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Tummy trouble - Advice please

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Possum is constipated :sad: He is 9.5m actual, 6m corrected.


About 8 weeks ago we started on some solids and he got really bound up, he wasn't loving the food so we stopped and he cleared out his system.


2 weeks ago I saw our Dr went through what happened last time and got the go ahead to try again. We are 2 weeks in and he is seriously constipated again despite being given lots of prune juice and pure prune in almost every meal. Dr recommended all the prunes. If i was eating that much prune i wouldn't get off the toilet! I've just given him his 1st dose of coloxyl drops as he's been straining and trying to go for the last 24 hours.


I called the local Dr to get an appt and there is nothing available before next Tuesday so i spoke to the nurse who said give him some weetbix :svengo: I'm not sure how that is going to help! She said don't stop feeding him solids let his body work it out. I don't want to do him damage!


To me there is something more going on. None of my other kids have ever had this much trouble. I'm thinking an intolerance but to what I'm not sure or maybe that his body just isn't ready yet. I'm not sure what to do really. Advice appreciated.

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I remembered he was very prem, but couldn't remember how old he is now.

could you try nurse-on-call? or the infant welfare nurse?

I think I would stop solids until he passes something. I know how awful it feels to be constipated. and I would think it would be very uncomfortable to keep on putting more in when nothing is coming out.

For my youngest I didn't start on solids until close to one, and then he had mostly stewed fruit. Could the nurse be an older woman? my mother fed her babies weetbix. I don't thing it is recommended under 1 now.

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He doesn't want to eat ATM either. When i have tried today he has taken no more than a mouthful. I think he knows it's making his tummy hurt.


I'm hoping that he will pass something soon. I might try calling the nursery at the hospital tomorrow and see if they have any advice.


I would have held off with solids with him but prems run a high risk of oral aversion the longer you leave them not eating. Also he feeds very frequently overnight, 4 or more times, full feeds! and i was hoping for a little respite.

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What's that orange fruit called that is sort of a plum, but is not? I know I sound silly, but that fruit in juice form did miracles for my dd when she was constipated. BTW, she was very constipated and also developed severe food allergies around 1 year of age, so be careful. What have you been giving him?

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Yes, brain dead here.

I got it recommended 10 years ago for dd who was a baby then and it has been the only natural thing that worked. Apricot juice.


OK, so for the food items then at least there is no oatmeal, but a lot of different items. I'd say totally go back and start all over. Introduce one thing at a time, alone, and do that for 3 days to make sure he is fine and not getting constipated. I am assuming he is drinking enough water so that the constipation would be due to intolerances to the solid foods. I'd eliminate sweet potatoes, pumpkin and broccoli for now, though. What do you mix the rice cereal with? You should do a fruit and wait a bit on the cereal and see where it takes you. Just to get his tummy some rest.


This is all my opinion, of course, and would be what I would do myself. I have eight children, but am no expert.

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Pureed pear should help. Bananas are also good - interestingly, they're good for both constipation and diarrhoea.




ETA I would have struggled to keep my babies off solids beyond six months - the average I started solids at was 5 months, my eldest was 4 months.

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Well, I would just stop solids all together if I were you, but I don't know anything about preemies.


Out of that list, rice can be very constipating - I'd take that out of rotation.


When we've had constipation issues we had good luck with very small amounts of chammomile tea. Might be worth a try.

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Amber, this is just a thought, but has he been on antibiotics? Both of my kids have had gastro problems. My daughter was on a lot of antibiotics for ear infections and I think it totally wiped out the beneficial bacteria in her system. She had stomach pain on and off for years and when we saw the GI at Children's a couple of years ago, she did some tests and said my daughter was severely constipated. At first, we used Miralax, which did clear up the constipation and the stomach pain. Then, I thought to try to give her a probiotic each day in place of the Miralax and that worked as well.


My son has major issues with gluten and was completely constipated as well and not able to potty train until we removed gluten (though it doesn't look like you are giving your little one any of that). He still had lots of bowel issues after its removal until we added in probiotics for him as well.


I don't know if you can give Miralax or probiotics to babies, so I'm not recommending you do, but it's something to keep in mind and ask your doctor about.





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I've been told to avoid bananas as they are constipating so I don't think we will be going there. Apparently apples can be bad too.


Perhaps we just need to take a break again and start over in a month or so. I am careful when introducing new foods but as he doesn't go everyday anyway it's difficult to say what might be causing the further constipation. I have tried upping his water intake but he doesn't love it, he does have extra BFs though and it's winter here ATM so I don't think it's a hydration issue.


I was thinking about maybe trying a chiropractor but that has me a little nervous. Just incase his back is out. He's need through so much it wouldnt surprise me if that is an underlying issue.

