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What is your 14 yos reading this summer?

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Well dd is 13, but some of the books she has been reading are books from the Dragonlance series (so far, the Chronicles & Legends books) & she has also just started The Book of Jhereg (the first 3 books of a different fantasy series).


I'd also recommend The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear &/or any books by Terry Pratchett.

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My 15yos is reading the Bartimaeus Trilogy from this thread.


We LOVED those books!


My 13-year-old son has been reading and very much enjoying this series: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-warrior-heir-cinda-williams-chima/1015674889?ean=9780786839179&itm=1&usri=warrior%2bheir


He also read and liked the new Garth Nix book, Troubletwisters: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/troubletwisters-garth-nix/1100051412?ean=9780545258975&itm=1&usri=troubletwisters


And, of course, he re-read the last couple of Harry Potter books in time for the last movie.

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My dd, 14, is loving this book:





She is also reading War of the Ring which is part of the Middle Earth History series, I think...


I think she is also still reading The Silmarillion.


She has also been reading A String in the Harp-


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This book, The Musician's Handbook - A Practical Guide to Understanding the Music Business:




All. Summer. Long.


He and his band mates are trying to get the funds together to record an EP, and they are trying to figure out how to get more gigs.


Sure wish he would read some fiction! LOL


He's also read The Encyclopedia of Dead Rock Stars and the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. Perhaps I should design a "History of Rock and Roll" course for him?! LOL

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:bigear: My dd has read a lot of classics in the last few months. She got a Kindle for Christmas and many are free downloads.


If anyone can suggest things for her that would be great. She loved the Hunger Games trilogy. She would love some newer fiction, but she doesn't want vampires or horror books. She like suspence and doesn't mind a little romance. She also wants them to be fairly clean as far as language goes.

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Drew posted this list on Facebook and I jokingly say it saved our summer. I just couldn't bear to watch my kids read Harry Potter and Percy Jackson ONE MORE TIME....(their standard fall-backs when they don't have a new book to read) so I gave them this list and told them they have to read only from it this summer.




For my 7th grade son, I'm having him read all of the 4th-6th grade books since it is summer reading. And, for my 9th grade daughter I'm having her read the middle school list. She is deeply into Count of Monte Cristo right now and really enjoying it.

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This summer, she read the unabridged Les Miserables (that took a month), The Count of Monte Cristo (which I am reading now--it's great) and some Agatha Christie to rest her brain. She also enjoyed The Three Musketeers, though I think she might like The Count better. In another vein, she also read one or two of the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child. Most might think Reacher is not really suitable for a 13 year old girl, but if you are pretty liberal about what your kids can read (as we are, obviously), it's great fun and would, I think, appeal more to a 14 yo boy than to a 13 yo girl.


If he's looking for a great modern novel that just oozes literary merit, I always recommend Peace Like a River by Leif Enger (I could be misspelling his name). It is one of the best books I have ever read. It is so good, in fact, that everyone to whom I have given a copy has turned around and given a copy (not theirs, mind you, another copy) to someone else. It's the kind of book you want others to read so much that you need to physically put it in their hands. My daughter loved this one as well.



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My 13 yo is reading Effective C# for pleasure. He is on his second read through. He has also read several fantasy novels by Cassandra Clare this summer. My 15 year old has read the same Cassandra Clare novels. I am not sure what he is reading at the moment. He has free access to everything at Gutenberg on his Kindle so I tend to be more aware of the paper books he reads than his Kindle reads unless he wants to buy something and needs permission.

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DS14 started The Hobbit, and hopefully it will lead into reading the rest of the Tolkien novels. He is more of a Star Wars type of kid, so he read the various novels that came out.


He's not a kid that will pick up a book just for the joy of reading, if you know what I mean...:glare:

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Mine is about 6 weeks away from turning 14, but...


The Maze Runner - He's in a YA book club with our homeschool group and that's the current book.


He's also finishing The Hitchhiker's Guide anthology.


Summer reading is completely his choice. I neither require nor suggest (unless he asks) anything for him in summer.

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My son has been reading the Hitchhiker's Guide series too. And I've had him reading a few things in preparation for the Greeks this school year. We're going on vacation next week and he needs something new to take along. I'll have to check out some of these suggestions and see what he thinks.

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Calvin is reading a lot of Ian M Banks. I suspect that some of it has quite adult themes.. He's also read The Old Man and the Sea and is about to read Rubicon.


My 14yo son just read The Old Man and the Sea too! He's reading A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich right now. For lighter fare he's rereading Politically

Correct Bedtime Stories and Dave Barry Slept Here. My husband gave him Earthlight, so he started that. He isn't interested in reading books I tore through at that age (Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, etc.), so this thread is great for getting ideas!



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My (almost) 14 yo dd has read:


1-Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde by Robert Lewis Stevenson

2-The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde

3-Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer

4-The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

5-The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

6-Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

7-The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

8-A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine l'Engle


She's on a classics kick...Can you tell? :001_smile: She looks forward to summer so she can read more (sometimes "school" just gets in her way).

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I loved the David Eddings series (Belgariad and many others) as a teen, myself (long ago!). I'd strongly recommend them for teens - good fiction adventuring story but without the gratuitous language & other bleah scenes.


I have first edition copies of all the original books. I loved these as a kid too. Ds is not a fantasy fiend, so he hasn't dug into them yet.



My ds is reading Garth Nix's Keys to the Kingdom series and we just started Through the Looking Glass today as a read-aloud. The Looking Glass Wars is another youth series I've enjoyed this summer.

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