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Maps-Uncle Josh's vs. Knowledge Quest vs. Map Aids-HELP!


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Can you describe likes/dislikes about any of these? I want something that I can add some maps in as I go along reading an American History spine for (Explorers to 1815 time period) and other books with a third grader. I'd like outline maps that give me some direction as the teacher as to what to DO with the maps and possibly have answers! Like a map of America, and it tells us to draw in different explorers' routes, but gives me the answers as a teacher. Or the main battles of the Revolutionary War, etc.


I'm pretty much narrowed down to Knowledge Quest and Map Aids since I think they both do what I want. Is Map Aids hard to use without the whole Tapestry of Grace to give you the instructions?

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Ok-based on the copies (CD-ROM) in my hands...


Uncle Josh's are outline maps primarily of the modern world with a few historical maps. Not much labled if memory serves. US and Canada as well as continents can be used without political boundries.


Knowledge Quest are primarily historical maps not bound by modern/current political boundries. Some with lables.


Map Aids are, as I understand things, based on Knowledge Quest (I think designed by them). They are specific to the needs of TOG history units by year. NB: I just received these and have not poped them in the computer yet.


I have CD-ROMs of all three and there are not really any teacher instructions. Uncle Josh and Knowledge Quest are for you to use as you see fit. Perhaps you might want some reproducable outline maps and also a historical atlas that provides the info you want to include (I think my history atlas is from DK).


If you are using SOTW, the activity book includes all the maps for their exercises and if you are doing geography with Trail Guides their CD-ROM of the Student Notebook provides all the maps needed.


Hope that helps!

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website says it has "lesson plans"-any indication of that on the CD? Thanks for the help!


I am not doing SOTW, but I do have the Vol 3 AG, and the Amer Hist maps are very limited.


Anyone else care to comment on whether MapAids would be too hard to use without the accompanying instructions?

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The hardest thing about MapAids might be that they can be very specific, and you may or may not use all of the ones on the disc. There is a new map for maybe 2/3 (estimate -- maybe more!) of the 36 weeks in the program, and they are specific to the topic of the week. That said, I really do love them! They have a map for Grammar levels, Dialectic levels, and Rhetoric levels, and the truly important Teacher map. The younger levels have more things already labeled or marked on them, the D and R levels usually are blank completely. (Ex. a grammar level might have cities marked with dots but not labeled, and the older levels would not have the cities marked at all.) The teacher map has EVERYTHING marked :)


Depending on the topic of the week, the maps might just be of the political boundaries, or important battles, or trade routes, or trails, etc.


These are just the things that have popped into my head. Hope it helps!

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The book includes not only maps but activities to go along with the map. Mine is buried with all of my books right now as we are having bookshelves built, but I recall that it covers Native Amerians, Explorers and all the major U.S. History events through WWII. It's very easy to use.




FWIW, I also have Uncle Josh's but have used it for modern geography studies rather than historical. I haven't looked at the other two resources you asked about.




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website says it has "lesson plans"-any indication of that on the CD? Thanks for the help!


I am not doing SOTW, but I do have the Vol 3 AG, and the Amer Hist maps are very limited.


Yes, the KQ maps have lesson plans for each map on the CD. A Plan for the labelled map, and plan for the unlabelled map. Easy to follow.


I've not seen the SOTW AG, but the KQ American maps are pretty extensive. They come with lesson plans, too. Though some of the maps are the same as what is in the world history maps. But there are some different ones, and you can buy the world history CD and the American CD for some price deal at their website.

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love the look of the Walch, just what I was looking for!!-does it have answer maps for the teacher? :001_smile:


Colleen-thanks-that was so helpful-one more quick question: are the KQ lesson plans similar to the Walch at the link FloridaLisa provided above (there's a nice sample.)


I'm asking because if they both have similar lesson plans but one has the answer maps, I'd better get that one! :D

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love the look of the Walch, just what I was looking for!!-does it have answer maps for the teacher? :001_smile:


Colleen-thanks-that was so helpful-one more quick question: are the KQ lesson plans similar to the Walch at the link FloridaLisa provided above (there's a nice sample.)


I'm asking because if they both have similar lesson plans but one has the answer maps, I'd better get that one! :D


Wow, the Walch lesson plans are way more detailed than KQ! Way more activities per map. Looks like a lot of fun to do!


EDIT: I can see why they are more detailed - the Walch book is for grades 7-10, whereas KQ is more for younger kids.

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website says it has "lesson plans"-any indication of that on the CD? Thanks for the help!





I never noticed those until I poped the disc in...


I purchased my disc in 2006 (maybe late 05) and all the lesson plans are is ideas for 4-6 things to find and label on each map. Nothing extensive. Perhaps less of a lesson plan and more suggestions on how you might use each map in teaching history. Not terribly unlike the mapwork in SOTW AGs.

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detailed questions on this-it was a big help in making my choice! We love mapping here, but with such a heavy load otherwise this yr we'll probably go with the KQ. I also really wanted maps on CD, which the KQ is. I will have my eye out to buy the Walch used if I ever see it because I LOVE it! (Any takers to sell theirs? ;))

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