inductive studies when she was in 2-4 grade and liked them but now they're far too young for her.)

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I haven't used it with my own kids, so take my suggestion with a grain of salt, but I think your DD would find the study of Ruth (Kinsman Redeemer) fascinating. Take a look: http://store.precept.org/p-503-kinsman-redeemer-precept-workbook.aspx


It is short enough to give you an idea of how well the format would work with your DD, but don't let the 3 lesson format fool you. It is really only 3 lessons for either the very organized or the very passionate. It took my group of adults almost 2 months to work our way through this book.


ETA: you can easily skip the charting of the entire book or save it until the end if you think it is too tedious.

Edited by LibertyH
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We've done four Kay Arthur studies and I have benefitted tremendously from each one. If you start with one, I would highly recommend "Covenant." It pulls from the OT covenants God made with His people. Just such a foundaitonal study that will change the way you see God's relationship with you.


We've also done and enjoyed:




Tabernacle* This was a study that a very good friend/Precepts teacher put together, pulling from various Precept studies per my request to study the Tabernacle following Covenant. Much of it is found in a study of Exodus as well as Hebrews.



Lisa, also praying about where God wants us this year. I'm seriously considering Isaiah or Ruth or Daniel. All so good.

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DSs (grades 11 and 12) and I went through "Lord, Is It Warfare" last year; some mature material in it -- BUT, solid Scriptural information about spiritual warfare that they will need, esp. as they will be the spiritual heads of their homes in a few years -- and, because older DS was working in a ministry this summer, which is always an area under more spiritual attack.


The major focus is the book of Ephesians, but you look up many other Scriptures throughout, with quite a few Old Testament passages on the role of the Kinsman Redeemer, and how Jesus is able to fill that role for us, and hence, why the power to resist spiritual attack rests in our position under Christ and in His Name and authority.


Highly recommend this one -- BUT, for more mature Christians who aren't going to misuse the information and think everything is spiritual attack or that the devil is behind every rock and tree. Definitely one to discuss carefully throughout. :)


BEST of luck in finding the best study for you and DC at this time! Warmest regards, Lori D.

Edited by Lori D.
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I was hoping to do one of the gospels but they don't seem to have that.


Matthew is available. As a Precept leader, I encourage you to proceed cautiously with PUP studies. They are very demanding from both the standpoint of the homework required and the connections that a student who does the entire study will do. I am honestly not sure if an 11 year old, even an advanced 11 year old, would be ready to do that. You will know best, though. Don't hesitate to do it at 1/2 pace, or even slower. A lot of adults work through these at 1/2 pace.


The book overview that you mentioned is a big part of studying inductively. Yes, you can skip it, but it will be longer before you will see connections between the different passages and you may miss some of them altogether. If you are unsure how to complete this overview, I highly suggest that you have a copy of How to Study the Bible on hand for reference. There is a new workbook available & you might even want to start with HTSB and the workbook before you move on to a complete PUP study.


You may also want to consider the International Inductive Study Series or the Lord series books. Of the two, I think the Lord books are more in depth.


FWIW, when starting a new group, we are encouraged to start with a shorter book so that everyone gets a feel for how the studies work, then move into the longer studies. Covenant and Kinsman Redeemer are foundational studies.


Let me know if you have any questions.

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Thanks for this reply Tech! I somehow misread the original post, thinking the OP's DD was GRADE 11 -- not AGE 11!


I would NOT recommend the "Lord is it Warfare" for a student under GRADE 11 -- and it would also need to be a person fairly mature in their Christian walk and understanding. Instead, I would highly recommend the Explorer's Bible Study series -- either the Discovery (gr. 3-6) level or, far more likely for an advanced 11yo, the Quest (gr. 7-12) level.


New Testament (Discovery level) studies include "Promises Fulfilled" (books of Luke and Acts) or "God's Perfect Plan" (Old Testament Prophesies fulfilled in the New Testament by Christ). New Testament (Quest level) studies include the middle school/high school levels of "Promises Fulfilled" and "God's Perfect Plan", plus "Faith at Work" (books of Romans, Galatians and James).


You might also check out the "Tween"-aged Bible study guides at Christian Book.


A look at the book of Romans by Fritz Ridenour, "How to be a Christian Without Being Religious", might be of interest, or the middle-school-aged "Girls of Grace" devotional/study. And, while also not exactly a Bible study, at that middle school age, we went over the extremely helpful Young Peacemaker manual; the beginning Worldview book "How To Be Your Own Selfish Pig"; the devotional "Who You are When No One is Looking"; and the Scripturally-based "Do Hard Things".



Again, *thank you* for posting this response so I could revise my response! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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