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Attention Paperbackswap people!

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When you post a book, and you think it may not meet the requestor's conditions, at least email the person first.


I had a person just list a book I've had on my wish list forever, I said I wanted it, and a few minutes later, the person cancelled saying it was ex-library, and I would probably not be happy with it.


Now, I'm back in line waiting with someone else getting the ex-library book I would have been happy to get.

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If your preferences say you don't want a library book (or any other type of requirement) do you really think it is the responsibility of the person sending you a FREE book to try to talk you into taking thier book???


I personally never send books if the people requesting them have any requirements listed - especially like no smoking houses - which is sad for

them because my books are usually perfect and no we don't smoke - but

I can't promise that NO ONE who comes in contact with the book that I have sent at MY EXPENSE will - so rather than risk not getting credit for

a book I sent - I just don't and explain why I don't



I have recieved many books from PBS and have never gotten a copy I

couldn't use - If I want a new book - I go buy it

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My conditions:


no broken spines


email me if there is a strong odor or excessive wear




I have these requirements because I have received books where the pages fell out as soon as I opened the book AND a book where the perfume odor was so strong I couldn't stand the smell.


The point is, if I don't say anything about not accepting library books, then why would that be used as the reason to cancel the order?


My requirements do not go beyond what people agree to when they post a book.

Edited by nestof3
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I added a line to mine saying that I didn't mind x-library books.


I had asked for no cling wrap (I had recently had a few and it leaves the books sticky) and someone had asked me about a Mylar covered library book.:001_huh:


Some people need lots of information, I think.



[quote name=nestof3;


The point is' date=' if I don't say anything about not accepting library books, then why would that be used as the reason to cancel the order?


My requirements do not go beyond what people agree to when they post a book.


Because some people are paranoid that you'll be unhappy and then they will be out the book and the credit. Frustrating for you.

Edited by goodgollycr
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I added a line to mine saying that I didn't mind x-library books.


I had asked for no cling wrap (I had recently had a few and it leaves the books sticky) and someone had asked me about a Mylar covered library book.:001_huh:


Some people need lots of information, I think.


Good idea. I'll add that to my notes.


Mylar-covered. :lol:

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I have to admit I have stopped sending to most people with conditions. I have just been burned several times now and really am weary. There is a tiny minority of people on PBS that really do seem to want brand new books, never paged through and certainly with no creases, this or that. I have been on PBS for many years now, and the percentage of people with conditions seems to be increasing quite a bit, about 30% or more of books requested from me in the last six months having conditions listed.


I feel bad for people who have conditions because they too have been burned, but I'm not willing to email back and forth either. I don't have that kind of time, and certainly not on the last round of books I posted where most have 10+ people wishing for them. I move through to the first person without conditions. I have a backlog of 25 credits saved up now so I'm not desperate to send out books. If it seems like the requester is picky, or if I'm just sick of reading line after line of conditions, I just move on down the road to the next, even if the book looks to me pristine.


And every now and then I get tired of the whole deal and donate 200 books or so to the library and start my bookshelf of posted books fresh. Frees up my book storage space. :)

Edited by WeeBeaks
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I have to admit, I have cancelled orders from people with a lot of requirements because I just had this aching feeling that they were going to be trouble. This of course is based on a bad experience. This person wanted books without creases (now, you are allowed somewhat of a crease, I don't remember the exact rules) and the two books I sent her didn't have any at all and were in excellent shape. She wrote me, requesting her credit back, saying the one book cover was completely folded in half and looks like it has been like that for a long time! What??? My first response was that she was a scammer....I mean, why else would someone lie like that?? It was impossible for that to happen....


Anyway, I am very leary of someone who has crazy requirements and seems like the want "new" books. :confused:

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I also do not send books to people with a long list of requirements. I just figure they are going to complain unless the book is new from the bookstore.


My only requirement is that the book looks like the one pictured. I had to put that requirement after getting books that were not the newest edition but about 20 years old with yellowing pages.

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Ok, so I guess expecting unbroken spines, books that do not reek or are not excessively worn is just being too picky.


I received a book the other day -- a book about desert animals -- in which every animal on the page was circled very largely. I'm really not a picky person who expects books in like new condition, but PBS even mandates that the spine not be broken. I have ordered over 400 books from PBS.


Just the other day, someone cancelled a book I ordered saying the spine was broken. So, had I not stipulated no broken spines, I would have received a book with pages falling out?

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Wow, I didn't know PBS was so cut-throat. I'm not desperate for credits either as I have 44, but I still give common courtesy to those who have had a book on his/her wish lust. It's the whole Golden Rule thing. I have been very fortunate, it seems, ti have had people willing to take 10 seconds to make sure a book was okay. I guess I'll just remove the stipulations, and when I get an unacceptable book, just report it as being so.


I have to admit I have stopped sending to most people with conditions. I have just been burned several times now and really am weary. There is a tiny minority of people on PBS that really do seem to want brand new books, never paged through and certainly with no creases, this or that. I have been on PBS for many years now, and the percentage of people with conditions seems to be increasing quite a bit, about 30% or more of books requested from me in the last six months having conditions listed.


I feel bad for people who have conditions because they too have been burned, but I'm not willing to email back and forth either. I don't have that kind of time, and certainly not on the last round of books I posted where most have 10+ people wishing for them. I move through to the first person without conditions. I have a backlog of 25 credits saved up now so I'm not desperate to send out books. If it seems like the requester is picky, or if I'm just sick of reading line after line of conditions, I just move on down the road to the next, even if the book looks to me pristine.


