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Are you multi-tasking right now?

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I seem to always find myself multi-tasking on the computer. I usually have two different browsers open with at least 10 windows up. Thank goodness for tabbed-window browsers!



I am...


  • Reading WTM (doh)
  • Merging two PDF files using a free service (Adventures in America didn't send their first files with cover pages)
  • Researching piano lesson books (Faber? Alfred? something else?)
  • Compiling a read-aloud list
  • Researching read-alouds
  • Listening to Pandora (mix of all my faves)
  • Looking into Shelfari or a way to track read-alouds
  • Reading a teacher's forum
  • Researching Kathi Appelt
  • Synching up iPad
  • Adding books to Audible Wishlist (just joined yesterday, got $100 Amazon discount!)
  • Researching all of the above on Amazon


Edited by Satori
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Yep! Always! Right now I am eating a piece of pizza and typing with one hand! lol


Current tabs I have open:

Scott Foresmand Reading...printing off grammar worksheets

PaperBackSwap...looking up some new titles as well as printing of mail slips

Amazon...looking up books on parenting

My local library website...trying to find the books on parenting that I want!

Playlist...listening to my playlist

Rainbow Resource....looking for some how to draw books

last but certainly not least...... Your Blog!!!!! ;)

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I am currently only nursing ds and on WTM, since ds is miserable, whining and wiggling and thrashing and popping off and on so he is taking up a good chunk of my attention. Usually I have at least 5 things going at once, but the girls are at a park date and I haven't turned on my background noise yet, and the info I was researching, well, their site is down for maintenance. :glare: I will be reading up on next week's school in a bit, and doing dishes with Firefly on with ds asleep in the carrier once he passes out nursing.

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Ah, baby fell asleep so back to normal. At least four things going at once on the computer plus three extra tabs open for later activities (open house tonight, cancelled appt that I need to call about, dinner that's in the crockpot), sent an email, checked something for dh, skimmed a link I found here, etc, etc.

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I am


eating breakfast


reading here


reading the FIAR boards


IM'ing with dh to find out how his dr. appt went this morning


fielding a million questions from my 5 year old who is reading over my shoulder ;)


And, now, I'm going to go take a shower which will make the 5 year old happy because he can have some time on my iPad to keep him out of trouble while I'm in there!:)

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-watching DS across the foyer (he's in dining room, I'm in home office) do his HWOT


-browsing Amazon and adding a bunch of possible things to cart for DS's birthday next month - looking to put together a rock hound backpack for that and want to see if I can do it for less than Home Science Tools


-eating lunch


-listening to music


-bouncing over here to see if there is anything interesting


-have pages selected from various sites and files printing


-answering emails


-just got off phone from a call that came in

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Right now:

*I am reading posts on here

*eating lunch

*writing an email to my cousin

*taking notes to help with the lesson planning I will be doing in about 10 minutes

*trying to find my employment insurance code that I had on my desk yesterday and now can't find

*adding titles to my amazon shopping cart

*making a shopping list of items to look for at the dollarstore tomorrow


After I am done eating, I will be ditching the desk and computer and heading into the kitchen to watch tv, do lesson planning and wash the dishes (rotate back and forth between lesson planning and dishes while I let them air dry), so fewer things.

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*I'm on Facebook...

*and looking at pictures I just took of my baby (I stuck him in a picnic basket outside this morning and he loved it!)

*and posting the pictures I like on another tab...

*I'm obviously on WTM

*I also have my email up

*and looking up recipes to make for lunch


And My baby is sleeping!! that's the only reason I'm able to do anything! I have to multi task or nothing will get done... :001_smile:

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Amazingly, nothing! Usually I am though. When I was here earlier I was checking the weather site because there was a storm coming through, listening to a baseball game and texting a friend. If I am on the computer downstairs I am in the middle of the family action and often am doing more than one thing. Right now, though, the kids and my husband are in bed, the house is quiet and I am too sleepy to do more than just what I am doing!

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Right now I am researching camp sites for the boy's summer trip, making reservations, telling my family when we'll arrive at the family reunion, communicating with my real estate agent (we are supposed to be closing tomorrow), looking up and jotting down the numbers for the utilities I'm to cancel as soon as I get word, discussing the vocabulary of the DVD (the Errol Flynn Robin Hood), and cooking. Got to go check the rice.

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I call it multislacking.


:lol::lol: Love it!! (that's me :001_huh:;))



Lately I've been noticing that if I attempt to post while making dinner, I will (1) burn the dinner, and/or (2) say something more stupid than usual in my post.

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