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Where can I find a solutions manual and testsfor Foeresters Alg II...

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that doesn't cost an arm and a leg? :) I have been looking for a few months and it seems that I'll need to spend about 120.00 for the solutions manual and the test book. Yikes!


Does anyone some advice of where I can get these a little cheaper? Or is this the reality of high school classes?



Wendy in WI

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That's what I did, too. After looking around all over, I ended up buying the Solutions Manual directly from the publisher. After getting a bum deal on Amazon Marketplace for the student text (I paid $35 for "Very Good" condition, and received a book full of writing which was virtually useless to me) I ended up buying the text from the publisher, too. It was only $40, which is quite a bit less than homeschool curriculum providers were asking.




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I saw it listed in the Kolbe catalog and it seemed like a good idea, but I haven't heard of anyone who has used it.


I bought the student text online and will buy the solutions manual this summer. I bought the teacher's resource for Foerster's Algebra (1) book used and wound up not needing it at all. I wonder if the teacher's resource for this algebra is useful or not?

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