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Dh's job

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No go, she is about to have a baby!!


Ah, gotcha. Didn't realize that. It would, however, still be possible to start looking for a couple of kids who need childcare and have them lined up to begin after the baby is born (did I also mention that before I worked at my current job I had a home daycare, LOL?)

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Just until things get better could you look for a job, even if it's something part-time or maybe watching a couple of children for pay in your home? I know it's not ideal when you're HSing (trust me, I know this first hand since I work full-time second shift and trade off the kids with my dh) but when times are tough it calls for extreme measures.


For the past 2 years, I've been applying for retail, teaching, etc. I've done online tutoring, Usborne, & Etsy. I've sold nothing, I've gotten interviews & made it to the final cuts, but not quite far enough. And at the moment, I'm 7mos pregnant, which doesn't really make me look like the best person to hire.


Babysitting isn't allowed on our lease.

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3. If he has NO job, will he be subject to the unemployment discrimination I read about in another thread?


I haven't read that thread but I feel your worry on that front. Dh can't find work in his field. It is so frustrating. You would think engineering/design jobs would be out there somewhere. He had a former co-worker to tell him not to stay out of the business too long...uh, ok.


Dh is working, but we are sinking. Something has to give.



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I dare you to find one that's hiring.


Not even a temp service? They don't technically hire. They farm out. Sometimes it's a day here and a few days there. (right now that is all it is here also...other times, things open up a bit longer)


I just read about your husband's breathing issue (?) My vote is to move to CO (since you can live with your mom) and job hunt there.


I'm not speaking out my rear here. My husband just switched jobs due to his health (mold issues in one place), with the promise of a permanent position. The placement agency LIED to him. His assignment ended after two weeks (apparently, he was really only filling in for a guy on vacation. So he quit a job to fill in for one man's vacation?! You know we were spitting mad at the agency and the other company). He has been putting out resumes left and right, every. single. day. One company told him that if he could find them clients, then they'd hire him (that company is hurting pretty badly, but they both laughed about it and carried on...I hope he actually made someone's day with his sense of humour). He has an interview today and will be waitlisted. Then he's going to be put to work through a temp agency until another thing comes along. I've just started with a direct sales company.

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