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Amber, this is just a thought, but has he been on antibiotics? Both of my kids have had gastro problems. My daughter was on a lot of antibiotics for ear infections and I think it totally wiped out the beneficial bacteria in her system. She had stomach pain on and off for years and when we saw the GI at Children's a couple of years ago, she did some tests and said my daughter was severely constipated. At first, we used Miralax, which did clear up the constipation and the stomach pain. Then, I thought to try to give her a probiotic each day in place of the Miralax and that worked as well.


My son has major issues with gluten and was completely constipated as well and not able to potty train until we removed gluten (though it doesn't look like you are giving your little one any of that). He still had lots of bowel issues after its removal until we added in probiotics for him as well.


I don't know if you can give Miralax or probiotics to babies, so I'm not recommending you do, but it's something to keep in mind and ask your doctor about.






Now THAT is something to consider! He has been on LOTS of ABs especially when he was in NICU. I had totally forgot about that. I remember asking them in the nursery at the time did they give probiotics to counteract the ABs. Hmm, I will look into that in the morning. I know there are some you can give to infants because just before we were discharged they started a research program on NEC and were using an infant probiotics. Thank you :)

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Now THAT is something to consider! He has been on LOTS of ABs especially when he was in NICU. I had totally forgot about that. I remember asking them in the nursery at the time did they give probiotics to counteract the ABs. Hmm, I will look into that in the morning. I know there are some you can give to infants because just before we were discharged they started a research program on NEC and were using an infant probiotics. Thank you :)




I strongly agree with Lisa. B/c of all the antibiotics, his gut might be out of whack. Consider stopping the solids while you get some probiotics in him. When you start again, wait a LOOONG time before you give cow's milk (or any of its products) or gluten-containing grains like wheat/rye/barley (and possibly, oats).


My daughter, a full-termer, was on abx for two weeks at birth due to GBS infection. She was a very constipated baby, too -- though we didn't figure out the link to antibiotic use until later.


My son, adopted from India, had a lot of stress in early life, and was on a lot of antibiotics, too, and he's gluten- and dairy-intolerant. I think it's due to the early stress and antibiotics -- it just ruined his gut. In your case, your son had a lot of medical trauma in addition to his prematurity, and between that and the antibiotics, Lisa's point is very good.


One sign, to me, that his gut needs healing is that you said that he's a breastfed infant who's not "going" daily. I'm surprised. His gut is probably in need of some healing and probiotics.


Based on all that, it might help to rest his gut (water and breast milk only for a while), add probiotics, and re-start in a month or so with one food at a time. Look up a list of low-allergen foods (like pears) and start with those, paying close attention to how he reacts. Wait a looong time before giving gluten or dairy, too.


I'm a fan of chiropractors, so I'd say that if you can find one who's trained to work with infants, it's worth trying. It's very likely, due to his prematurity, that Possum's back could be "out." Is there a qualified pediatric chiropractor in your area?


Hope he's feeling better soon!



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I know nothing about prems at all. So disregard if I'm talking nonsense.

But it's not at all abnormal for breastfed infants to not go daily, DD used to go weekly and she wasn't at all constipated. Boy what a bomb that was when it went off! I know lots of others with breastfed babies who have gone less frequently.

Anyway, based on the fact that he is not going daily, I'd introduce one food at a time and wait for 2 good bowel motions before introducing the next food. That way you will know for sure if anything in particular causes an issue. Solids at this age are more about experience than sustenance, so introducing slowly should not hurt at all.

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Thanks Lisa. There is a great paed chiro about 2 hours away. I'll make some calls in the morning, perhaps they can recommend someone locally. I'll also get some probiotics. I think your probably right and resting his gut is the best thing I can do for him. I don't just want to charge on hoping everything sorts itself out.


I will keep in mind sticking to low allergen foods once we start up again. Hopefully he can clear the backlog soon, poor little man.

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I know nothing about prems at all. So disregard if I'm talking nonsense.

But it's not at all abnormal for breastfed infants to not go daily, DD used to go weekly and she wasn't at all constipated. Boy what a bomb that was when it went off! I know lots of others with breastfed babies who have gone less frequently.

Anyway, based on the fact that he is not going daily, I'd introduce one food at a time and wait for 2 good bowel motions before introducing the next food. That way you will know for sure if anything in particular causes an issue. Solids at this age are more about experience than sustenance, so introducing slowly should not hurt at all.


You have a valid point there. Not all BF bubs go daily. Possum is an every few days man but with the food he isn't going at all and terribly upset straining, grunting, knees up, etc. He wants to go and can't.

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I had a similar experience to yours when dd started solids. She got constipated, but the doc said to keep giving her the food. I did, but now I wish I hadn't. We ended up having to take her to a GI who prescribed Miralax- I think someone else mentioned this, it can be given to an infant. It worked wonders. The GI told me that even if an infant is properly hydrated, the system may still not be pulling enough water into the bowels to keep the stool soft to pass. It is an issue of an immature system. I was also recommended to give her peas, pears, peaches, and 4oz undiluted white grape juice a day. They also mentioned prunes but they gave dd horrible gas pains so I had to stop giving it to her.


