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Heart Palpitations

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Does anyone get these as a result of hormonal changes? I started getting these about 5 days ago and it happened to be when my cycle resumed after 17 months, due to being pregnant and nursing.


I have had some every day for the last 5 days, they come and go but seem to be worse when I'm laying down. My heart starts beating very fast or hard for several beats and then returns to normal. I was reading that they rarely indicate a problem. But last night I had so many that I couldn't sleep.


I had an echocardiogram and stress echo in 2009 due to some pain I was having and my heart looked great. I guess I feel pretty sure that nothing is wrong, but the palpitations can be unsettling.

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I get them, too. I hate how they feel. I would get it rechecked, since it's new, but I agree it's most likely benign. Mine come and go in phases. The last time I started getting them a lot again, I happened to have an appointment with my naturopath, and she found my magnesium levels really low on my bloodwork. I started a supplement, and I stopped having the palpitations and chest pain I was having. So, a good magnesium supplement is worth a shot (it's really common to be low in that). As a side effect, the magnesium helped me with the insomnia issues I'd been having. Unfortunately, it didn't help my blood pressure.


Have you tried cutting out caffeine? It has helped me SO much! It wouldn't hurt to be checked out just to be sure all is well. :001_smile:

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I have a permanent arrhythmia and for the past few months, I've been having a horrible time with what I perceive to be hormonal issues... one of them is palpitations that are uncomfortable at the minimum and often painful. They happen when I have PMS leading up to my period. My understanding is that it's very common but always worth having looked at.

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I get them, too. I hate how they feel. I would get it rechecked, since it's new, but I agree it's most likely benign. Mine come and go in phases. The last time I started getting them a lot again, I happened to have an appointment with my naturopath, and she found my magnesium levels really low on my bloodwork. I started a supplement, and I stopped having the palpitations and chest pain I was having. So, a good magnesium supplement is worth a shot (it's really common to be low in that). As a side effect, the magnesium helped me with the insomnia issues I'd been having. Unfortunately, it didn't help my blood pressure.


Kirsten, I was wondering if it could be some kind of vitamin/mineral deficiency. I will check my multi vitamins to see how much magnesium is in them. Do you know how much I should aim for?

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Does anyone get these as a result of hormonal changes? I started getting these about 5 days ago and it happened to be when my cycle resumed after 17 months, due to being pregnant and nursing.




when I had these it was because one of several reasons:

potassium deficiency (I always go for this one first whenever they come up. eat a banana. almost always go away.)

too much of a medication

low thyroid

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Guest momk2000

I am also perimenopausal, and started with heart palpitations about 3 yrs ago. I have had all the tests you mentioned. In addition to my multivitamin, I take a calcium/magnesium/vit d supplement, and fish oil. It seem that when I added the fish oil, my palpitations improved significantly.

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Kirsten, I was wondering if it could be some kind of vitamin/mineral deficiency. I will check my multi vitamins to see how much magnesium is in them. Do you know how much I should aim for?


Agree with the magnesium for the palpitations. Mg is a mineral so it's not usually in a multi-vitamin. Magnesium citrate - about 400 mg. Or eat a lot of whole grains and nuts.

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Agree with the magnesium for the palpitations. Mg is a mineral so it's not usually in a multi-vitamin. Magnesium citrate - about 400 mg. Or eat a lot of whole grains and nuts.


I take Rainbow Light multivitamin/mineral and it says


Magnesium (as Oxide) 100 mg


It also says Manganese (as Citrate) 2 mg- That is something else I gather?


I do eat while grains and nuts, I don't know if it's enough though. Maybe I will look into an additional Magnesium supplement.

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When I was very iron deficient I was having palpitations, its was one of the reasons I got checked out, its mostly gone now I am taking iron.


I saw my PCP and he did order some blood work to check for anemia and other deficiencies and to check my thyroid.


Thanks everyone, for giving me some ideas of what to look into.


I feel better that my dr is not concerned about my heart. I have been severely sleep deprived due to baby's sleep issues and dr felt that is probably a big contributor too. Apparently the days are gone when I was young and could stay up most of the night w out issue. :tongue_smilie:

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when I had these it was because one of several reasons:

potassium deficiency (I always go for this one first whenever they come up. eat a banana. almost always go away.)

too much of a medication

low thyroid



I would check those things. Get the thyroid check. Most times it has to do with low thyroid.

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How often throughout the day do you all have them? I made an appointment for tomorrow which I don't really feel like going to, but they have become more and more frequent and it's unsettling. I have them all day long.


I had ever increasing palpitations that I kept thinking were nothing. I finally went in and did the Holter. Well, they turned out to be a big enough something that I'm going to need a procedure to address them. It's definitely safer to get it checked out!

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Yes, I am getting them and I am pregnant. I have never had them before.


I did the Holter and echo, and the upshot was that my heart is fine, it's just pumping a lot of blood right now and things are a little irregular. I have read that progesterone levels can be a factor as well. But I haven't had a doctor confirm that.

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