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My email to the church update!

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Well....apparently I picked the wrong church. Figures.


This the email response I got:


"The only resource I can recommend to you is go to www.linncounty.org. When the site comes up type in “resource charts†in the search window. It will give you several charts that have lots and lots of resources available in Linn County."


I did just that and it said that there were no search results for my search and to please try again. I'm glad I didn't call. I would've been incredibly embarrassed and felt really stupid.

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Well....apparently I picked the wrong church. Figures.


This the email response I got:


"The only resource I can recommend to you is go to www.linncounty.org. When the site comes up type in “resource charts” in the search window. It will give you several charts that have lots and lots of resources available in Linn County."


I did just that and it said that there were no search results for my search and to please try again. I'm glad I didn't call. I would've been incredibly embarrassed and felt really stupid.


What about this http://www.faithlutheran.org/assistance_options/resources_in_linn_county_io.html


or this: http://www.hacap.org/Content/Programs/Health-and-Nutrition/Food-Reservoir/Agency-Partners-Linn-County.aspx

Edited by jbemom
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Our church will give general information like that to general emails and requests for help. It helps weed out those who are serious, who really need help, and those who are scamming.


So, what would someone who is serious and really needs help do at this point?

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The food bank information is helpful, thank you. The rest of the resources I am already aware of and taking advantage of (if we qualify), such as LIHEAP.

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So, what would someone who is serious and really needs help do at this point?


Kristin, can you go to the church directly? I know at our church, which is a small church, we have a food pantry and I've been there (and I've been the recipient of food) when people came asking for assistance and I've never seen anyone turned away. Showing up and talking directly to someone would be better than emailing.

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So, what would someone who is serious and really needs help do at this point?

I would email him back and say that you tried to put in "resource charts" at the website he provided, but it said there were no results. It's a way to get a conversation started with him, and maybe that'll prompt more response.

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Kristin, can you go to the church directly? I know at our church, which is a small church, we have a food pantry and I've been there (and I've been the recipient of food) when people came asking for assistance and I've never seen anyone turned away. Showing up and talking directly to someone would be better than emailing.

:iagree: Or at least call them and ask what their proceedure is for receiving help. Some churches only give to members I have noticed in this economy. At one congregation we attended in a larger town, all people asking were sent to another community organization for screening. If that scre3ening went ok, then help was bountiful.

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Amazing how being essentially shot down can make you feel so small. Even if he had just thrown in a few kind comments it would've felt better.


This is so true! Even pastors are human and sometimes forget this. I hope that you reach some compassionate people who can give you the help you guys need! :grouphug::grouphug:

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Kristin, I did a google search typing in your county, Iowa food banks. I got lots of different resources to pop up.




If you are in Cedar Rapids area, I might be able to help further. My aunt is a dispatcher with the police department not terribly far away from you (Van Buren County). She lives outside Davenport. Let me know if this is close to you at all. I can contact her and see what resources the police department recommends. (I only know that when I fly in, I usually land in Cedar Rapids. So forgive me if you're on the other side of the state!

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Maybe a smaller church?? Larger churches may be helping so many people that it starts to get impersonal? Maybe they do it so often that their responses are becoming automated? In any case, that stinks and I'm sorry.


Please don't give up, I think our pastor probably keeps one eye on the door just to catch someone walking in that we might be able to help, LOL.

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1. Calling. But, it's so easy to hide behind my computer screen. Okay, okay, I know you're probably right. So, what would one say in such a phone call??


2. I am in Cedar Rapids.


3. I thought there was something else I was going to say too....will go back and re-read and come back when I remember.

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Kristin, have you tried calling your local United Way? It looks like the UW of Eastern Iowa services your area. When I worked there, most United Ways maintained a community information line that would help you find the resources you needed.

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Having been involved in a lot of church helping ministries like this... I agree that calling or going there would be better than emailing.

Bring any utility bills with you, because they may be specially able to help with those. Explain your situation calmly-- you don't need to be embarrassed.

And, if there's any little service that you can do for them, something in kind like gardening or stuffing envelopes, I'm sure they would appreciate it.

And I'm so sorry, but there are a lot of scammers out there-- we have been burned! so please don't be offended or put off if they don't realize that that's not you, right away. Appeals out of the blue are always doubtful at first.

And, there are food pantries everywhere, so I am sure there is one in your community.

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I'd try a smaller church. My BIL used to work at Peace CRC in Cedar Rapids. I'm sure they'd be able to direct you where to go. I just tried calling my sister but she isn't answering her phone. They'd know where in Cedar Rapids to go. If I hear back from her before you figure it out I'll let you know.

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Well....apparently I picked the wrong church. Figures.


