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When medicine fails?

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So, I seem to be "a quirk".


Since 2006, I have suffered with carpel tunnel symptoms that have only gotten worse over time and not responded to aspirin therapy. In 2010, I finally got a referral for an orthopedic Dr. I was PG at the time, so they refused to do X-Rays, so I went in for the muscle test (with needles and electric shock) to test for carpel tunnel.


The results were astonishing. NO carpel tunnel in my wrists, and a slight nerve "disconnect" (??!) somewhere between my neck and shoulder. So, they sent me for a cervical spine MRI.


The MRI results said nothing, and the orthopedic Dr. referred me to a neurologist. After spending less than 5 minutes in the exam room with me, the neurologist told me there was nothing wrong with me.


Yet, I continue to suffer carpel tunnel symptoms (As I write this, I must stop frequently to "stretch" my hands). Any advice? Do I go back to the Dr. and start the cycle of tests again? :auto:


What would YOU do?? :( :confused:

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When do you experience this pain the most? Have you stopped doing the things that cause you to feel the pain the most?


When I started to have severe pain in my wrist, arm, and shoulders while using my computer even after breaks throughout the day. I tried a lot of things, but ended up stopping all use of my computer completely for over 4-5 months. When I came back to the computer, I did every ergonomic "tip" I could find, including sideways keyboard, sideways mouse, adjustable desk, clicking software, shortcut keys, timer to force me to take breaks etc. The problem hasn't come back since than and I am on my computer for up to 8 hours or more a day. The only thing I still use that is "ergonomic" is that my desk is position properly and my mouse is a sideways mouse. Also I can use my mouse with both hands, so if I am fatigued, I switch wrist/hands. For me it ended up being my mouse causing most of the issues. Also I can't do any of those "clicking" type games, otherwise it does bring back some of those symptoms. If I even get a glimmer of the pain/symtoms I had before, I take a long break to make sure it doesn't come back in full swing.

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I did every ergonomic "tip" I could find, including sideways keyboard, sideways mouse, adjustable desk, clicking software, shortcut keys, timer to force me to take breaks etc. The problem hasn't come back since than and I am on my computer for up to 8 hours or more a day.


This is what helped me tremendously. I love my wavy, lumpy keyboard and my sideways mouse. I was having so much trouble and was afraid I would not be able to continue to type it hurt so bad. My dh is a computer guy and he bought all of these goodies (which also helped him). It has relieved all of the pain.

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Do you have pain in any other joints?


As of late (within the last two months) I've been having a lot of shoulder/neck/ back pain. I blame it on our mattress (which seems to tilt no matter what we do to it).


But no, not really :D

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Have you seen a chiro?


No chiro yet, I need to go see one anyway for my back problems. I admit, I have never been before, and I am kind of nervous about going!!


When do you experience this pain the most? Have you stopped doing the things that cause you to feel the pain the most?


I experience the pain when I am doing any activity that involves my wrists. I feel like I have lost significant hand and arm strength. Writing, typing, etc. are the worst for me.


It seems to "come and go" in intensity, where it bothers me a lot for awhile, and then I get it managed so it is not as annoying, and then it comes back after some aggravating incidence.


At one point, last year it was so bad, I had to have someone at school write out my math test and essays for english because I just simply could not write for extended periods of time or even hold a pencil for more than 10-15 min without hurting my hand!


The pain is on the "top" of my hand, about two inches under neath the base of the middle finger and extends down to about two inches past my wrist. I also get pain right on the far side of my hand/wrist and numbness in my finger tips.


Thanks for all the ideas & advice. :)

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My husband is a carpenter who also does a lot of long distance trucking. He was having a lot of trouble with his wrists. He never went to a doctor for it but we are both thinking carpal tunnel. I did some research and found out that Stress B vitamins help a lot of people. He started taking them and they results were incredible. He has to keep taking them...if he forgets for even a couple of days, the pain comes back.


Maybe it would be worth a try for you?

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I have reason to have carpal tunnel, but it is tendonitis which is not nerves at all. Surgery really won't help. I use a split on that hand that was fitted by a hand specialist (i.e. not a general ortho), and have specific stretching and icing exercises.

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If you are having problems with the vertebra in your neck, that can cause pain in the wrists. A good chiropractor could help that.


My midwife clued us in to an enzyme called bromelain for carpal tunnel, tendinitis, and other inflammatory conditions. I was pregnant with my first, and my husband was in a wrist brace for tendinitis in his thumb. It was so bad, he had very limited use of that hand and had been on conventional drugs for a few months with no help. He was looking at possible surgical options when my midwife suggested the bromelain. He took it per her suggestion (high dosage in between meals), and his hand was completely healed in three weeks.


I had carpal tunnel and wore braces on both wrists and took 2400mg of ibuprofen a day for the pain per an MD's suggestion. After I gave birth, I tried the bromelain and had the same results as my husband, complete reversal of symptoms.


We have found that after about a year, our symptoms start to return. If we catch it early, we find symptoms disappear again after only 3-4 days of bromelain.


We take 2000 GDUs three times a day between meals/without food.


Bromelain can have some side effects with some people (we didn't experience them), and some people can have allergic reactions if they are allergic to related foods. There are some contraindications and medicine reactions so check into it before trying. For us, it's been wonderful to not require surgery.

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My doctor had me wear the wrist braces whenever I could until the symptoms settled down. Eventually I only had to wear them at night and any time my hands were in upward positions for long periods, such as driving more than a trip across town or painting.


The chiro has helped some as well, but I think the braces have helped more.

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