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Embarrassed to ask but.....

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Is there anything I can do naturally to help stop my underarm sweating? The smell doesn't seem to be a problem, just the excessive moisture. Just for a bit of background on what I do/use now...... no soap under the arms when I shower, and all natural, homemade deodorant using coconut oil and baking soda. I've been doing this routine for probably a couple of years and like I mentioned, this really seems to do the trick as far as smell goes but it does nothing for the wetness. It is really embarrassing and I want to figure out a way to deal with it so any suggestions are welcome.



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I have hyperhydrosis (my problem is mostly with my palms) and my doctor told me to be sure I was drinking enough water. It seems counter intuitive, but he said that water intake plays a huge role in your body's attempts to self-regulate its temperature. If you don't get enough water, your body gets too hot (it may be long before you actually realize you are hot) and starts sweating even more to bring the temps down. Then you get even more dehydrated -- I believe he said you lose around 10% of your water by sweating -- and it's a vicious cycle. I asked him, "How do I know if I'm getting enough water? I'm going to have a hard time counting ounces on a daily basis." His response was just to drink, drink, drink -- if you think you've had enough, you probably haven't. I try to follow his advice of drinking "extra" water here and there -- a cup before meals, a cup before bed, and always keeping a cup with me when I'm doing sit-down work (computer, reading, etc.).


The other advice he gave me was to make sure I'm exfoliating my skin well every time I shower, so that my pores aren't clogged up. The most important parts are underarms, back and face.

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Talcum powder? I only wear cotton, and I cannot wear tank tops due to this issue. Having cotton right there to absorb the wetness helps a lot. I have never heard of the no-soap thing!


Thanks for the suggestion. The no-soap thing is to prevent the pore clogging that can happen from washing with soap.


I usually only wear cotton as well but then I get the big wet spots that are embarrassing. I actually prefer to wear sleaveless since then the evidence of the sweating isn't visible.

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I have hyperhydrosis (my problem is mostly with my palms) and my doctor told me to be sure I was drinking enough water. It seems counter intuitive, but he said that water intake plays a huge role in your body's attempts to self-regulate its temperature. If you don't get enough water, your body gets too hot (it may be long before you actually realize you are hot) and starts sweating even more to bring the temps down. Then you get even more dehydrated -- I believe he said you lose around 10% of your water by sweating -- and it's a vicious cycle. I asked him, "How do I know if I'm getting enough water? I'm going to have a hard time counting ounces on a daily basis." His response was just to drink, drink, drink -- if you think you've had enough, you probably haven't. I try to follow his advice of drinking "extra" water here and there -- a cup before meals, a cup before bed, and always keeping a cup with me when I'm doing sit-down work (computer, reading, etc.).


The other advice he gave me was to make sure I'm exfoliating my skin well every time I shower, so that my pores aren't clogged up. The most important parts are underarms, back and face.


I know I don't drink enough water so I'll try to start drinking more. That is something I should be doing any way so I'll give it a try and see if it helps.


I always shave under my arms so I would think I'd be getting enough exfoliation, but maybe I need to do more???


Thanks for the ideas!

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