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Am I Crazy to Do this for Language Arts? Thoughts.


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This year I am strongly considering taking a different route. My son will be in 5th grade, but is advanced. If I was to buy a traditional book it would probably be a 7th grade one. He did Voyages in English 6 last year. He completed FLL 1-4 already as well. How much traditional grammar does he need. I feel he knows all of that. I was considering nixing the traditional Language Arts book this year, and going rogue.


I was thinking of doing 70% Literary analysis & writing (research reports, essays, biographies, etc..), 15% Grammar Review, and 15 % spelling/vocabulary.




How does this sound?

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Guest SkaterMom

Sounds good to me. We don't do spelling because my dd can spell just about anything she has read. In you situation I would just review grammar to ensure your dc doesn't lose it and have fun.



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