And every now and then I get tired of the whole deal and donate 200 books or so to the library and start my bookshelf of posted books fresh. Frees up my book storage space. :)

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I have to admit I have stopped sending to most people with conditions. I have just been burned several times now and really am weary. There is a tiny minority of people on PBS that really do seem to want brand new books, never paged through and certainly with no creases, this or that. I have been on PBS for many years now, and the percentage of people with conditions seems to be increasing quite a bit, about 30% or more of books requested from me in the last six months having conditions listed.


I feel bad for people who have conditions because they too have been burned, but I'm not willing to email back and forth either. I don't have that kind of time, and certainly not on the last round of books I posted where most have 10+ people wishing for them. I move through to the first person without conditions. I have a backlog of 25 credits saved up now so I'm not desperate to send out books. If it seems like the requester is picky, or if I'm just sick of reading line after line of conditions, I just move on down the road to the next, even if the book looks to me pristine.


And every now and then I get tired of the whole deal and donate 200 books or so to the library and start my bookshelf of posted books fresh. Frees up my book storage space. :)

:iagree: Exactly.

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I have only one stipulation and that is no smoking....this to me means in their home. I am not overly sensitive to smells, but do not like getting books from people who smoke in their home...it's hard to get that smell out.


I did have a man email me when he got a book stating that had he known it was an ex-library he wouldn't have accepted it. To which I replied, 'You didn't have any special requests as to that so I sent it'. He of course did not email me back and I'm sure he altered his special requests area.


I've been able to pick up over half of the books needed for SL through them. I just work a year in advance and do up my wish list.

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Add me to the list of people who don't trade with people who have any condition notes. I was burned pretty badly over a book that has never been read or paged through more than twice. Never once has a person with any condition notes been happy with the condition a book I sent was in. I don't have postage money to burn, nor can I afford to loose a credit.

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I'm surprised about how many here won't send a book if the requestor has *any* conditions! I guess I'm just not super-worried about losing one credit if someone ends up unhappy with their book. I read the conditions and do my best to follow.


In my requested conditions, I have the following: "Please don't send me a book with any super-strong odors. Mild odors are ok, so just use your own judgment. Thanks!"


You guys really wouldn't send me a book? :001_huh:

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Wow, I didn't know PBS was so cut-throat. I'm not desperate for credits either as I have 44, but I still give common courtesy to those who have had a book on his/her wish lust. It's the whole Golden Rule thing. I have been very fortunate, it seems, ti have had people willing to take 10 seconds to make sure a book was okay. I guess I'll just remove the stipulations, and when I get an unacceptable book, just report it as being so.


I wouldn't worry too much about it honestly. I didn't even know that I could have any conditions listed! LOL I was not aware we could list ex-library. Some of the neatest books are ex-library and I have never listed them because I thought it had to be newish. So some people will not send to those with conditions - that is their choice and their issue. It isn't going to change my policies and I wouldn't let it change yours.


I have never been burned, and I will send to anyone. There are folks like me out there! :D I didn't even know there were conditions I had to read about when folks requested from me. :D


Bookmooch was *much* worse than PBS - some of the stuff I had from there was not even usable.

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I added a line to mine saying that I didn't mind x-library books.


I had asked for no cling wrap (I had recently had a few and it leaves the books sticky) and someone had asked me about a Mylar covered library book.:001_huh:


Some people need lots of information, I think.





Because some people are paranoid that you'll be unhappy and then they will be out the book and the credit. Frustrating for you.

I thought the PBS mailing directions say that the book should be wrapped in plastic wrap? I've always done so, and the books I've received have always been wrapped that way too. :bigear: I'm wondering about that now...

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I thought the PBS mailing directions say that the book should be wrapped in plastic wrap? I've always done so, and the books I've received have always been wrapped that way too. :bigear: I'm wondering about that now...


They say to wrap them and I think this is more for those that are using the paper print out with addresses on them to wrap the books. That gives the book extra protection. I have only used the paper printout wrap twice. All of my other books get placed into reused packages or wrapped in grocery store brown paper bags (with plastic wrap or a plastic grocery bag wrapped around it).

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Ok, so I guess expecting unbroken spines, books that do not reek or are not excessively worn is just being too picky.


I received a book the other day -- a book about desert animals -- in which every animal on the page was circled very largely. I'm really not a picky person who expects books in like new condition, but PBS even mandates that the spine not be broken. I have ordered over 400 books from PBS.


Just the other day, someone cancelled a book I ordered saying the spine was broken. So, had I not stipulated no broken spines, I would have received a book with pages falling out?


You can access the FAQ on condition of books required for PBS at the PBS site. All books are required to meet this. You can look at the book you received and then judge whether it should be reported based on the condition received in.


I review it periodically because it has changed over the course of PBS. If you have questions above the FAQ, sometimes it can help to post in the message board area there for clarification.


I think most of us on PBS for any length of time have received books that didn't meet guidelines. We all have our horror stories both ways, sender and receiver.

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I thought the PBS mailing directions say that the book should be wrapped in plastic wrap? I've always done so, and the books I've received have always been wrapped that way too. :bigear: I'm wondering about that now...


Plastic wrap isn't required. It is suggested to "consider" using it in the FAQ but not required. This one has been debated since PBS started, with those violently opposed to it and those very much in favor of it.


Most of mine received are without it, but probably 75% of those are in some type of Tyvec or water resistent material anyway.

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