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If you have to create a book list for a portfolio

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I personally count chapter books that my 9yo reads to herself, whether for fun or for school, chapter books that we read to her or that are on tape/CD/mp3, any picture books or other books that are used as part of our curriculum, regardless of who read them, even if they're below her reading level, reference books like dictionaries or atlases, and any texts or spines that are part of schoolwork. Basically, I count pretty much anything that DD has looked at or that someone has read to her; the only things I really don't include are general picture books that she reads for fun, which aren't related to any particular school topics, and only because that would be way too many books. My book list this past year was several pages long; it's not in need of anything extra.

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When mine were younger and still working on just plain reading, I used to keep three lists. The first one was books the kiddo read that related to schoolwork. There was a second list for books I real aloud and a third for books the child read for fun.


Once the novelty of having them read at all wore off, I quick tracking the fun reading and also stopped differentiating between things they read and things that were read to them.


So, by the time each one was about 10, our portfolios would include a book list for each subject that showed all the books related to that topic that each child had read or heard read aloud.


I decided that, at some point, once a child "can" read, the question of who did the reading becomes less important than the fact that the book was read.


Does that make any sense?

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