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Any Maeve Binchy readers here? I'm trying to remember which book something was in...

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It was set in a small town, and a boy drowned in the lake in the book. That's all I remember but I can't remember which book that was in. :confused:


I'm going through and rereading her books and I don't want to reread whichever one that was because I seem to remember it being really sad. And obviously I don't want to look at the synopses of the books on Wikipedia to find out because that would wreck my summer reading!



Edited by HappyGrace
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It was set in a small town, and a boy drowned in the lake in the book. That's all I remember but I can't remember which book that was in. :confused:


I'm going through and rereading her books and I don't want to reread whichever one that was because I seem to remember it being really sad. And obviously I don't want to look at the synopses of the books on Wikipedia to find out because that would wreck my summer reading!




Could it be Tara Road? That has two families switching houses between Ireland and the US. I think the American mom had lost a son to a drowning.

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Oh, no! Now I don't know which one to avoid! I don't think Tara Road; I wouldn't have minded a mention of it. This was the boy drowned as part of the plot and the whole town was sad and different people in the town felt guilty, etc. The Glass Lake would make sense; I think the book had quite a lot to do with the lake even before the drowning, I'm pretty sure.



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Nobody drowned in The Copper Beech, or in Tara Road. The boy of the American mother in Tara Road died in a motorcycle accident.

There was a drowning in The Glass Lake, but it was supposed to be the mother of a family and another woman who is only mentioned briefly.


There were a couple of drownings in Echoes, but it's based on a small town near the ocean. A couple of young tourist boys die in the ocean and the lifeguard on duty takes it really hard. And then a man in his mid-20s dies near the end.


My guess is that the book you're thinking of is The Glass Lake. It's the only one that's really centered around a lake.

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Are you thinking of "Nights of Rain and Stars"? I am a HUGE Maeve Binchy fan, but that's the only one I could think of where a man drowned (or did he?).


ETA: Hmm. I haven't read fiction in many years, but I went to look at my bookshelves and saw that it could also be "The Glass Lake" or "Echoes." If you figure out what it is, please post!

Edited by greenvneck
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