This the email response I got:


"The only resource I can recommend to you is go to www.linncounty.org. When the site comes up type in “resource charts†in the search window. It will give you several charts that have lots and lots of resources available in Linn County."


I did just that and it said that there were no search results for my search and to please try again. I'm glad I didn't call. I would've been incredibly embarrassed and felt really stupid.


I just went to that site and typed in that search and it came up with a list of things. At the bottom of page there were 17 (?) or so documents with different types of resources - food, childcare, transportation, etc.


When I went back in just now it said there were no search results. One that I opened had a list of places one could get help - what kind of help and restrictions listed. Maybe try again, I think it could just be the website messing up.


I actually just tried again before hitting post and it worked.

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:grouphug: I know it's not free, but I saw it mentioned on your other thread and I think it bears repeating-if you can't get anywhere with the churches in your area, Angel Food Ministries is really a good second choice. For between $21 and $35 you get boxes with quite a bit of food, and between that and WIC you might be able to get your monthly grocery budget down to $70 a month.

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:grouphug: I know it's not free, but I saw it mentioned on your other thread and I think it bears repeating-if you can't get anywhere with the churches in your area, Angel Food Ministries is really a good second choice. For between $21 and $35 you get boxes with quite a bit of food, and between that and WIC you might be able to get your monthly grocery budget down to $70 a month.


I had looked into it in the past. I'll have to look again. I'm not sure I have the $$ upfront to do it. Doesn't matter how good of a deal it is, if I only have $10, ya know? I hate being in this place.

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I have an idea for approaching a church.


It's Bible school time. :)


I know in the past, our church has found families in need of a little help when they came for Bible school. You might consider taking your kids to a local Bible school (they will even come pick you up), stay awhile and visit with a mom or two, and then ask when you feel a little more comfortable. And if you chicken out, you can call just email or call the next day and say, "Hey, we were at Bible school last night and I was wondering..."


Personally meeting a family can make a huge difference. :D

Edited by Swirl
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Please, please pick up the phone and call a church near you. I was a church secrectary for several years (before children) and when someone was in need, we always helped. Sometimes it was food, sometimes it was paying for utilities or prescriptions, sometimes even helping with rent.


Don't feel embarrased or ashamed. (I know, it's easier said than done, but don't let your fears win. You and your family are too important to let fear stand in the way) You don't have to be eloquent. Just say, "Hello, My name is Kristen and I need help feeding my family. Can you help me?" It's simple, straightforward, and truthful.


Churches are here to help all people see the face of Christ, whether the people being served are members or not. Give the church the opportunity to show love to you and your family.


There may be some people who say that they can't help. That will be their loss. Keep your chin up and try again. Some churches are dead. Some are alive and filled with the Holy Spirit. You will know the ones that are alive because they will do all they can to help you in joy and love.


Let us know how things go. I will be praying for your courage and blessing to be upon you.

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I had looked into it in the past. I'll have to look again. I'm not sure I have the $$ upfront to do it. Doesn't matter how good of a deal it is, if I only have $10, ya know? I hate being in this place.


Some people will donate so that families in your situation can get a box. I would contact your nearest Angel Food ministry.


I will be praying for you! :grouphug:

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I had looked into it in the past. I'll have to look again. I'm not sure I have the $$ upfront to do it. Doesn't matter how good of a deal it is, if I only have $10, ya know? I hate being in this place.

Call the sponsoring churches for AngelFood. There are 3 here and they always have food to give away. Some families forget to pick up, other families buy extra and say to give to a needy family, and then the churches buy extra for their food ministries. If you don't have enough money for a whole box, they may be able to help you with an extra box or a partial box or something. But you will need to call and talk to someone before the food arrives. I know one church delivers or donates all food on the day it arrives before 3pm so most of their choices are made before then.

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Call the sponsoring churches for AngelFood. There are 3 here and they always have food to give away. Some families forget to pick up, other families buy extra and say to give to a needy family, and then the churches buy extra for their food ministries. If you don't have enough money for a whole box, they may be able to help you with an extra box or a partial box or something. But you will need to call and talk to someone before the food arrives. I know one church delivers or donates all food on the day it arrives before 3pm so most of their choices are made before then.


Great information! Thank you, I will certainly be doing this!

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On that page you posted was a link to the Salvation Army. They have drop in meals, plus food pantry and other helps like vouchers for items from their stores, camps, They even help with your bills if you are facing your utilities being cut off. The Sally Ann is one of those organizations that is designed to help others.

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Around here, there is a Community Action Program. WIC falls under its umbrella, and so does the food pantry. If you call the WIC office and tell them you're interested in applying, you could also ask them if they know of food pantries in the area.


I seem to have found several food pantries in the area, thank you!

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