Hope your baby feels better soon!

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Solgar makes a probiotic powder called "ABC Dopholus." It's what I used for my babies. I would put it in their bottles. My sister has either made a paste and put it on her nipple or mixed it with water and put it in a syringe.


My oldest started solids at 6 months and developed respiratory problems and we finally figured out it was oatmeal. That's when I learned babies get probiotics when they pass through the birth canal and through breast milk. Well, my kids were born c-section and were bottle fed. (adopted) So Elliot started getting probiotics at about 7 months. I started Oliver on them the day he came home from the hospital at 2 days old.


Oliver had a lot of constipation issues up until he was almost 3. He would go, but we called them rabbit pellets because he only pooped little hard balls. When we figured out he couldn't have food dye it all cleared up. Seriously, two or three days after eliminating all dyes he was pooping normally for the first time in his life. So it could definitely be some sort of intolerance.

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I just really want to encourage you to heal his gut. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria in the gut and we need it - it is a huge part of not only our digestive system but immune system as well. Its soooo important. I have been reading about it lately so it is fresh, and i have got us all on probiotics at the moment. There are definitely probiotics for babies- in fact its likely that any chemist naturopath might be able to get you some, if your health food store doesn't have any.

DO NOT feed him weet bix. Your instincts about allergies are correct! And if his gut is damaged, and it sounds like it is, it needs to heal before he eats much at all, or he will end up with allergies.

And yes....the chiro would be good. It makes a huge difference for some babies.

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Thanks Peela :)


I thought the nurse was NUTS recommending Weet Bix!! Certainly wont be feeding him that, and it made me discount anything else she had to say. At this point we are stopping all solids, BFing only, going to the chiro this arvo, and trying to get hold of some probiotics. I'm making a few calls locally to see what i can get my hands on.

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As a mom who has a child born with an anorectal malformation, which deals with colon issues.

1. I would take out the rice and applesauce. Apples can be very constipating believe it or not. Especially without the skin.


2. I would get something like Little Tummies to push that stuff out. I would give him more than the recommended dose for his age. A dose that would give him one good diaper filling BM. It won't hurt him to go over the dose. Trust me. I know some children that are on almost adult doses at your son's age, but they were born with a defect. LOL But even so it would be wise to get him cleaned out. You can definitely use something like Babylax ( or is it called Pedialax now?) which is a glycerin enema.


3. Then I would wait to introduce solids. If he was a premiee, they usually tend to have gastro issues to begin with. My nephew was born early(He was 2lbs at birth) and he is 5 now. But he takes reflux meds due to the fact he was born a premiee. So even though your son is 9 months old his body isn't 9 months old. I know many mothers with premiees that wait until at least a year old to start solids.


If and when you start solids and he's still dealing with constipation at that level then something is up.

You definitely don't want him to be severly constipated. Constipation can cause megacolon and it can also cause UTI's if not treated properly.

If anything they can test him for Hirshprungs, and if that's not the case then could be a case of idopathic constipation.

Ugh, can you tell I know alot about constipation? LOL

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Amber I'm totally ignorant on this, but I had to read when I saw Possum is having tummy trouble. Honestly I think the doctor is daft. This isn't a few days - this is two weeks! I'd go with your gut feeling and probably just get him off solids for now so he can begin to recover, and hopefully things will start functioning again. I might even consider contacting another doctor for a second opinion. Chiropractor might be a good idea too. IMO he's really only 6 mos old. I don't know why there would be a rush to introduce solids anyway. Babies usually have a way of letting you know when they want "real" food. I hope he recovers quickly - I'm praying for him. :grouphug:

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Thanks everyone. We saw the chiro today and his back was pretty good. I managed to get some baby probiotics and have started him on that. We have also stopped all solid foods. He had a couple of small pebble movements today but nothing like he needs to. We will get onto the laxatives tomorrow in the hope of clearing him out properly.


I will keep in mind having him tested for the disease you mentioned. My regular Dr is away at the moment but when she returns we will go over everything and ask to see a specialist.

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My bf baby constantly struggled with the same thing. The specialist told me to give her a kids fleet enema (glycerin bullet) when needed and he put her on Miralax (now over the counter, but the dose isn't specifically stated for babies). She was a preemie, but only by five weeks. I wonder if that had anything to do with it.

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My kids have had good success with blueberries and sweet potatoes, both of which are nutritious anyhow. Oatmeal can also be helpful. I have to say too, a lot of early foods are nonfat. Try avocado, and maybe adding fat into totally nonfat foods. And make sure he is having enough fluids.

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