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bizarre homeschooling question....

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I really thought I had heard every question, but I was wrong...


I was in Papa Murphy's today talking to the manager about doing a homeschool field trip. When she asked what grades, I said that I was teaching K,3, 4 and 8th this year. The worker next to the manager looked at me and asked, " Where will your kids go to school when they are not in those grades?":confused: Before I could say anything the manager said that I teach all grades, duh!!


I am just gobsmacked by the question. So what is the most bizarre comment or question you have gotten?


:lol: oh my goodness that is funny.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Friday evening I was buying movie tickets at the counter while my DH and kids got popcorn. When I asked for 2 student tickets, he asked to see IDs. I gave him my kids' homeschool ID cards and paid for our tickets. Then he asked me if all homeschoolers had to have ID cards. I told him it wasn't required, and he said that he gets people who claim to be homeschoolers and can't show him a student ID, and he always wonders if they're trying to cheat him. Okay, well, lets see. Most homeschoolers claiming to be students would be under the legal age to drop out of high school. Everyone else, by default, has to be an actual STUDENT. :001_huh: Honestly, it was the strangest thing. Asking for student IDs from people who are barely past the child's ticket cut-off age befuddles me. I understand the college age and above crowd. But seriously, the little girl in pig tails standing beside me is not a high school drop out pretending to be a homeschooler to save 50 cents on a movie ticket. Made me want to hand him a logic book...

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