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VA homeschoolers - testing ??? freaking out a little

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So, I've completed K with my boys this past school year. They just turned six the end of June. My understanding of the homeschooling law in VA was that I didn't need to test this past year, but must start testing them this coming school year to turn in by August 1, 2012. Am I understanding this correctly?


I'm asking because I received a letter from the school board in the city I used to live in (started homeschooling there, but we moved to county a few months ago). I did send the new county my NOI for K and will do so again for 1st. Anyway, on the letter from the city states that "Current achievement is also needed for each child who received home instruction in 2010-2011 and who will continue in 2011-2012."


Below is the section of the law on who must be tested:


Homeschoolers must be tested if they have registered under §22.1-254.1 of the Virginia Code by filing a "Notice of Intent to Provide Home Instruction" or letter with the school division. Testing is not required for the following: 1) children who are under the age of six as of September 30 of the school year; 2) students who are under the religious-exemption provision §22.1-254(B)(1); 3) students being taught by a certified tutor §22.1-254 (A); or 4) students who have graduated, regardless of age.


The part highlighted in red was what I was goign by. Please tell me I don't need to freak out and get them tested in the next week? I don't even know how long it takes to get the results. I expected to be doing this next Spring.


Thanks so much


Edited by mlktwins
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I would not bother to call because I find that I am more informed than most people at the Superintendent's office when it comes to home schooling regulations.


You could just quote that section in your NOI or say something like, "I have not included test scores because the child had not reached the age of six by September 30, 2010."


BTW, I've home schooled in VA since forever (2001). I simply opted my children out of K and we started NOI's when they reached age six (first grade). Opting out just required a short letter from me and my husband.




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I'll agree with the other posters that you don't need to test him this year. It sounds like you got a form letter that was sent without looking at what grade level is involved.


Having said that, Seton Hall is a test provider for the CAT and was able to get us tests within a couple days and turn around results within a week. They are also in VA, which helps.


Just wanted to give them a shout out, since they were so helpful to us this year. I thought it might be helpful for other folks reading the thread in the future.

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It varies some by county, but most local systems are not going to nail you to the wall. Really. Ours will send you a letter and give you 30 days to fix the problem if you miss something, and I've heard of people calling and getting an extra 30 days beyond the deadlines.


The HSLDA alerts scare people, but the reality is that the majority of us never have a problem.

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Just wanted to add that once, my test results were late in coming back, so I just called the homeschool liason person and it was no problem to simply send them in when they came, even if it was after Aug 1. Contrary to popular belief, they aren't all out to get us. :001_smile:

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I received a similar letter when my son was not 6 yet -- they send the letter out to all homeschoolers in their database. There is no need to contact the school system, if it is ever questioned later you can point them to the statute. I word my NOI like this:


I understand that by August 1, 2012, I must provide evidence of educational achievement for each child listed below who has reached his sixth birthday on or before September 30, 2011.


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